Listening to books is the absorption of knowledge; The empty state during running is the relaxation of the brain; Thinking during running is the internalization of knowledge and reflection of experience.

  In the workplace, we also need to record daily, weekly and monthly reports, the resumption of each R & D version, the problems encountered in demand review, R & D and user use.

Therefore, long-term running makes people develop a sense of delayed satisfaction, have more endurance and toughness, face various problems in the workplace, better adjust their mentality and calmly deal with complex situations.

Each problem solution is a progress.

For the parts that cannot be achieved at present, take the initiative to learn, constantly improve and keep pace with the times, so that there will be no middle-aged anxiety.

Novices in the workplace feel the same way when they are on the road.

At any time, Find the industry experts you can find, consult and learn, and get twice the result with half the effort.

If you like, like running, go running.

My answer is that each stage has its own choice to do.

From 2020 to 2021, we can see that the running distance becomes longer, but the pace decreases, from 5 minutes and 55 seconds per kilometer to 6 minutes and 37 seconds per kilometer, which is just close to my marathon pace.

The workplace is not a 100 meter sprint every day.

  Running, don’t think about whether you can insist.

In fact, time makes people open the gap.

A colleague asked me why there are fewer articles written in official account now.

For work, the same is true.

The same is true in the workplace.

What can I do? 3.

We need long-term records, reflection and summary.

The workplace is also boring many times.

Now it looks like it’s a little close.

In the eyes of most people, loving running is boring.

We need to look at the longer term.

You can see: “my first marathon: data driven science to finish the marathon”.

Choose a direction, make a plan, set milestones and move forward iteratively to achieve the goal.

Running and workplace advancement in 2020, run 3-4 times a week, 5 kilometers each time, and more than 100 kilometers each month.

Therefore, I entered a new running stage from August, and completed my first half marathon in August, which is regarded as entering a new running stage.

  During running, record the whole process data with a running watch, and pay attention to key data indicators: distance, pace, time, heart rate, step frequency, etc.

If you love running, you won’t feel boring.

Novice running in 2019, I ran sporadically for 1-2 times in April and may, which is not counted as starting running.

I still want to run when I’m too busy, so I have to do it at the same time.

After more than a year of running practice, I finally ran the first full marathon in my life in December 2020.

Even when I was in full bloom and had the best physical strength by visual inspection more than 20 years ago, I look forward to the marathon.

Instead, I want to go to work and do what I want to do in the company, either to work or to start a business..

Anxiety arises because the enterprise has made progress with the times, but the individual ability has not improved synchronously and lags behind.

This is the adjustment of rhythm.

In fact, this is the result of accumulation every day, but the training every day is not exercise in the morning, but the effect in the evening.

I didn’t think I could run the whole marathon in my 40s.

Depending on the running time, road conditions, current mentality, etc., there are several running states:     one   Focus on the current running and run with empty mind; two   Stadium and park runways, wear bone conduction headphones, run, listen to music and books; three   Run with friends and chat while running; 4.

This comfort is not the comfort of lying flat, but an efficient rhythm of individual and team cooperation and progress, with passion for work and phased output of results.

Graduating from college, constantly playing strange and upgrading, and entering the world’s top 500 enterprises, from ordinary staff to product directors, is a luxury for many people.

What level should they reach after working for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years? Think about three questions: 1.

In August, under the guidance of runner Xiao a, I finished 10K running for the first time, and personally felt the fun of heart rate running.

I started running 3km at a time, 2-3 times a week, totaling more than 30km a month.

Time is not enough and can only be chosen, I used to write articles outside of work and family.

Facing the workplace, the same is true.

The time allocation faced by many of us is nothing more than family, work and personal interests.

If I had started preparing three years ago, I wouldn’t be worse now, such as foreign language ability, data analysis ability, market research and analysis ability, and product scheme output ability.

In March 2021, I began to try to run 5k-10k every day and more than 200km every month.

It also needs long-term planning, perceiving the changes of the future track in the process of running, and constantly improving the ability level, so as to run more calmly.

It is a longer-term road than running a marathon.

My direct feeling was that I learned to run in a relatively relaxed state, and my external performance was that I could chat while running.

Every major and post has a path of continuous improvement.

I started running in June 2019 and have been running for more than two years now.

Other running states are interview and teleconference.

More running, less article updates.

There are too many similarities between running and the workplace.

Where they spend their time at ordinary times, there will be corresponding results.

The greatest feeling in this process is the enhancement of confidence.

The same is true in the workplace.

The process of running is also a process of growth.

Treadmill, you can watch videos while running;   When running, it is not recommended to bring in earphones, which is a potential safety hazard.

The pace becomes slower, the running is more comfortable, and the running process is more enjoyable.

I jogged in the heart rate range of 107-140 (180 age), fat burning heart rate and aerobic effect heart rate.

Just as running a full marathon requires long-term training, from 5km to 10km, to 15km, to 21.09km, to 30km and 35km are milestones after milestones.

If I find something I like, I don’t have to wake myself up by the alarm clock to go to work.

fanny pack for gym

Lifting your feet, walking and swinging your arms…

I accelerate, get tired in the second kilometer, slow down, finish the last kilometer quickly, and then run three kilometers tired and panting.

These all need time to learn courses and practical training.

What are the requirements of the market for talent ability in this direction? Make plans in advance and follow the development of the times.

It is a process of accumulation and thin hair.

Now I spend my time writing articles on running.

Last week, a friend came to me to talk about career development.

Instead of learning sporadically when they encounter problems, it’s better to find a workplace mentor and give guidance from a higher perspective.

Here are some insights.

In June, I officially started running.

I saw some job requirements and couldn’t sigh.

What do you want to do? 2.

Later, when I was able to run half a horse, I knew the importance of pace and heart rate.

Even some suggestions will benefit newcomers a lot.

This is a novice who can only run three kilometers.

A middle-aged man with two children like me is also a pioneer.

In the novice stage, the important thing is to find a mentor, understand and master learning methods and working methods, and enter a comfortable working state of your body and mind.

The main reason why I could run continuously was that my body was in a relatively comfortable exercise state rather than an exhausted sprint state.

When I run 3km, I feel excited about my body in the first kilometer.

If you run more calmly, you can run more steadily and lasting.

From training to competition, I summarized an article.

When they are new to the workplace, there is a trial process for new fields, and there are many things they don’t understand.

Time is limited and it is difficult to take into account all.

If you want to overcome difficulties and insist on doing something, it’s very painful and natural.

By KingWay