Exercise can increase the content of some substances in the brain


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Exercise can increase the content of three neurotransmitters in the brain


During exercise, the brain will consciously “add food”


For example, when you suck a popsicle, you are also exercising your kissing ability, because both use your lips

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Some researchers even said frankly: exercise is only the most basic role of exercise, and the key of exercise is to strengthen or improve the brain


These theories are also supported by experimental data: · in a human study in 2007, German researchers found that people learn vocabulary 20% faster after exercise than before· A small-scale scientific study in Japan found that jogging twice a week for 30 minutes each time can improve the executive function of the brain in 12 weeks· The research of CDE (California Department of Education) shows that students with good physical fitness also perform better


The more we train the brain, the stronger the brain will be


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The functions of these substances are: improving attention, cognitive ability, motivation, learning ability and attention


During exercise, the body will produce three factors that originally serve our body, such as providing energy to muscles, increasing capillaries and helping tissue growth


In other words, people who exercise have more brain cells than others


But new research has found that brain cells can regenerate, and exercise can greatly improve the regeneration of nerves


  Exercise can exercise the cerebellum to enhance cognitive ability


Increase the nourishment of the brain


The data show that the antidepressant effect of exercise is no worse than that of drugs


Another interesting research is: if you are forced to run, the benefits are not as good as if you run voluntarily


Moreover, in the correlation between performance and exercise indicators, aerobic exercise has the highest correlation (long-distance running and swimming are typical aerobic exercise)


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Exercise can increase the content of this magical nutrient in the brain


Exercise can promote new cells in the brain


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But when these three factors enter the brain, they have a new role: improving learning ability and memory ability


The relationship between the cerebellum and exercise has long been confirmed, but new research has found that the cerebellum is equally important for thinking, attention, emotion and social skills


According to the theory many years ago, the number of neurons in the brain is fixed, that is to say, “if brain cells die, there will be less”


In the process of becoming strong, the brain needs a magical nutrient, and this nutrient is produced by the brain itself, so we can’t eat it


This is equivalent to that when we are exercising, the brain has been rubbing the food of the body


The brain, like muscles, has the characteristics of advancing and retreating






  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! More than a decade ago, it must have been regarded as a rumor that exercise can change the brain, but now, many studies have really confirmed these theories


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In addition, these three neurotransmitters are also related to antidepressant


Therefore, when we exercise the cerebellum through exercise, we are exercising a brain area responsible for your thinking, attention, emotion and social skills at the same time


By KingWay