After entering the University, I began to contact with a large number of sports, such as foot basket volleyball, table tennis, badminton, martial arts, dance..


Running is an excellent way to exercise self-discipline


The important thing is to accept it, then train and finally improve it


I’ve been running for 16 years


After running, some people gain health, some people gain regular work and rest, and some people gain a better figure..


  Reach our goals in the process of running, each of us will have different goals


I don’t know what changes you have made by running# Come and talk in the comments area#  「 How long have you been running? What changes has running brought you? “.


This process is actually the same as the solution to some problems in life

. camel pack running

  Believe in the power of time


We don’t know ourselves very well


The longer you run, the more you understand this


For many people who have just started running, 5K seems to be an insurmountable gap, and it seems to be the limit to stagger to finish 3K


In this way, in the process of running, we are evaluating ourselves all the time


Learning self-discipline is an ability that needs continuous training and learning


Since 2004, I’ve been running


He used to be a superman on the runway, but now he has become the one who has been overtaken


How the ability has been placed in front of us


It can be said that running is an indispensable partner in my life


If you only want to finish a marathon, just run blindly, and don’t care about the plan and feedback, then the training must be very hard and the efficiency will be very low


It is necessary to split large tasks into small tasks and modify them in time in case of feedback


Every time we think we can accelerate and speed up, we find that our heart is surplus but our strength is insufficient


Time has extraordinary magic, which can unknowingly change many things we think we can’t change


I also have a lot of gains in the process of running


But many people, after about a year of hard training, the whole horse distance is no longer a problem, but few people can stick to it


Top players like kipchaug, if they stop training for a long time, the marathon results must not be much better


If possible, you can run on the Park Playground


This is the real self at present


If not, you can run in a small circle indoors


This process is presented in the form of inner dialogue, which is a good way of self-understanding and communication


I remember when I was preparing lessons and writing lesson plans, I wrote the sentence “sports shape personality”


Before running, I imagined that my running posture should be not much different from that of the top players in front of the TV lens, or I felt that I should run very fast


While the boring sport of running gradually faded out of my life


At the beginning of running, no one can clearly know their ability range, such as how long and how fast they can run


After all, our neural memory fades much faster than our muscles and body functions


Especially in the competitive field, in addition to fighting for talent, self-discipline is also an important consideration


Divide the plan into several different stages, and set small goals in each stage


The goal is not only fast and far, but also easy to run next time


After all, I thought I had participated in the sports meeting on behalf of my class when I was a student! However, when I really ran, I found that the gap was quite large


I couldn’t understand it at that time, but I haven’t understood it until now – I am the one transformed by sports


Both have an ultimate goal


It seems that all changes are inadvertently, but we just don’t notice it


Therefore, running is a good way to know yourself and know yourself


Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses


When can we continue, when can we stop, whether we have reached our limit, whether we can accelerate, etc


While appreciating his strengths, he should also have the courage to accept his shortcomings


Until I joined the work, I gradually found that within the scope of my eyes, I could only run


Novice runners don’t have a big gap, but those who train and run intermittently and once ran very fast may not accept the current state for the time being


Whether you are willing to run as planned when you are in a bad mood; Whether the training can be carried out in strict accordance with the established contents; Besides running, whether we can control our diet and choose healthy food in our daily life is testing our self-discipline


No special equipment is required, and there are no high requirements for the environment


Just as in running events, it is difficult for sprint champions to achieve good results in long-distance running events, and endurance athletes do not have an advantage in sprint


Time can make the weak strong, but it can also make the strong lose their advantages


Looking back on my running experience for many years, I found that there was no substantive breakthrough in running ability, but I learned a lot in other aspects of life


After signing up for the marathon, the first thing is to make a training plan


The main items were 400m and 800m


In middle school, I had to train every morning before and after class in the afternoon


But after a period of training, you will gradually understand your ability and level


In addition, their preferences, work style and so on will also be displayed incisively in the process of running training


These are the power given by time


Those who can make great progress in running will not do badly in self-discipline


In the process of training, revise the plan from time to time to fill the gaps, so as to achieve the goal set by the final marathon


It seems that only running is an exercise that can be carried out anytime, anywhere


Know ourselves our biggest enemy is ourselves


If I don’t prepare for the competition, I usually run every other day, about 5km at a time


Running, you can walk together or fight alone


The running posture is so strange, and the acceleration is not as easy as expected


However, at that time, running was not a love, but just treated like school


Everything you do now determines the future


It is important to accept yourself and know yourself, but the most important thing is to accept yourself


My enlightenment began with running


By KingWay