Babette Davis, 75, runs to make her younger ☝ Babette Davis from California is a world-class health chef, fitness expert and motivational speaker.

  Running makes blood vessels younger, the Journal reported ☝ A report published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in January 2020 pointed out that in the new hands of marathon, the healthy people who insist on six months of pre competition training have improved their blood pressure and aortic stiffness, which is equivalent to the reversal of vascular age for four years.

You can’t find the changes it brings in a short time, but over time, you will find that running has a subtle impact on your body, temperament and even your mind.

  The study was conducted in this way.

  Feel more comfortable   If we are depressed for a long time, our skin will be dull and mottled! Especially nowadays, the pressure of life is increasing.

Of course, other aerobic exercises have similar effects.

It’s not just a reason to tempt you to run, but it really has a scientific basis!!   Many scientists have used long-term follow-up research to show that the benefits of running are far more than what your eyes can see, and its therapeutic ability for some diseases can even exceed drugs.

Women’s strongest weapon is: age is a mystery, body invincible! Running can help us open a full day, have a good attitude, and be born from the heart!   Exercise is actually a process of persistence.

In recent years, with the rise of national sports, more and more people run.

You will also find that your willpower is slowly improving.

When you insist on running, you will go to bed early every day, no longer stay up late to brush the drama, and no longer sleep until you wake up naturally on weekends.

There is no need to procrastinate.

They often work overtime and stay up late, which is very stressful! Running can relax our mood and reduce our mental pressure, which can make our skin better and younger..

  The competition team provided a “rookie training plan” for these novices, which ran 3 times a week for 6 months, with a total mileage of 9.6-21km.

Just looking at the photos, this “little sister in her early twenties” has been running for 8 years.

At the same time, the age of vascular biology was evaluated according to the actual age and the degree of stiffness of the aorta.

The difficulty is gradual.

Life begins to become slowly regular, and the whole person is radiant.

Before their training, and within 1 week and 3 weeks after the marathon, their blood pressure was measured, and the degree of aortic stiffness was assessed by cardiovascular MRI.

Just looking at the photos, this is a woman in her early 40s.

The average age was 37 years old, of which 49% were male, had no history of heart disease, and ran no more than 2 hours a week before the start of the study.

 # 03 why “never” run   In fact, whether running makes you look younger or not, it is the best way to prevent aging.

Many people aged 75 who often run actually have the same cardiovascular health level as the middle-aged people aged 40-45.

  It seems that running “destroys” only people’s age, but retains your young body.

Born in 1951, she is 70 years old! “You have to start eating healthier, and you have to run.”   Running may not immediately make you healthy or 10 years younger, but 10 years later, the people around you are 10 years older, and you may still be what you are today!  # 02 running makes blood vessels “young” 4-year-old running makes people young.

  Regular runners look younger than their peers because their brains shrink more slowly.

At the same time, Hua Jingyan’s figure curve is becoming more and more obvious.

  Data show that running can really “reverse” the age of blood vessels ☝ The results showed that training could reduce systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure by 4MMHG and 3mmHg respectively.

  When you keep running for a period of time, although you still have a little procrastination, as long as you think of running, you can stick to it.

  Some people run younger and younger, while others run worse and worse.

Those who run 20 kilometers a week are on average 8 years younger physically and younger in muscle and bone than sedentary people of the same age.

  Temperament and figure are very young, only very old ☝ In these eight years, from the beginning of 3km a day to running 8km a day, her endurance has gradually improved and her body has become stronger and stronger.

running waist packs

  Keeping running will make you have a strong heart and cardiovascular system; Running can exercise 50% of your lungs that are often idle and improve your cardiopulmonary ability; Increase your lymphocytes to enhance immunity and reduce blood pressure; Improve cervical vertebra and shoulder discomfort caused by often sitting in front of the computer; Lose the fat of the body and improve the metabolism of the body; Improve the strength of joints and the flexibility of ligaments; Increase the strength and density of bones   Self growing against age    If you insist on running, do you feel that your skin and mental state are getting better and better, and you feel that you are growing inversely.

This is because you can:    Less illness   The original intention of most people to start running may be to lose weight, but when you slowly like running, you will gradually find that there are too many changes in our body brought by running in addition to losing weight.

This benefit was most pronounced among older male runners who ran slower.

Those who often insist on running have slower brain shrinkage and faster thinking.

What is the reason? Is it scientific to say that running makes people young?  # 01 runners “devastated” by running   Running makes 38 year old Hua Jingyan unable to see her age ☝ The picture above shows South Korea’s sports talent Hua Jingyan, who quickly became popular on the Internet because of her beautiful figure and sweet sunshine image in the marathon.

Indeed, running, as one of the most popular sports, is changing people’s physical quality and quality of life.

Many people are very busy.

From 2016 to 2017, 138 healthy runners running for the first time were included in the marathon runners in London.

Through running, “she has reached the age of 65”.

She has “run” her age into a 38 year old housewife, but her appearance is still in bloom.

  Self disciplined life and firm will.

                           Hong Kong actor Michelle, can you see that she is 65 years old ☝ Last year, Hong Kong actor Michelle encouraged everyone on social media to “isolated days: exercise and running every day, hoping to affect everyone”.

  Running regularly for a long time can benefit you a lot.

Overall, with the progress of training, the stiffness of the aorta of these runners has improved, which is most obvious at the distal end of the aorta, and its expansibility has increased by 9% – 16%, which is equivalent to the reversal of the “aortic” age for 4 years.

  Enhance skin cell vitality   Aerobic exercise can make our skin more healthy and elastic, improve the vitality of skin cells, and improve the regeneration and repair ability of skin cells.

It is her habit of running that makes her skin firm and her figure fit, which makes her look counter age.

By KingWay