In fact, everyone also lives for their own better, and you have become an example of releasing infinite positive energy   If you ask me how I persist in running so tired, I want to say: there is no shortcut to running.

God gives you a leather bag.

We constantly explore ourselves and complete the unfinished mission ▽   Sometimes, you laugh that I’m sweating and tired and become a dog.

They just enjoy life in their own way, but in the end they accidentally become an example of others   This is for your own efforts, but in the end it has affected many people around you.

Scan the QR code and join the running circle   click.

Every step of life needs to run steadily.

When you plan to start running, it may be because you are fat enough to be laughed at by your friends, or because you can’t stand your weakness, or because of your health, the doctor suggests you run   ▽   No matter what the reason is, it’s definitely not because of this: I want to set an example for everyone and let them regard me as a fitness inspiration.

You can make it bloated or make it angular, but I don’t want to be the worst in the most beautiful time   Running allows us to constantly break through ourselves and let us clearly know who we are and what kind of lifestyle we want to live.

Let’s listen to our hearts rather than the views of others   Therefore, over time, runners bring their own light for a long time, and you will find that more and more people in your circle of friends are driven by you.

In our eyes: running makes us enrich every day, and we have expectations every day.

running rucksack

I don’t understand, but I enjoy the process.

We regard running as a record in our life, not to deliberately cater to who and change yourself.

I am used to running, just like you are used to breathing.

Running brings us pleasure, which people who don’t run will never experience   Running not only sublimates your body, but also tells you a philosophy of life.

I love running.

What makes you have such a great influence ▽   Running is just a way of life, not to prove to others that you love drinking.

In fact, we don’t know that we can inspire others, because we are busy with our own life and growth, and we don’t even notice our impact on others   Running ≠ expensive cost, in the eyes of outsiders: running = a waste of time and money.

It has been integrated into my blood and deep into my bone marrow.

It all depends on death.

All goals will not be achieved overnight.

You are enjoying life, while I am enjoying life   Running, trying to run different landscapes, the process of life is the process of constantly pursuing ourselves.

By KingWay