Improving your grades is not a very deliberate thing


Blindly increasing the amount of running is to bet on your body to increase the risk of injury


Only by running a small amount can you run more and more


A study of Spanish runners did this:   Let a group of runners jog at 80% of the training pace, run at 10% lactate threshold and run intermittently; In the other group, 70% of the training pace was jogging, 20% lactate threshold running and 10% interval running


If we want to run fast and far, we must run steadily at every step


It can not only show the runner’s ability to control absolute speed, but also improve your strength, explosive power, speed and endurance, and make your spirit stronger


Remember, the pace is only for watching, and the sound of the body needs your heart to feel


So at ordinary times, running some short distance runs is also very helpful for you to achieve a “leap” in marathon results


Without that short one or two kilometers, where can we talk about 5 kilometers or even 10 kilometers, half a horse and a whole horse? Without quantitative change, where did qualitative change come from? The great God’s long distance of 30 kilometers or even the whole horse is also slowly accumulated from a short distance


Remember when you ran for the first time? Is it true that after running for a kilometer or two, I was out of breath and couldn’t run any more? But that’s how you can gradually improve your physical ability by running one or two kilometers day after day, and slowly run 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, or even farther


Moreover, even if you can run a long distance easily now, you still have to run a short distance


If you have an injury, you should rest


When you accumulate enough mileage, you can have qualitative change, and your body can withstand more intense training


From slow to fast, only slow enough can make you faster and faster


If we want to run fast, we can’t reach it.


So you set a goal in your heart: to reach 200 kilometers and 300 kilometers next month


In fact, many people get hurt because of running because of their greed, anger and impatience


This is the model of all amateur runners


Only by running short enough can you run longer and longer, not step by step or even thousands of miles


Taking 5K as an example, for marathon runners, it is an excellent distance to consider the speed endurance ability


Follow the 10% principle: that is, the increased mileage this week cannot exceed 10% of the previous week


Running with an injury is better than not running


And because your physical function is strong, then add some speed training, not only the effect is better, but also avoid injuries


If you improve your muscle’s ability to use oxygen in a short distance, you will get great benefits in a long distance


He got rid of his disease and became stronger and stronger


Running slowly is not called running? First runners care most about the pace, and experienced runners care more about their physical feelings


If you want to run far and fast, everything should start with jogging


For example, you may have run 20 kilometers last week, so to be safe, you can run 22 kilometers this week


Extended reading: jogging is good, who knows! Seek long by short


If you want to improve your running volume, please follow the following points: 1


For the cumulative amount of running, you should have enough patience


In the process of jogging, your cardiopulmonary capacity is improved, your aerobic endurance is improved, and your fat energy supply efficiency is also improved


Is it realistic to build a tall building without a good foundation? Therefore, continuous aerobic jogging is very important


You see some people run 200 kilometers, 300 kilometers a month, and then look at their own 50 kilometers


A little makes a lot


Some runners even draw a disdain chain


However, the accumulation of mileage is also gradual and gradual


For our amateur runners, the purpose of our running is not competition, but fitness

. running rucksack

This shows a problem




Jogging alone is enough if you want to improve your body and keep healthy


Whether speed runners want to run well, or amateur runners want to break through themselves a little, it doesn’t happen overnight, and running has never been a “fast food”


Extended reading: “Niu! Nearly 60 years old, he conquered his illness by running, from fainting on the podium to easy and happy horse running!” today, let’s talk about the 12 words “from slow to fast, from short to long, and from little to much”


“Greed leads to more losses, anger leads to more difficulties, and haste leads to more setbacks.” this means that greed will lose more; Anger can easily put yourself in danger; Impatience can easily lead to failure


4 Distribution despises 5 distribution, and 5 distribution despises 6 distribution


You know, even the great gods and elites, speed training only accounts for 20% of the total training, and the other 80% are jogging


Naturally, you will run faster


The ancients said that those who achieve great things have three commandments: don’t be greedy, don’t be angry, don’t be urgent


Most of the training pace is jogging, but it can get good results in the competition


No one can run 300 kilometers in the first month of running


After stepping into the running circle, many people did not taste the benefits of running, but were covered with injuries, so they were discouraged and turned pale when talking about running


In fact, this idea is wrong


Author / corduroy editor / corduroy production / Macondo running research laboratory


After running half a horse and the whole horse, many people begin to despise 5K and 10K and think that running 5K is meaningless


For example, mofala won the Chicago Marathon in 2018 and created Pb, with an average pace of 2 minutes and 58 seconds


If you work hard enough, Pb will come naturally


But what is his training plan? It can be seen that in addition to two interval training to pursue speed, Mo Farah’s other training is basically low-intensity jogging


No matter how big the running volume is, it is also slowly accumulated from dozens of kilometers


Because short distance running has always been the best way to improve speed and endurance




The avenue is simple, common in ancient and modern times


Of course, running can also be used


You may feel that the increase is too little, but no injury is the bottom line


As we all know, marathon is an aerobic exercise


Only by laying an aerobic foundation can you set higher goals


Professor Wang made a little progress after he came into contact with running


At the end of each month and the end of each year, it is the time for drying


If you want to run fast and far, you must run steadily first


Then comparing their performance in the competition, it is found that the 80 / 10 / 10 group is better than the 70 / 20 / 10 group


The premise of accumulating running volume is not to get hurt: running is for health, not to move yourself


The correct running attitude should be from slow to fast, short for long, and a little makes a lot


High intensity short distance running can improve the flow of oxygenated blood to muscle tissue, and then increase the density of mitochondria


I’m sorry to show their running volume again


After running for a period of time, basically everyone began to care about their running volume


There is also the marathon world record holder Kipchak


The most important thing is that he was basically unharmed


His average pace in the race is basically about 2 minutes and 55 seconds, and the average pace of the world record 2:01:39 is 2:53, but Kipchak’s daily training pace is also about 3 minutes and 30 seconds


The same is true for running


This was put forward by our old friend, Professor Wang of project management at Yunnan University


Blindly pursuing speed is not only the most easy mistake for many runners, but also the biggest mistake


80% ~ 90% of the running volume should be easy running: or continuous aerobic endurance running, you can simply understand it as jogging; Each run is easy and not tired, which can not only improve aerobic endurance, but also make you enjoy running more


By KingWay