The blind people listen to the voice as a sign, “the place with the most people and the busiest.”   At half past six, most of the people gathered.

▲ he Yajun (left) massages the guests in the store.

  At the age of 22, he Yajun left his hometown in Sichuan to study massage in Beijing blind school.

After running, they rush to work and school in the morning rush hour.

Photographed by Feng Yuxin, reporter of Beijing News   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   At 5:20 on September 29, the alarm rang.

After the age of 14, he developed total blindness.

He has overtaken from behind and started the second lap.

The Achilles tendon is slender, the muscles are tight, and the meridians protrude upward from the ankles.

They put computers and change clothes in the bags.

The team is more than ten meters long.

  Running started in the summer of 2014.

  Like many people who love running in Beijing, these blind people regard the Olympic Forest Park as a “holy land for running” because there is “flat land”, “the best air” and an “unprecedented” excitement.

His family lives above he Yajun’s massage shop.

A rough rope pulled two people side by side, each holding a rope buckle in his hand.

  Previously, he Yajun partnered with several volunteers, including journalists, white-collar workers and veterans.

Occasionally, he took the lead in knocking to the door, cabinet and corners.

When he was 17 or 18 years old, his parents took him to Beijing twice for treatment of eye diseases.

Waves brushed your feet.

Gasping for three kilometers, I felt that “my rusty body for many years was released in an instant.”   He Yajun believes that this is a transformation of desire: “when the eyes can’t see, the desire to see is transferred and becomes the desire to release physical energy, which is dependent and addictive.”   When he was tired in long-distance running, he increased the step frequency and stride length, and raised his heart rate to 170 or even 180 times per minute, “this is the best time.”   He began to “double run” every week, five kilometers, seven kilometers and ten kilometers, and the amount of running increased again and again.

  In seven years, his average weekly mileage was 50 kilometers; He has completed 60 or 70 full horse and half horse races at home and abroad, with a total mileage of more than 10000 kilometers.

Volunteer brother Niu waited for him at the door and said “let’s go!” he took brother Niu’s hand and walked to the Olympic Forest Park one kilometer away.

He Yajun put his legs down, groped up and down, slowly put away his bedding and put on his clothes.

Ninety nine percent of blind people are massage masters from dozens of massage shops in Beijing.

Divided into several teams, the volunteers are on the left and the blind are on the right.

“In three hours, the whole horse can’t run 30 or 40 kilometers at once.” last September, he ran out of muscle injury and came downstairs to find he Yajun for massage and conditioning.

  He Yajun is totally blind and visually impaired.

running shin sleeves

As the head of the blind running group, he Yajun once ran a full horse score of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

At first, the regular customers of the store introduced him to several volunteers.

Volunteers are “the most ordinary group of citizens”.

  After he Yajun went to the toilet, ate two cakes and drank 500 ml of hot water, it was nearly six o’clock.

A group file records that more than 40000 people have participated in group running activities in recent years.

When groping out of the room, his legs were the vanguard of his body.

Relying on the “blind friends exchange group” and the joint action between blind friends, they joined the blind running group.

Many people come with backpacks.

  The gathering place is at the South Gate of the Olympic Forest Park.

The two met at this point and gradually became a runner.

The next year, he stayed in Beijing and began to be a massage master.

  No one is a professional athlete, not even a sports player.

He was a runner.

In a few months, these people’s waist became strong and their blood sugar and blood lipid decreased; It’s nothing to run five kilometers around the park.

  Chip engineer little gray wolf is one of the earliest volunteers and is now responsible for the training of new volunteers..

You don’t need a leader, “you can find your direction by stepping on the water.” he also remembers running a marathon in Spain, “the smell of beer all over the street.” the most unforgettable thing is the Beijing marathon.

Brother Niu is his running partner and navigator.

The team is more than ten meters long.

Volunteers led the movement of the rope, tightening and relaxing, which were signals to the blind.

There are also retired people to help.

  Experienced blind people with various running postures can coordinate the rhythm with volunteers; Nervous and newcomers, some of them have stiff hands and feet, can’t bend their legs, can’t swing their arms, and can’t tell whether they are running or walking.

“When you can’t see, your other senses are strengthened and you have memories.” he Yajun remembers a wild run by the sea in Qingdao.

Everything is going on in the dark.

and take a bus for more than two hours to the city.

A rough rope pulled two people side by side.

To turn or avoid people, brother Niu gently pulled the rope in his hand, and he Yajun knew to turn and avoid.

One end of the rope was in his hand and the other was in the hand of brother Niu running synchronously.

He “tacitly accepted” the fact that he was blind.

“When he went to Beijing for the first time, he said that there was a cure rate of 70%; when he went to Beijing for the second time, there were 30%.

He Yajun, 41, has a pair of legs that meet the aesthetics of long-distance runners.

From “can’t walk straight” to “run a lap of five kilometers and run another lap in total”, many blind people ran off half a horse or a whole horse.

The body receives the signal and shrinks back to avoid.

  He Yajun said that he had meningitis at the age of 10 and had no way to seek medical treatment.

They get up at more than 3 a.m.

  At the same time, hundreds of blind people and volunteers are running to the Olympic Forest Park in Beijing: the completely blind are generally guided by semi blind colleagues and friends, some take the subway and some take a taxi.

The farthest ones live in Yanqing District and Fangshan District.

Photographed by Feng Yuxin, reporter of Beijing News   ━━━━━━ running in to tacit understanding   At 7:30, led by brother Niu, he Yajun completed the 16 kilometer run around the park three times.

Five months later, he ran his first full marathon in 5 hours and 56 minutes.

“Those running in Orson said they could take the blind.” he went once with a taste of fresh food.

Most people have just run half a lap.

  Like he Yajun, hundreds of blind people run in the Olympic Forest Park with the help of volunteers every Wednesday and Saturday morning.

  The daily lives of the blind people in the group are surprisingly consistent: they have little choice of other careers, and massage is the destination of the vast majority of people.

Other volunteers in the regiment also come from all walks of life.

  Brother Niu is a retired police officer.

Now, more than 100 people come for a routine run, and more than two or three hundred people.

He has been blind for nearly 30 years.

“When a blind person comes to a store, they bring two or three blind people, and finally the whole store comes.”   When some blind people first came, they couldn’t stand straight and circle their legs.

Before the start, 30000 people gathered in Tiananmen Square to sing Shout, “that guy, the movement is too loud.” the full text is 5272 words, and it takes about 10 minutes to read   ▲ the volunteers are on the left and the blind are on the right.

Even more powerful people, “you can run a complete horse in more than four hours.” ▲ blind people are doing preparatory activities.

“They couldn’t even run in a straight line.” some people fell to the ground and froth after running 800 meters.

Photo provided by respondents: Feng Yuxin, reporter of Beijing News   edit   Hu Jie proofreads Li Lijun.

Healthy people can see three boulders, a lake and the undulating forest behind the lake.

In October 2014, he completed his first half marathon in 2 hours and 27 minutes.

The oldest is over 70.

  He Yajun is the fastest blind man in the group and can keep up with his volunteer “one hand can count”.

  In 2015, he Yajun and several bright eyed volunteers officially established a blind running group.

The operation cost for treatment was more than 10000, and his family” couldn’t afford it twice “.

When you work hard, your muscles and muscles are clear.

  While running, he Yajun was pulled by a 30 cm long rope.

By KingWay