If you eat in a hurry, it will increase the burden on digestive organs, cause functional disorders, and even cause a variety of diseases


It will increase uric acid in the blood, greatly stimulate the joints and cause inflammation


Stretching after running cannot be omitted

. calf sleeves running

Don’t drink to relieve fatigue after running


The correct way to replenish water after running is to drink a small mouth for many times


If you take a bath immediately after running, you will immediately close your pores, shrink your capillaries, and block the circulation between the body and the outside world


Therefore, appropriate stretching actions after running, such as unarmed exercises, walking, stretching massage, breathing rhythm relaxation exercises, etc., can help runners recover to the quiet state before exercise, help to restore muscle fatigue, reduce acid swelling discomfort, increase body flexibility, improve coordination, beautify muscle lines, and avoid dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting Dazzling and other adverse phenomena


After running, especially during intense exercise, the motor nerve center is in a highly excited state


After running, drinking a lot of water will sharply increase the amount of sweat


For a long time, you will feel unwell and get sick-


If you don’t pay attention to it a little and act casually, it may cause damage to your body


If you don’t stretch after running, the muscles will become stiff and the lactic acid produced can’t be decomposed immediately, which will affect the future running training and make people more tired


At this time, drinking will make the body absorb alcohol faster and enter the blood, which will do more harm to liver, stomach and other organs than usual


Don’t take a bath immediately after running


Under its influence, the parasympathetic nervous system, which manages the activities of internal organs, strengthens the inhibition of the activities of the digestive system


Don’t smoke after running


You think it can save effort and rest


On the one hand, in addition to reducing the oxygen content, it is not conducive to paying off the “oxygen debt”, which is difficult to eliminate body fatigue; On the other hand, when the human body inhales such foggy air, it will affect the gas exchange in the human alveoli, resulting in chest tightness, asthma, dyspnea, dizziness and fatigue due to insufficient oxygen supply after long-distance running


Whether it’s for weight loss, fitness or health, it doesn’t only rely on strong perseverance, but also needs scientific theoretical knowledge, such as some precautions after running


  Do not eat immediately after running


It’s best to rest for 20-30 minutes after running before eating


After running, inhale the air in the lungs mixed with a large amount of smoke


After strenuous exercise, people’s physical function will be at a high level


In fact, this is a wrong practice: squatting down and rest immediately after long-distance running will hinder the blood flow of lower limbs, affect blood circulation, deepen body fatigue, and shock and endanger your life in serious cases


Although you feel refreshing for a short time, you will block the distribution of body heat, which is not conducive to the recovery of muscles


After running, the body perspires more, the pores of the whole body open, the capillaries expand, and the blood circulation speeds up, forming a good circulatory system between the body and the outside world, which is conducive to the recovery of the body after training


Smoking after running is contrary to the pursuit of health


Let me share with you some common misunderstandings after running: don’t sit down or rest immediately


Therefore, after each run, you should adjust the respiratory rate, adjust the excitement rhythm of the cerebral cortex, carry out some low calorie activities and stretching, walk and swing your arms, and do some relaxation and adjustment activities to promote the blood of the limbs back to the heart, accelerate the recovery of physical fitness and help eliminate fatigue


For a long time, it can cause fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, dementia and other diseases


At the same time, during running, the whole body blood is also redistributed, and the needs of motor organs are more intensively supplied, while the supply of organs in the abdominal cavity is relatively reduced


If you feel tired after running, squat down or sit down


Don’t drink a lot of water


The more you sweat, the more salt loss, which is easy to lead to cramps, spasms, etc


Running professors concentrate on serving runners and provide training, rehabilitation and equipment! Source: running bar (ID: paobu8) it’s a good thing to insist on running


Of course, the best effect is to stretch


At the same time, drinking too much water will cause a serious burden on the heart after running training, which must be avoided


Drinking beer after running is also bad


By KingWay