However, in winter, we should prevent the inhalation of cold air from stimulating the upper respiratory tract, especially when the air quality is poor, Pollutants in the air irritate the throat, which may make runners cough during running, which is not conducive to running


Generally, runners use chest and abdominal breathing together, but they use more chest breathing during running


Therefore, chest breathing is relatively dominant, but it doesn’t need runners to take the initiative to control it


Runners can adjust the breathing rhythm according to their exercise ability and intensity


Even if you have heart disease or even myocardial infarction, you can even run after reasonable evaluation and control the amount of exercise


What special equipment do you need for running? Compared with badminton, table tennis, weightlifting and other sports that need equipment or equipment, the equipment required for running is relatively simple


When running, should you use abdominal breathing or chest breathing? Chest breathing and abdominal breathing exist and work together at the same time


It is recommended that ordinary runners wear a neck cover with good ventilation in winter, so as to protect their respiratory system


Fixed breathing rhythm is not recommended here


At this time, the most popular exercise is running


It is recommended that runners choose plastic tracks or run on relatively soft roads


Is running suitable for everyone? Running is everyone’s nature


3 is there a fixed rhythm of breathing during running? There are many theories about the rhythm of breathing during running, and many people adhere to the saying of “three steps and one breath”


Running is an instinct that has existed in human genes for thousands of years


They need to be evaluated by professional doctors before they recommend reasonable running


Content source: People’s Health Publishing House published “get rid of pain and enjoy running”     Editor: Yang Yuping and Wang Liping look forward to your sharing and praise


Especially for the elderly with obvious osteoarthritis of knee, ankle and other joints, incorrect running posture or excessive exercise may aggravate joint wear; Elderly patients with serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, too much running intensity is easy to cause disease aggravation or even sudden death


When they run outdoors in winter, it will be relatively comfortable to breathe in the cold air through the respiratory tract


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In short, compared with most other sports, the school-age population of running is more extensive


Maybe you can’t set a new world record, or even run a full marathon, but what does it matter? Run and follow your instincts! Running is a sport suitable for human beings


From birth, we first learn how to sit up, then learn to stand, then start to toddler, and finally learn to run


It can even be said that “up to 99, down to just walking” have the ability to run


Excluding some people with congenital diseases or physical disabilities who cannot participate in sports, everyone has the ability of “running”, but everyone has different sports foundation or sports talent, and their state or ability will be different in the process of running, but as long as there is no abnormality in their body, everyone is suitable for running


As long as you have a pair of appropriate sports shoes and a set of appropriate clothes, you can start running


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Although there are some requirements for the venue, this requirement is not rigid


  Is there a special venue for running? The threshold of running is relatively low compared with other sports


When a person is still in his childhood, his parents begin to take him to exercise


Breathe through mouth or nose


How to breathe? 1


It is recommended not to use a single way of nasal inhalation and mouth breathing, and use chest breathing and abdominal breathing as much as possible


If you have higher requirements for running, you need to prepare more professional equipment for running


The breathing rhythm and breathing method of running are closely related to aerobic running or special intensity training


It is recommended that runners try to breathe through mouth and nose at the same time


During long-distance running or fast running, a single nasal inhalation and mouth breathing can not complete the oxygen supply well, so we can assist in inhalation by opening the mouth slightly



. running waist packs

Is there an age limit for running? Compared with other sports, running is applicable to a wider range of people, with almost no age limit


When running, you can just breathe naturally without forcing the rhythm, but in this process, it is recommended that you open your mouth slightly when breathing to ensure adequate oxygen uptake


Running on such a suitable ground will be of great help to the protection of runners’ knees, ankles and muscles, but the ground factor is not the decisive factor to determine whether a person can run


Running belongs to aerobic exercise, so running requires high oxygen uptake


There is no age limit for running, but here we should remind readers that people over the age of 70 need to be more careful when running


By KingWay