In other words, such fruit and vegetable juice has higher calories and carbohydrates than coke.

The hostess of the B & B gave her a bottle of yogurt she often drank.

Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid in tea oil, etc.) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid, linolenic acid in vegetable oil and EPA and DHA in fish oil).

  Fan Zhihong, director of China Nutrition Society, said that the sugar content of lactic acid bacteria drinks is usually more than 15%.

It is recommended to drink in limited quantity, no more than 200ml per day.

It can simply cut off food and clear the body.

Moreover, the doctor stipulates that the source of these sugars cannot be high sugar junk food, such as ice cream, soda, etc., and must choose foods and drinks recognized as healthy.

  After two months of “healthy diet”, the doctor determined that Damon, who was in good health before the experiment, now belongs to the high-risk group.

  (3) Large nutritional loss.

Fruit and vegetable juices are easier to swallow than fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, the fruit residue is removed, which wastes a lot of dietary fiber and minerals.

  So, how much sugar does a bottle of lactic acid bacteria drink contain?   In June this year, Shenzhen consumer committee carried out a comparative test of milk containing drinks.

Dressed in the coat of healthy food, they unconsciously eat into our stomachs.

carnivorous fish.

Fish meat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential substances for the brain and eye nervous system, such as salmon, tuna, etc.

  She suggested that for adult women with light physical activity, the daily sugar intake should be limited to less than 45 grams, preferably less than 22.5 grams.

Source: National Pavilion (ID: guoguan5000) 01 the so-called healthy food may not be healthy at all.

  Drinking fruit and vegetable juice sounds very healthy.

It can provide essential fatty acids and promote the absorption of fat soluble nutrients.

The advertisement says that four bottles of fruit and vegetable juice can replace meals a day, with high fiber and low calories.

Doesn’t look like much?   But what Xiaoxi doesn’t know is that the energy of coke is 180 kJ and the carbohydrate is 10.6 g in the same 100ml.

Unexpectedly, the breakfast that looks very healthy already contains 20.5 teaspoons of sugar, accounting for half of the target sugar intake of the day.

At the same time, it is also a part of cell membrane structure and tissue structure.

When it is sour, sweet and delicious, people are willing to buy it and drink it.

Even low sugar Yakult has a carbohydrate content of 14.1g/100ml.

Under the supervision of doctors, nutritionists and blood experts, he ingested 40 teaspoons of sugar (about 160 grams) every day for 60 days to see what changes would happen to the body.

They don’t feel strong after drinking, and they starve faster after drinking.

  (2) Easy to drink.

It can replace butter and salad dressing, such as olive oil, corn oil, etc.

  According to the analysis of doctor clove, there are three unhealthy aspects of fruit and vegetable juice:   (1) High sugar content.

  40 teaspoons of sugar sounds like a lot.

  Therefore, whether it is commercially available fruit juice or self squeezed fruit juice, it is better to eat fresh fruit directly.

  Recently, some Jianyou asked the editor many questions about fat intake.

  In order to understand the impact of sugar on the body, Damon regarded himself as a white mouse.

  After the 60 day experiment, Damon had a big belly, a lot of acne on his face and became irritable, and his triglyceride level rose from 0.08 to 1.5.

If you want to lose weight by drinking fruit juice alone, you may get fatter and fatter.

  The experiment began.

Classification of fat the fat in food is mainly divided into saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.

  After dinner, a bottle of lactic acid bacteria to promote digestion? Probably ate another bowl of white rice.

  The nutritional composition table is also printed, which shows:   A pineapple with apple juice, per 100ml, the energy is 214 kJ, and the carbohydrate is 12.3 G.

   03 fruit and vegetable juice these two days, Xiaoqian was moved by an advertisement to lose weight with fruit and vegetable juice.

  Among these 20 drinks, the sucrose content of “Hong Kong Yakult active lactic acid bacteria” is quite high, which is 13.8g/100ml.

The content of unsaturated fat in vegetable fat is 80% ~ 90%, while saturated fat is only 10% ~ 20% Excessive intake of saturated fatty acids can easily lead to cardiovascular diseases, so more unsaturated fatty acids should be consumed in daily diet.

In order to taste good, businesses have to add a lot of sugar to neutralize the sour taste.

When purchasing, pay attention to the carbohydrate content.

Animal fat contains 40% ~ 60% saturated fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids are about 30% ~ 50%.

  However, it is clear that our domestic yogurt and Lactobacillus drinks are sweet in acid and easy to import.

  This is because the drink contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, which will be very stimulating.

  02 lactic acid bacteria drinks some time ago, during the National Day golden week, Xiao Mei went to Paris for a tour.

Saturated fatty acids.

There is a person who doesn’t eat chocolate, ice cream or coke, eats healthy food such as cereal, yogurt and fruit juice every day, and insists on running for 3 laps and fitness for 10 minutes every day.

deep sea fish oil..

(source: China Consumer Network)   In a bottle of ordinary coke, the carbohydrate content is 10.6g/100ml, that is:   Also 100ml, the carbohydrate content of Yakult is 1.33 times higher than that of coke.

In fact, it is equivalent to the average daily sugar intake of Australians.

  This is not a fabricated story, but a real-life experiment conducted by Australian director Damon.

It can be seen in the film that during the experiment, Damon didn’t drink a soda and didn’t touch a chocolate.

Seeds and nuts should be the correct choice of fat.

The food source of fat in the daily diet, the food source of fat is mainly animal fat and vegetable fat.

As soon as Xiao Mei drank it, she found that the yogurt was so sour that it was hard to swallow.

  A month later, he got fatty liver; Two months later, he gained 17 kg and his waist circumference soared by 10 cm.

Today, the editor will talk about this “fat”.

Among the 20 milk drinks involved, it was found that the sucrose content was generally high.

  Some people will say that if I squeeze fruit and vegetable juice myself and the real materials are not added, will it be healthier than the fruit and vegetable juice I sell?   In fact, all fruit juices are not as healthy as we think, even if they are squeezed by themselves.

The fatty acids of all animal oils are saturated fatty acids.

  The whole process of the experiment was made into a documentary by Damon: “a film about sugar”.

compression socks running

In fact, to a large extent, it’s just that it’s more convenient to drink the sugars that can fatten the fruit.

vegetable oil.

Why should we eat fat? Fat is the main source of energy.

If you “talk about fat color change” and fear fat, Then you deprive your body of essential nutrients for basic health maintenance.

After fruit and vegetable juicing, sugar is more easily absorbed.

If you drink 340 ml of this medium-sized lactobacillus beverage on the market, you will consume 51 grams of sugar.

When juicing, fruits and vegetables will be exposed to oxygen and vitamins will be oxidized and destroyed.

  Lactobacillus beverage belongs to sweet beverage, not milk beverage.

It can store energy as energy during muscle work.

How could he eat so much sugar?   In fact, in our life, in addition to the well-known high sugar foods such as milk tea, soda and chocolate, there are many invisible sugars and oils.

What do you have for breakfast? Damon chose grains, low-fat yogurt and apple juice.

The oil contained in fat is unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid, linolenic acid and other fatty acids necessary for human body, such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, almond, walnut, etc.

Unsaturated fatty acids (except fish oil) are indispensable fatty acids for human body.

It is best to choose low sugar products, that is, less than 5g / 100ml.

By KingWay