It is this extreme concentration and strong self-control that makes him still hale and hearty in his 70s and maintain a strong desire for creation.

There is a good saying: “self-discipline does not just mean becoming beautiful and thin, but also an attitude towards life and the ability of self-control.” to become self-discipline, you need to fight your laziness, overcome all kinds of difficulties, work and rest regularly and find your own rhythm..

On weekdays, Murakami is bored by the trivial things in life, tired interpersonal relationships and the great pressure of writing.

For decades, he has been running for tens of thousands of miles.

On the way, he occasionally wore headphones to listen to his favorite rock music, or let his thoughts drift aimlessly in the blank.

At first, he was reluctant, but after the first 5K, he felt unprecedented relaxation, as if all the depression in his heart was drained with sweat.

Writing novels is the same.

Don’t think about anything, one step after another, just run forward.

Many people will think of the label of “Nobel runner”.

Murakami enjoyed his own time.

His mental and physical state is much worse than before.

Although he has been running with him in the awards, he has always been his protagonist on the track of life.

Think of a while ago, Han Han also searched because of overheating in running.

So he began to try running.

The difference between active and inactive life can be seen from a person’s body and mental state.

People who keep exercise habits will not live too badly.

He was depressed all day.

As the writer arol said, “on the way of running, no one speaks to you, but you are communicating.

So he chose to run to eliminate too much loneliness and keep his body and mind in a healthy and balanced state.

For example, they all need attention, patience and no distractions.

Source: every night, a book originally mentions Haruki Murakami.

In and out, the troubles of life are cured.

In fact, people don’t have to be too full in this life.

Murakami Chunshu said that writing and long-distance running have something in common.

He just needs to look at the surrounding scenery and stare at himself.

In the most difficult stage of running, he told himself that “I didn’t want to run today, so I went running”.

In the process of running, he doesn’t need to talk to anyone or listen to anyone.

At this time, give yourself a chance to be alone and take some time to run every day.

His body became stronger and more energetic.

When we wake up every day, work, family, children, interpersonal relationships and various pressures make it difficult for us to realize the small blessings in life.

Click the blue word “one book per night” under the title to pay attention, and we will provide you with valuable and interesting extended reading.

He honestly records his thoughts and feelings in the book.

In Haruki Murakami’s view, writing is a very lonely career.

Later, he began to insist on running.

When you are trying to change and improve yourself, the stronger your sense of control over life will be, and the troubles of life will disappear naturally.

The first thing to gain from running is strong physique.

When running a marathon, he insisted on running from 40 kilometers to 50 kilometers, and then from 50 kilometers to 70 kilometers.

This loneliness not only gives birth to inspiration, but also easily destroys life.

Since the autumn of 1982, Haruki Murakami has been running 60 kilometers a week, rain or shine.

From Kauai Island in Hawaii to Cambridge in Massachusetts, from participating in the Japanese village listed Triathlon to embarking on the ancient Greek marathon.

Haruki Murakami once said, “no matter how trivial a move is, as long as you insist on it day by day, there will always be something similar to objective cognition.” he wrote his running process and his feelings on the way into a book what I talk about when I run.

In his middle age, he has great work pressure and often stays up late.

♬ click the green label above to listen to anchor Anthony read the audio.

After winning the newcomer award, Haruki Murakami officially became a novelist.

This persistence is more than 30 years.

I think so is our life.

As early as 2000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that sunshine, air, water and sports are the source of life and health.

Murakami Chunshu said, “if you never slacken and keep working hard, your metabolism can be maintained at a high level, your body will be healthier and stronger, and aging will slow down.” exercise is the most natural maintenance secret and the most cost-effective investment.

Haruki Murakami said that there are many trivial things in life.

Appropriately leaving some blank and breathing space for yourself can enrich the level of life.

Later, his friends couldn’t see his decadent appearance, so they forced him to run.

When you keep running, all your inferiority and doubt will be forgotten with the movement of the scenery.

Since then, running has become a part of his life.

Three years ago, he was hit by both his love career.

I know there is a netizen who was once a patient with severe depression.

The wind passes by your side, listens to it whisper, listens to the rustle under your feet, looks at the broad and blue sky, and may inadvertently be relieved of the problems that have puzzled you for a long time.” exercise can heal your body and mind and keep yourself away from impetuosity and affectation.

One book per night (jyxz896) – read some good books every day and 3 million people subscribe to wechat large.

At the age of 33, he decided to start long-distance running, ten kilometers a day and take part in a marathon every year.

The words are simple and natural, but they make people deeply understand in simplicity.

He also realized that without a healthy body, writing could not last long.

He said that the persistence of running brought him more spiritual nourishment than stress relief.

Haruki Murakami said that running brings him more than a good figure.

Haruki Murakami said that another big reason why he likes running is that he enjoys the time alone during running.

In addition, writing requires a high degree of concentration, so he often refreshes himself by smoking, which lays a huge hidden danger to his health.

He has been running for more than 20 years, whether in Hawaii, Japan or the United States.

No matter how slow he ran, he resolutely did not walk.

People who love running are free because of self-discipline.

He set a strict schedule, worked three or four hours in front of his desk every day, focused on what he was writing, and didn’t consider anything else.

Murakami Chunshu said that whenever he was in a bad mood and depressed because of something, he would run longer and consume more energy than usual.

For more than 30 years, Murakami has never stopped running.

However, due to his long-term desk writing before, his weight increased significantly and his physical strength began to decline gradually.

In the process of running, with the gradual depletion of physical strength, he will swallow his emotions silently and integrate his thoughts into the novel.

At the same time of sweat, the soul can rectify and rest, and the inspiration of novel creation is also pouring in.

Running is a good medicine to cure frustration.

No matter how full the trip is and how bad the weather is, he almost never stops.

Author: Anna bessou every night.

Running is the best way to be alone.

Running just provided him with such an opportunity to get away from many troubles.

Whatever it is, it benefits from his persistence and self-discipline for many years.

On days when he is too busy to breathe, he needs to run more.

It took only 18 minutes to run 5K from the beginning, and finally basically reached the level of national level III athletes.

The benefits of exercise may not be apparent in a year or two, but in five or ten years, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and physical functions can always maintain a good state.

In this world, many things need self-discipline, and persistence in sports is one of them.

running sling bag

By KingWay