Therefore, whether running hurts the knee or not varies from person to person


It’s better to go step by step


In the process of movement, the knee joint can effectively absorb shock, disperse pressure and reduce impact


It can fully stretch and stretch the muscle groups of all parts of the body, especially the muscles of waist, thigh, knee and calf, alleviate joint stiffness, relax muscles and reduce the probability of sports injury


Moreover, running has many benefits for people’s health


If you have a real experience of successful weight loss, you are welcome to contribute

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What should I pay attention to when running? 01 correct posture for running: firstly, relax your shoulders, don’t include your chest, swing your arms naturally, and lean forward slightly


According to their own exercise habits and physical conditions, make a personal exercise plan, gradually increase the amount of exercise, and avoid excessive stress on the knee joint due to sudden change or too strong exercise intensity


Running is really one of the best ways to lose weight


Mastering scientific exercise methods can not only improve the exercise level, but also protect our knee joints from damage


For overweight or obese large base weight people, running is not the first choice


A pair of running shoes with good shock absorption and breathable and comfortable materials can maintain the comfort of runners during exercise and give full play to their good exercise state


The contribution method is added QQ: 353873340.


If it is a special foot type, such as flat or high arch foot, you can choose a special insole for this kind of foot type, which can reduce the impact of running on the knee


Don’t blindly pursue running speed and amount of exercise


It is the largest and most complex load-bearing joint of the human body


Continue to take hundreds of steps, and then do some leg stretching


Generally speaking, you can breathe in and out in 2 ~ 3 steps


Warm up exercise or jogging for about 10 minutes is a good choice


But when it comes to running, many people hold a negative view on the grounds that “running Baili only hurts the knee”


05 running is not the first choice for large base weight athletes


It can not only improve the metabolism level of the human body, strengthen bones, but also make people feel comfortable and keep healthy


Before running, you should fully understand your physical fitness and exercise ability, and don’t overload training by blindly pursuing running speed and quantity


When people run, the knee joint does bear great pressure, but this does not mean that running will inevitably lead to knee injury


04 do a good job of warm-up exercise before exercise


Don’t stop to rest immediately after running


Whether running hurts the knee or not largely depends on the runner’s own age, weight, running posture, running speed, running volume, lower limb muscle strength and knee joint


Does running hurt your knee? How can running effectively protect our knees? Today’s Xiaobian will analyze for you: the knee joint is the link connecting human bones and maintaining the basic action ability of the human body


When running, don’t shake your body left and right, straighten your legs and knees, don’t lift too high, and don’t cross your legs too far


Xi Kang  : Cao Yun    Nurse in charge: Nursing   dietitian     Working time: 7 years, good at sub-health, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus through diet and exercise method for health management


Running burns more calories per minute than other sports


We can choose other knee friendly events


Swimming is a very good choice! Let’s exercise reasonably, master scientific weight loss methods, care for ourselves and pay attention to health! Source: pixabay, pexels   Dr


03 it’s better to go step by step


02 a pair of comfortable running shoes is very important


Keep breathing at a constant speed, and your breathing also follows the rhythm of running


By KingWay