Because the longer you run, the more tired you will be.

The faster the speed, the heavier the weight of the soles of the feet falling to the ground.

However, this is not simply about “landing well on the forefoot”.

The runner with strong “pull-up” ability will retract the rear foot towards the hip faster during the running process.

If you hit your knees straight to the ground, it’s even worse.

Photo   How can vianike pull up well? During running, the hamstrings are responsible for pulling the supporting foot off the ground.

You will find that the posture becomes very stiff, and even your knees will be uncomfortable when landing.

After the body feels tired, the muscle strength is insufficient and the pulling up is not timely, and the support time for the conversion of both feet will increase accordingly.

When running, I always don’t know the point.

The lack of leg strength will also directly lead to the reduction of stride and the slowdown of running speed.

It should be noted that when practicing these movements, you don’t have to deliberately think about which muscle to exert force, just think about completing “pulling the soles of your feet in the direction of your hips”.

> > Reminder: after each pull-up, you should do some small wooden box bouncing or run a short section.

When the body ends its contact with the ground, retract the foot under the hip in time for the next support, so as to start falling.

If you’ve been running with these problems: you think you’re running well, every step of the video is on the back heel; I think my stride is not big.

When I watch my video, I always stride, and I always have knee pain; I always think of “landing on the ground in front of my feet”.

I don’t believe you jump in place and try.

Today, I recommend five exercises of pulling up, hoping to help you.

Romanov “how to run” cause running injuries for many reasons.

running beanie

▲ mofrah’s running posture.

Conversion support.

In sprints, pulling the supporting foot from the ground late (or not in time) can even cause hamstring injuries, which will deform your running posture.

Keep your hips as level as your thighs and don’t fall down.

Change your feet after 10 times- 03 – > > the starting position of the exercise method is push up.

Change your feet after 10 times- 04 – > > practice method: lie on the ground and directly pull the heels of both feet to the hips.

▲ heel landing is because the Achilles tendon cannot absorb and buffer pressure when the heel lands.

One of the core problems of these wrong postures is that you may not do enough when changing support, that is, you don’t have enough ability to “pull your hind foot back below your hips”.

In more detail, you can use Mr.

If the hamstring muscles are not developed enough, the supporting foot and the whole leg will fall behind the hips, and the falling movement of the body will be greatly affected.

Pull up is the only one of the three elements of running that requires muscle “active” force, so we need to train the muscle groups we need to use when pulling up.

Because we hope you can learn to let your muscles pull up together- 01 – > > practice method: stand on the box, tie elastic rope to one ankle and pull up.

Good strength is very good for your running.

Keep your hips and back as horizontal as possible, and pull your heels towards your hips as much as possible.

Among the three core elements of posture running (key running posture, falling and pulling up): pulling up is the only action that needs active force.

Change your feet after 10 times.

Because “the forefoot touches the ground first” is only pulled up in time — the result of natural landing is only one of its symbols, and causality cannot be inverted.

Xu Guofeng’s point of view that muscle strength in running has three main tasks: supporting weight.

Elastic ropes can be tied to posts or other fixed places- 05 – > > practice method: lie on the ground and pull the heel of one foot to the hip.

The closer to the center of gravity of the natural landing, the higher the efficiency and less vulnerable to injury.

This means that if you deliberately touch the ground with your forefoot – for example, touch the ground with your toes in front of your body, or just land with your forefoot and run with your feet on your feet, these are wrong.


No matter which muscle you use, keep your body straight.

In the process of running, the back foot quickly retracts the foot to the hip, which is what we often say: pull up.

In this case, the pressure on the whole body, especially on the knee, will also increase.

This is determined by your physical structure.

This position is the landing position that can give full play to the elasticity of muscles and tendons, buffer pressure and carry weight.

The runner who falls on the metatarsal ball will better master the “key running posture”.

Reference: Zhanlu culture “you can run faster” and Dr.

If you change your movement, deliberately land on your heels and jump again.

In addition, the longer the running distance, the greater the possibility of running posture deformation.

Remember that all unnatural landing methods are inefficient.

Correct posture + complete strength is the best secret for you to run old without injury and disease.

Jogging is 1.5 times the weight and sprinting is up to three times the weight.

Stable posture, such as keeping the upper body straight at high step frequency, without leaning the trunk forward.

What we can actively control is mainly running posture and muscle strength.

Source: most running colleges (ID: paobuxueyuan) know that strength training is very important for runners.

You can’t run fast and far, but also greatly increase the risk of injury.

Change your feet after 10 times- 02 – > > practice method: lie on your back with your hands on the floor and pull the heel of one foot to your hips.

What part landed?).

Quickly pull the back foot back under the hip to form the next support point.

▲ pull it up if it is pulled up timely enough, the body weight will be more concentrated on the body center of gravity, which will naturally urge the runner to concentrate the falling part of the front foot on the plantar ball of the front foot (this is a human instinct.

Therefore, the pull-up action in place has a series of benefits for the improvement of runners’ running skills.

It’s awkward to run, and even become “running on tiptoe”.

Its benefits are mainly reflected in the following two aspects: strengthening muscles and connective tissue, enhancing neuromuscular coordination, so as to improve running efficiency.

Good pulling up is inseparable from good strength.

If you don’t understand the above explanation, but try to stand up now, jump in place and watch how you land? Yes, touch the ground with the forefoot directly below the hip.

By KingWay