There’s nothing wrong with that! But not every pregnant woman can run at will.

They believe that any movement will damage the body.

General injuries are in the initial stage.

What a terrible suggestion! We should drink water scientifically when running a marathon.

They must not act rashly to avoid regret! If you want Pb, you should drink less water! Pb, these two English letters are a great surprise for runners! The reason why some runners continue to participate in marathons and insist on training is that they want to constantly challenge and surpass themselves in the event! Some runners suggest that if you want Pb, you should drink less water, reduce the time to go to the toilet, and avoid disturbing your pace and drinking rhythm due to rest.

All these complete and detailed plans and guidance are the scientific guarantee for pregnant women to adhere to sports normally! Pregnant women can run.

If we don’t have “deep internal skill foundation”, even if we get “Wulin secret script”, forced practice can only hurt our body and won’t become a “great Xia”.

If you are a runner, you must bear the pain! Many radical runners like to say: if you are a runner, you should bear the pain! Whether it’s a strain, knee injury, blister or any other pain, put it aside, because “I can’t stand this small injury, and I’m still a runner”! But in fact, all sports can bring injuries.

Therefore, Xiaobian suggests here: don’t be a hero in front of injuries! Don’t give the injured wrong advice! So as not to cause lifelong regret! You can also run when you are pregnant! Perhaps many inspirational examples in life have shown us how to “create illusion”.

If we stop training and treat them scientifically, we will recover gradually.

Running is destroying your knees! This is the “advice” of “non runners” to “runners”.

camel pack running

Today, Xiaobian wants to talk with you about those bad opinions in running.

Xiaobian solemnly suggests that pregnant women with abortion experience or physical fitness are not particularly good sports, and they are not suitable for running in the early stage of pregnancy.

Even pregnant women with sports experience, if they want to insist on running during pregnancy, they should also listen to the professional advice of doctors.

Giving advice to confused people is a kind act, but if your advice is not based on personal reality or is too provocative, this kind act may bring bad consequences.

Therefore, Xiaobian here to give you a suggestion: some things, or after their own experience, they can really understand whether they are suitable for themselves.

With the prevalence of “wechat rumors”, they wantonly publicized the theory of “running hurts the knee”.

In fact, the Bible of running has already demonstrated that running not only does not hurt the knee, but also is good for the knee! However, we should pay attention to the accuracy and scientificity of running posture and training rhythm, so as to achieve “running Baili without hurting the knee”! These are the five “bad running suggestions that can kill people”.

Because senior runners have rich running experience, they can often provide more “no detours” tips for running Xiaobai.

When many runners saw the videos of pregnant women running the whole horse and Yao Chen adhering to fitness in October, they all had the wrong idea – you can run as you like when you are pregnant! In fact, it’s really not like this! You only see the final results of their running and sports, but you don’t see their preparations for these running and sports – full understanding of their physical condition, the assistance of professional doctors and sports coaches, scientific diet and sports plans…

Have you ever heard any more outrageous suggestions? Communicate in the message area!.

However, if we blindly emphasize the runner’s “spiritual power” and ignore the painful sound made by the body, it may cause irreversible regret.

Although most sizes of shoes are comfortable to run, novice runners are more likely to wear blisters or sprain their feet.

Some people in life believe that “life lies in stillness”.

We must not joke about health because we want to save a little time! Such bad advice may cause the runner to not finish the race normally! Serious will also make the runner’s body appear health hazards! You need more than half a size to buy running shoes! Most of these subtle suggestions are provided by old runners to novices.

By KingWay