After running, full stretching is very important to eliminate fatigue and maintain muscle elasticity and stretch.

We often have some problems after running, such as muscle stiffness and strong legs.

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The first action is to squat into an arrow step, put your hand behind your head, hold your elbow with the other hand, pull back, tilt your body to the straight leg, and stretch the triceps brachii, the lateral lumbar and abdominal muscles and the inner thigh.

After bending over, hold your hands behind your back and stretch upward, but keep your elbows bent, not completely straight, and then lower your head and move your arms forward as much as possible; Stretch the shoulder deltoid toe, chest, trapezius, and hamstrings at the back of the thigh.

In the eighth movement, the feet are close together, the lower leg is pressed in the kneeling position, and the upper hand is extended forward for a period of time; Then take your hands back to your knees, bend your back, and curl your shoulders in.

In 6 minutes, you can complete the stretching of almost all muscle groups of the whole body, each action for 30 seconds.

The seventh action is Cobra pose.

  “An inch long tendon prolongs life by ten years”.

In 6 minutes and 8 actions, relax the whole body muscle group “composite stretching” and practice a set of composite stretching actions.

Hold the inside of the other leg with both hands and gently pull it in; It mainly stretches small muscle groups in the hips and hips.

Compound stretching can solve them more systematically and efficiently.

The third action is to cross your legs.

In the second movement, stand straight with feet shoulder width, cross your hands, grasp your elbow with the other hand and guide backward, while turning your upper body to make your elbow exceed your crotch; Stretch the muscles of the posterior deltoid of the shoulder and back.

Today we recommend a group of “composite stretching”.

The fifth action extends one hand, the finger is down, the other hand is pulled back, and the head is tilted to this hand; Stretch the medial forearm muscles and trapezius muscles.

If you do a set of compound stretching, you will have a strong sense of relaxation.

We are neutral to the viewpoint of the article, only sharing the reference and communication of running friends..

Compared with the traditional stretching of a single relaxing muscle, compound stretching can relax multiple muscles in a compound way.

The sixth action is the lying down position, crossing the ankle on the knee of the other leg.

Pay attention to pull your shoulders back and your chin towards the ceiling; Stretch your abs and neck.

The fourth action is to grasp the legs with both hands from behind, and then stretch back as much as possible.

Lie prone on the floor, put your hands next to your chest, raise your head and arch up.

Stretch the latissimus dorsi, chest, lower back and back neck muscles.

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At the same time, be sure to raise your head and hold your chest out; Stretch the front thighs, chest muscles, and neck.

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By KingWay