camel pack running

The problem about the lung makes them crazy because they know that the lack of respiratory capacity of the lung has become an obstacle to running.

Although vital capacity does not determine your ability to run, it determines the upper limit of your running to a certain extent.

At this time, the lung function, that is, how much oxygen is provided to the blood through breathing, Will become a constraint on the further improvement of their sports ability.

Their training in other aspects has reached a perfect level, including cardiac output, hemoglobin density, mitochondria and capillaries…

But the truth is that the best marathon runners in the world are small people with correspondingly small lungs.

How to get enough air through breathing is their top priority.

If you run at high altitude, you have severe asthma because you must inhale more oxygen into your lungs to compensate for the unsaturated state of oxygen in your blood, make the circulatory and metabolic system adapt to the training of long-distance running, improve the ability of oxygen transportation and use, and make you no longer pant when running.

No matter how you think about lung function at the beginning of running or how difficult it is to breathe, lung is not an obstacle to your progress, especially for most “average” people.

In this state, at the same pace, the repeated running action of the body for countless times will have an important impact on the nervous system, which can make the central nervous system call relevant muscles more effectively, so as to make you run more comfortable and improve the function of your body.

The main function of interval running is to stimulate the heart and oxygen supply system.

That is to say, the lung is only a constraint that athletes may face.

The second is to keep running for a long time.

In other words, the influence of lung function on ability will only occur in elite athletes, which affects other sports ability that has reached the physiological limit after training.

At the same time, rest running will also increase the number of mitochondria and enzymes in muscle, and can fully decompose glycogen, making running more powerful.

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The main stimulus to respiration (sea level height) is the increase of carbon dioxide in the blood.

A very simple truth is that if you inhale more oxygen, the higher the probability of getting oxygen from hemoglobin in your body, and vice versa.

When you run fast to the speed limit, the hemoglobin oxygen content is almost 100% saturated.

  Improve the oxygen uptake of human body and solve the problem of wheezing    The key to solve running panting is to improve their oxygen utilization, that is, to improve their cardiopulmonary function and make themselves more fully in gas exchange.

Breathing becomes more frequent as you run faster, because the carbon dioxide formed by muscle metabolism must be excreted through the lungs.

At first glance, running a marathon really needs a strong lung.

  Lung function does not determine your ability to run    Unlike the circulatory and metabolic systems, the lungs do not adapt to training.

We know that the medium for transporting oxygen in the human body is hemoglobin.

Many junior runners complain that they will be in a mess just after running a few intersections.

Your surroundings are full of oxygen, and there is no difficulty for your lungs to take oxygen from the air.

So don’t always blame your lungs if you’re still out of breath after the next hill run or other hard training.

If hemoglobin increases, the body will get more oxygen during gas exchange, so as to get more oxygen during a gas exchange in the body.

If lung size affects marathon performance, you might think that top runners have large lungs that can hold more air.

After all, people breathe through the lungs.

It can promote the growth of muscle fibers and improve the concentration of hemoglobin.

Even trained runners sometimes feel this way.

Focus on “happy running” in blue    👉 Video number with the same name    Runners, if anyone else asks you these questions, show him this article! When you first prepare for a marathon, you may find yourself facing breathing problems.

The lung capacity, which represents the volume of oxygen inhaled by the lungs, first depends on the person’s size.

One is intermittent running.

All these have reached the limit that talent and training can reach.

Trying to get oxygen by breathing deeper won’t make you run easier, because oxygen intake won’t affect your running ability.

There are two ways to improve human oxygen uptake.

By KingWay