Running brings risks, but it also leads me beyond calm, harmony and smooth operation day after day.

They only exist in the endless, high-intensity, tense and non-stop journey of self pursuit.

My method is running, which is the axis of my creative wheel.

If you want, you can live a life without risk, away from the smelter, away from the fire and flame.

Tension can lead to neurosis, and an uneasy heart may lead to despair.

It makes me an athlete.

“Reduce tension,” the psychologist suggested, and I did.

“Avoid stress,” the doctor warned, and I did.

The real problem is to explore the stored energy.

Moreover, just as physical stress can affect psychology, mental stress can also have a similar impact on the body.

I no longer avoid the tension formed by the gap between the realistic me and the ideal me; I will no longer ignore the gap between the goals achieved and the tasks to be achieved.

Nevertheless, experts may be right.

Moreover, when Maslow suggested that calm, adaptation, self-protection and adjustment were negative thoughts, I knew he was right.

For ordinary people, it may be common sense to agree to live an ordinary life.

It’s easy to follow the advice of experts.

camel pack running

In fact, health may also be lost from this seemingly unnecessary range of physical fitness exercise.

I know I haven’t lived a perfect life worth living again.

Even though I am old, it still urges me to set out towards new goals.

However, if these dangers exist, the opposite statement will be true.

During this time, I was an athlete, a poet, a philosopher and even a saint.

In addition, this range is also quite dangerous, because even when the physical load is exceeded, there is also the terrible threat of overtraining, followed by exhaustion and mental weakness, indifference and depression.

They also tell me that, like William James, I use only a small part of my mental and physical energy.

But without them, our ability will remain under the true self.

Now, I accept pressure and even look for pressure.

  From: the more you run, the stronger your heart is  -.

Stress is a killer.

You don’t need to do this to be healthy.

When you don’t have what Santayana calls “the strongest passion”, that is, the love of work; When you are alone all your life, your greatest desire is not to participate or stir up; When most people you meet are less thoughtful and interesting than you; When your inner heart is more real than your outer life, it is completely effortless to do the above suggestions of doctors and priests.

And I understand that the only answer is to push yourself to the limit; Or is racking our brains to express the truth in precise words; Or to seek the meaning of the self and the universe.

And even at this time, I hope this hill can have a higher peak.

But now, everything out of instinct, intuition and beyond logic tells me that this is not the case.

I can’t be interested or talented in any enterprise, any institution or anyone.

Each hill is a challenge.

In other words, when you compete physically with yourself, you will fully benefit from it and have enough energy to complete these things.

I’m still a lonely person with a small skeleton and love to think wildly.

Running brings risks, but it also leads me beyond calm, harmony and smooth operation day after day.

However, beyond this limitation, I can now accept unlimited possibilities.

It must be crazy.

When running, I see my most important shortcomings and my physical and mental imperfections.

I have to overcome it.

After I started running, I found it easy to relax.

But you should know that joy, happiness and a better life are often unexpected episodes.

No pain or breathing can stop me until I reach the top of the mountain.

Running hasn’t changed this thing.

“Let go of your restlessness,” the priest comforted, and I did the same.

At first, I may take a relaxed step, but soon, the hills appear in front of me.

They tell me that compared with the “I should be”, I am only half awake now.

Running brings me these ideas.

The hour I ran on the road, I didn’t accept any negative thoughts.

By KingWay