Keep step by step: after a period of time, if you feel that there is no problem with the current training intensity, gradually extend the time of jogging and reduce the time of fast walking.

The effect of stopping running for 4 weeks on muscle strength peaked, and then entered a stable period.

Taking 5K as an example, it could have been run in 20 minutes.

At present, there are not many research results on the effect of stopping running on muscle strength.

Many runners don’t want to rest because they are worried that their performance will be affected.

If runners have fever, stuffy nose, severe dyspnea or dizziness, they also need to stop running and wait for physical recovery.

If you stop running for 9 weeks, the maximum oxygen uptake will be reduced by 19%.

Therefore, we must start to develop a training plan again.

In fact, even walking on the runway for 20 minutes is better than sitting still.

Take a cold as an example.

There is a measure to treat injuries in the running world, called rice therapy, which is the acronym of rest, ice, compression and elevation.

Isn’t it like life itself? Photo source: runner @ Yao miaoyan Xinsen part of this article comes from the Internet          Please contact to delete..

In addition to normal rest, runners need to arrange extra rest time for themselves if they are ill, have just completed a large race, feel physically tired, tired of running, slightly injured but will worsen if they insist on running.

The change of maximum oxygen uptake will also affect the runner’s speed.

People always complicate running and use some unnecessary things as an excuse to escape.

The amount of training should not be too small: injury prevention is the reason not to do too much training in the early stage, but it is not an excuse for laziness.

Just adjust it and continue.

After all, the human body is not a machine, and it is impossible to carry out high-intensity training every day.

Running is a part of life.

However, the impact of stopping running on the body may be obvious.

If you don’t run for 11 weeks, the maximum oxygen uptake can be reduced by 25%.

Will running interruption for a week or more adversely affect runners? First of all, we should have a normal cognition, that is, we should arrange our own rest in the running plan.

Reformulate the training plan: many runners may have achieved good results and think running for 30 minutes is a little fun, but this idea often puts themselves in danger.

Generally speaking, if you are uncomfortable above the neck, such as sore throat and runny nose, you can insist on running, but reduce the intensity by half.

If you stop running for a period of time, when you feel that your muscles and cardiopulmonary function have decreased significantly, you can refer to some suggestions given by sports experts to rebuild your running plan: take action first: don’t be a giant of thought and a dwarf of action, take action as soon as possible.

If runners are sick, they may not need rest.

For ordinary pain, rest is the simplest but also the most effective treatment.

running sling bag

It is important to integrate the training program into your life and keep it going, at least three to four days a week.

If your body allows, you can do low impact sports such as yoga, swimming and water running to keep fit.

This process can take months, depending on your health.

Taking part in the fierce competition without being prepared may take you a few more months to recover.

It’s not a good idea to participate in the competition at the beginning of your retraining.

Runners can relieve pain and swelling through rest.

The study found that resting for 10 days will not change the maximum oxygen uptake of runners.

If you rest for 9 weeks, you may add another 3 minutes.

However, runners can cross train according to their physical conditions.

After all, the amount of exercise is reduced.

If you rest for two weeks, it may take 21 minutes to run.

Rest means rest.

At the beginning, try to jog while walking, run 1km, walk 1km or run for 5 minutes, walk for 5 minutes, and maintain the frequency once a day.

It is not advisable to do a large amount of exercise at first, but too little exercise can not achieve the ideal exercise effect.

In the process of training, gradually restore the intensity, and carry out appropriate strength and stretching exercises at the same time.

One study showed that stopping running for 10 days had no significant effect on muscles.

In fact, a few days of rest basically will not have a great impact on the state, especially for runners who feel fatigue or physical pain, a few days of rest will play a positive role, which is conducive to the improvement of running performance.

During the National Day holiday, many runners interrupted their original running plans because they went home or went on a trip.

It doesn’t mean anything to fail to keep the original plan occasionally for practical reasons.

If it is discomfort below the neck, such as chest tightness, diarrhea, etc., you need to wait until you fully recover before running.

It will be reduced by 6% only after resting for two weeks.

By KingWay