I don’t want to run fast, but I’m willing to spend a lifetime running slowly, thinking slowly, experiencing the taste of life and the touch of persistence


The dripping after exhaustion and the sound when facing the wind and rain will cast the strength of your body again and again Temper the toughness of your soul


For a runner who aims to run a marathon, it is necessary to maintain a certain amount of running and training, and running rest is a very uneconomical thing


However, the biggest change in the body after running is that it is not easy to sweat


People who don’t run will always be particularly curious about what kind of magic of running will make you so enthusiastic, so persistent and unimpeded


As long as I don’t control it a little, my weight can rise by more than 2 kg the next day


This is why I like relaxing running and LSD best


It will experience pain, fatigue and freezing in winter


As Yamamoto Yaosi said, “I never believe in lazy freedom


Of course, maybe I am a little lonely, especially as a person who studies philosophy and likes writing articles


But it’s strange to say that no matter how thoughtful you are at the beginning of the run, you can only think about things related to running for up to 3km


In addition, a series of benefits such as higher muscle content and lower body fat rate will make weight loss less urgent, although it is still very important


I found that they still have a lot in common


Yes, persisting in running and running a marathon is actually the process of defeating yourself


Especially when the pace comes up, you only have in mind: how do I send my crotch, how do I adjust my breathing rhythm, how do I use my hips to force, whether there is a risk of cramping in my lower legs, and whether my thighs are in place, Whether my arms are close, whether my upper body is shaking too much, whether my core is tightened, and so on


Of course, running is also a very painful thing


of course, most of you think about how to encourage yourself to stick to it and how to share your mood after running, Thinking about the end, someone is waiting for him to arrive (if any)


If he stops running for more than a month, he is basically starting training again


For adults who support their families, it is not realistic to have a walk and go trip, but to have a run and run run, you only need to overcome yourself


At least it is difficult to lose weight through running without a certain amount of running and training intensity


I’m afraid I don’t blindly pursue Pb, but hope that when I’m 80, I can stand at the starting point of Marathon and finish every race safely


Running has always been praised as a very effective weight loss exercise, but people who have really run know that running can not help lose weight


However, after running the whole marathon, it is basically difficult to think about things other than running and competition


That freedom is precious and valuable”.


Therefore, the distance of 42.195 km is very long, and it takes nearly 5 hours


This kind of high-intensity training needs to highly concentrate my attention, keep my body in an extremely excited state and strive to impact my best results, so I have no time to think about things unrelated to training


Because of this happiness, I can run all the time and stick to it, So I always firmly believe that I can run to the age of 80, or even longer, as long as there are no physical injuries


At first, I chose to wear running shoes to run because of a very simple motivation – weight loss


Once he stops running for more than a week, he needs a recovery period


The freedom I yearn for is a broader life realized through diligence and efforts


After answering what I think when I run and why I love running, the answer is coming out: because running is really a very pure thing and it’s easy to immerse people in it


In addition to the competition, I seldom think about things other than running during normal running training, especially the training of rhythm running and interval running


The resting heart rate is lower than that of ordinary people, and the heart and lung function is better


I remember talking with other runners about what they think when running a horse


Although I can’t get fat by drinking water, I’m not far away


In fact, for the title of this article, the first thing I want to use is “what am I thinking when I run?”, Yes, it has the same name as Haruki Murakami’s book (this article is also a tribute to this book), because almost every runner will be asked this question


Whether to use “like” or “love”? However, at the thought of something that can be done for a lifetime, I’m afraid “love” is much more appropriate than “like”


When I took this title, I hesitated a little


However, when you really take steps to run, you can’t help feeling a little proud, Whether it’s severe winter or hot summer, a voice in my heart will say to myself, “look, I defeated the weather, I defeated myself, how self-discipline, how strong a person I am, how excellent I am”, and I will be more and more excited


This is an arduous and interesting war, because you will experience the dual test of body and soul, and need to break through your physical limit and psychological comfort zone


Running can bring me great happiness


When LSD or easy running, I still think about life, work, family, emotion and, of course, philosophy


My body was weak and easy to get sick


I am a very fat person


Before running, I was not only easy to get fat, but also easy to sweat


In my nearly four years of running, I have also experienced several injuries, especially low back injuries, which have not recovered until now


It will experience the confidence of being hit by the oncoming heat wave just after changing equipment in dog days


Compared with the dimension data of weight, the sense of strength and lightness of the body are the most real


I like deep thinking best, so all my thoughts can be calmed down in an instant like running


However, you will also get the freedom to break the cocoon and become a butterfly, which is a heavier and purer freedom

. camel pack running

If there is one thing you can be one with when you do it, as if there is no one else, it is easy to indulge and can’t extricate yourself


Even when I can’t run at all, I also take advantage of the gap to do some strength training to keep my body in a strong and suitable running state


However, my inner desire for running has never really stopped me


But after running, I know that the benefit of running is not to lose weight, and the change of physique is the best gift of running to the body


Indeed, in the eyes of non runners, runners are like a group of madmen living in their own world


No matter what they think at the moment of starting to run, after one kilometer or even 100 meters, they basically only think about how to complete the race, such as how to allocate their physical fitness, how to control their pace, and how their physical condition is today, Whether you can finish the race smoothly, whether you can lead a Pb, or how to arrange today’s supplies, what pace is suitable for running in today’s weather, how to cut the shortest race path, how to use others to block wind resistance, how to find people with the same pace to run, etc


Therefore, whether it is physical fatigue or psychological inertia, as long as you think of the consequences of stopping running, whether it is 39 days or dog days, you will change your equipment and go out for running


It takes several hours of ideological struggle to change running equipment


I often talk to others about my enthusiasm for marathon


The sense of freedom rising against the wind can be unrestrained out of the edge and forget yourself


By KingWay