02 runner posture repetition times: repeat 15 times for each group, and complete 2 groups for each leg.

07 repetition times of cycling leg swing movement using elastic belt: each group repeats 50 times, and each leg completes 2 groups.

After a full warm-up, do the following exercises.

▼ keep this posture, put the fitness ball on the outside of the left knee, then lift the fitness ball up, forward and right respectively with smooth movements, and finally stop the ball above the right shoulder.

▼ this exercise is the same as cycling leg swing with elastic band, except that the practitioner should tie the elastic band with his back to the fixture.

Keep the legs and body in the low position for 10 seconds.

6.10 seconds static hold.

When doing these actions, swing the left leg forward and upward until the left thigh is parallel to the surface of the stool.

Control the right foot and right ankle, and don’t let the right foot turn outward obviously.

Slight bending of ankle, knee and hip.

Special strength training for running can improve six essential elements in running performance: 1.

▼ stand on a high stool or step (15 ~ 20 cm high) and support with your right foot.

▼ first relax and stand straight with your feet separated.

The above content comes from running mode: how to set running action parameters suitable for you, which is authorized by the people’s post and Telecommunications Publishing House  -.

The toe of your right foot is 75 ~ 90cm away from the wall.

Strength is one of the necessary physical qualities for almost all sports, and it is also very important in running.

Don’t strain your upper body and don’t stare down at your legs during training.

Bend the right hip and raise the knee joint of the right leg to the waist so that the thigh is parallel to the ground.

While swinging the right leg, swing the left arm forward, which is the same as when running.

This time, the left leg extends forward to the left, and keep the left leg straight when approaching the wall.

Slowly and smoothly squat on the right leg until the toe of the left foot touches the ground behind the stool, but still use the right leg to support the weight.

Then start walking slowly forward with your toes.

This set of training can improve the control of feet and legs during swing, correct the defects caused by incorrect running mode, and effectively improve running performance.

When the right knee is almost fully extended, allow the right thigh to move downward and backward.

Relax your left foot and lift it slightly behind your body.


▼ stand on tiptoe and stand as straight as possible to maintain balance for a period of time.

▼ balance the toes of the rear feet on the steps behind you or on the bench, and carefully confirm that the rear feet do not bear the weight of the body at all.

Angular velocity of tibia when touching the ground.

Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out special strength training for running.

▼ the right foot is directly below the right shoulder, the left foot is suspended, stand on one leg, keep the knee joint of the right leg slightly bent, and bear the weight with the whole sole of the right foot.

08 repetitions of reverse cycling leg swing movement using elastic band: 50 repetitions in each group, and 2 groups for each leg.

At the same time, exercise rhythmically and smoothly, and don’t do time limited or intense movements.

Bend your ankle back, relax your toes, and raise your forward moving leg as high as possible in each step.

The vertical force applied to the ground at each step.

Support your weight with your left foot.

  4.10 seconds static hold.

▼ perform the same basic movement and extend the left foot to the right front of the body.

  5.10 squats.

▼ stand in the starting position with feet shoulder width apart.

▼ then start bending the right knee and “scratch” the ground under the body with the right foot until the whole thigh and leg are fully extended at the back of the body.


▼ bend the knee joint of the right leg to lower the body until the thigh and the back of the lower leg are about 135 degrees, and then return to the starting position.

▼ gradually increase the resistance by stably holding a heavy dumbbell or placing a heavy barbell on the shoulder to improve strength and stability.

05 repeat times of toe balance eccentric touch: repeat 10 times in each group (i.e.


▼ after the thigh is parallel to the ground, swing the lower half of the right leg forward until the leg is almost straight, and the thigh should still be parallel to the ground.

  3.10 squats.

When squatting, the knee joint of the unsupported leg should descend in a straight line perpendicular to the heel of the supporting foot.

The time required to apply vertical and horizontal propulsive forces at each step and the resulting step frequency.


▼ keep the right leg raised for a few seconds while maintaining balance.

▼ when doing these actions, control your right foot not to turn sharply inward, and your left foot can not completely touch the wall.

Then straighten your legs and return to the starting position.

▼ keep your body upright and balanced while doing these actions.

▼ lift a 3 ~ 5kg fitness ball with both hands, take a big step forward with the left foot, touch the ground with the whole foot, quickly and smoothly complete a lunge squat, make the left thigh parallel to the ground, and stand on tiptoe with the right foot upward.

Then swing the right thigh up and forward until it is parallel to the ground.

Each step is 1 ~ 2 seconds, and the step length is 25 ~ 30 cm.

Then bend the right leg for the lunge, while moving the left foot towards the wall until the toe touches the wall, and keep the left leg relatively straight.

Through the special strength training of running, runners can directly and clearly change the strength gain obtained to the running action, so as to improve the running mode and speed.

09 half squat repetitions: each leg completes 1 group.

01 number of single leg squat repetitions: each group repeats 12 times, each leg completes 2 groups, and the two groups have a short rest of 10 seconds.

▼ perform the same basic action.

06 high stool step repetition times: repeat 10 times for each group, and complete 2 groups for each leg.

Relax the shoulders and slightly tighten the abdomen and hips.


The horizontal propulsive force applied to the ground at each step.

The hip, knee and ankle on the side of the supporting (left) leg are slightly bent.

▼ don’t lean forward when squatting, and don’t let the trunk sink until the hip is flat with the knee joint of the squatting (supporting) leg.

▼ when doing the action, bend the knee joint of the right leg so that the lower half of the leg is close to the vertical ground.

The swinging leg is the increased vertical propulsive force of the touchdown leg.

Maximum vertical propulsion (key predictor of maximum running speed).

Once the fitness ball reaches the highest point, immediately make it smoothly return to the outside of the left knee (similar to firewood cutting).

▼ fully support your weight with your left leg and hold the wall or other supporting objects with your right hand to maintain balance.

Then put the right leg back on the ground and the left arm back to the relaxed position on the body side.

A group of actions are as follows: 1.10 squats.

▼ then press down the stool with your right foot and straighten your right leg.

Here is a set of special strength training for running.

▼ try to maintain perfect lunge posture and trunk stability.

04 repetition times of fitness ball lunge challenging balance and shaping core: repeat 10 times for each group and complete 2 groups for each leg.


repeat 10 times directly in front, 10 times outside and 10 times inside), and each foot completes 3 groups.

▼ lift your left foot off the ground, place it in front of your body, and straighten your left leg.

▼ first, face a wall or other objects and stand on one foot with your right foot.

fanny pack for gym

Stop swinging backward, lift the right heel and move the right knee forward until the right thigh is parallel to the ground.

03 number of repetitions of reverse ankle dorsiflexion toe walking: 20 meters in each group, complete 2 groups, and take a short rest of 10 seconds between the 2 groups.

By KingWay