06 too much exercise intensity, too long running time or too much intensity will lead to a relative increase in the amount of activity of the joint, resulting in strain of the muscles and other soft tissues around the joint and excessive wear of the joint, resulting in pain.

02 do not warm up before running, do not do enough warm-up exercise before running, and the joints, ligaments and muscles of the body are not active, so they can not adapt to the running state, which is easy to lead to the strain of joints and ligaments, resulting in joint pain.

Is that right? What is the cause of joint pain? Let’s hear what the doctor of Sijing hospital said.

Some studies have given an upper limit of running volume: running 10 kilometers a day is not harmful to the knee, but beneficial.

Did you run today? Running has many benefits for the human body.

What are the causes of knee pain after running? 01 shoes are not suitable for people with low arch or flat feet, often with excessive internal rotation of the sole, while those with high arch often have excessive external rotation of the sole.

Does running get arthritis? Running is harmless to the knee, but intensive training like professional athletes can cause joint problems.

You should be within your own ability.

04 do not stretch after running.

08 if the muscle strength is not strong enough, you should pay attention to exercise according to your own physical condition.

If you insist on long-distance running for more than 10 years, your knee will still not be damaged.

running sling bag

05 sudden exercise usually does not exercise at all, and suddenly carries out intensive running exercise.

Once they do, it is recommended to stop running.

Individuals may have knee pain and other symptoms at the beginning of running.

07 incorrect posture, incorrect landing posture and excessive stride range will increase the impact on the knee joint, which is prone to knee joint pain.

The selected field has poor elasticity when running.

Arthritis generally refers to inflammatory diseases that occur in human joints and their surrounding tissues and are caused by inflammation, infection, degradation, trauma or other factors.

However, some people often have knee pain after running, and even think they have arthritis.

You can go to the hospital to see if there are basic joint lesions or poor running posture and other factors, which can be corrected in time to avoid aggravating joint injury.

It can exercise cardiopulmonary function, release pressure and promote sleep.

In severe cases, joint disability affects the quality of life.

If you can’t bear too much pressure at the moment, you will feel pain.

Moderate running can not only be beneficial to many organs of the whole body, but also not hurt the joints.

Wearing inappropriate running shoes can cause ankle and knee pain.

The clinical manifestations are joint redness, swelling, heat, pain, dysfunction and joint deformity.

03 the running field is not suitable.

Correspondent: Wei Min editor: Wang Shushu..

For example, running on hard concrete ground can easily lead to damage to knee joint, ankle joint and other parts, resulting in pain.

There is no adaptation process for the joint parts.

After running, the tight muscles during running are not relaxed, which will reduce muscle elasticity, muscle strain and joint pain for a long time.

Generally speaking, it also has a certain protective effect on the joints, so those who want to run run run! However, for people who have no sports foundation before, especially those who are overweight, it is necessary to let the body gradually adapt to running at the beginning.

If it exceeds the range of joint load, you will have pain.

By KingWay