It is not recommended to use knee pads in ordinary daily training to avoid the impact of knee pads on runners’ pain perception; 7


Strengthen leg muscle training; 4


Warm up before running; 3


At this time, the risk of muscle strain will be much higher than that in summer


01 muscle strain muscle strain is a very common kind of injury in running training


Recovery treatment (24 hours later): after the injury is stable, if there are no swelling symptoms, physical therapy such as hot compress and local massage can be properly carried out locally to accelerate the absorption of hematoma and promote the recovery of joint function; Seek medical attention if recovery is poor


The methods to effectively prevent muscle strain include: 1


Observe the degree of strain injury after 24h: for mild strain injury, just stop running and recover after 1 ~ 2 weeks of cultivation


Therefore, it is not allowed to deal with it blindly when the degree of injury is uncertain, so as not to leave sequelae


Correct running posture; 2


Therefore, necessary preventive measures are essential




Therefore, runners must pay attention to the prevention of injuries in daily training to keep running away from injuries!


Preventive measures: 1


When warming up, fully move your ankles; 3


Raise the affected limb: try to raise and place the injured leg at rest; 5


Therefore, while paying attention to the training effect, runners should also pay special attention to the prevention of these kinds of running injuries


Preventive measures: 1


It is mostly caused by muscle overload and force during running, resulting in muscle fiber rupture or muscle membrane rupture


Braking: stop all sports that cause pain, especially running, long jump, etc; 3


Ice compress: ice compress the painful part of the knee with an ice bag for 15min each time, 2 ~ 3 times a day; 4




Incorrect running posture, insufficient muscle strength, muscle endurance and core strength of lower limbs will lead to knee injury; The lateral displacement of the knee will also cause wear of the cartilage, which will eventually lead to inflammation


Injury treatment: 1


Braking: stop running, especially avoid the movement of the injured part; 2, ice compress: use ice pack or refrigeration spray to ice the injured parts, about 15min; 3


Choose a straight route for running and reduce uphill and downhill running; 6


Autumn is a period of rapid growth and repair of bones


Runners should first confirm and distinguish the injured parts and apply the medicine to the case




The injury of knee is relatively complex


Warm up fully before running to ensure that muscles and blood vessels are relaxed and not tight; 3


During this period, some physical strength training can be carried out, but strenuous activities and stress on the strained part should be avoided; Moderate or severe strain injury must be treated by a doctor and can only recover after a period of rehabilitation


Running training in this period is easy to cause knee injury


After running, carry out low-intensity recovery exercise or massage to relieve muscles and avoid hardening; 5


Knee injury can usually recover in about 2 weeks


Regular stretching exercise to improve muscle flexibility; 2


Preventive measures: 1


Braking: stop the movement immediately and lie flat on the hard board bed, fix the waist, avoid random movement, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible; 2


Pay attention during running, ensure smooth footsteps and avoid physical imbalance; 4


If runners are careless during running, they may also sprain the waist




The degree of vasoconstriction and ligament extension in the human body will be greatly reduced


Pressure bandage: bandage the injured area with moderate pressure; 4


Injury treatment: 1


Medication: in case of inflammation, take anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of a doctor; 5




Usually, the pain in front of the knee may be patella malacia / subluxation, bursitis and arthritis


Emergency treatment (within 24 hours): generally, the “policy” method is used for preliminary emergency treatment


Recovery after injury: after observation, if the injured area recovers well, low-intensity weight-bearing training can be carried out appropriately, but attention should be paid to step by step, and normal running training can not be started until it recovers


  Running injuries often come without warning, but they will disrupt all the runners’ training plans


When running, keep your body upright and your waist and back straight but not tight; 3


Hot compress: after that, when the swelling has been reduced, it is changed to warm hot water hot compress, which can promote tissue blood circulation and help recovery


Injury treatment: if a runner accidentally pulls a muscle during running, first confirm the location and severity of the strain


For acute muscle strain, the “rice” principle is generally adopted for emergency treatment, that is, braking (R), ice compress (I), pressure bandage (c) and raising the affected limb (E)


Control the running volume and avoid knee overload


Ice compress: apply cold compress within 24 ~ 72 hours after injury to contract local blood vessels, reduce congestion and bleeding, and achieve the purpose of pain relief and detumescence; 3


Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake; 5


04 ankle sprained ankle, also known as ankle joint, is located at the part where the human foot is connected with the leg


When the foot is unstable during running and the center of gravity of the landing body is not handled properly, it is likely to cause sprain due to instantaneous excessive force on the ankle


02 knee injury knee is the largest load-bearing joint of human body


If the pain does not disappear after self-treatment, you need to see a doctor for treatment


At ordinary times, strengthen the training of ankle stability, such as heel lifting training, ankle winding training, longitudinal jumping training and ankle proprioception training

. compression socks running

Choose suitable running shoes and flat road for running training; 2


After autumn, the climate is dry, the air humidity decreases, the weather gradually turns cool, and the temperature difference between day and night increases


Fully stretch the waist before running; 2


Waist sprain 03 waist injury the climate change in autumn will have an adverse impact on the waist


After the beginning of autumn, the running training of many runners began to become frequent


The strained part will produce pain and weakness


If you feel that the knee is sore and does not adapt, make reasonable adjustment to the training plan


The upper pain is generally quadriceps femoris tendon injury, the lower pain is tibial tubercle epiphysis, and the pain on both sides is mostly meniscus injury or arthritis; 2


Namely: protection, optimal loading, ice, compression and elevation


Injury treatment: lumbar injury is usually serious


If you feel tension pain in a muscle during running, you should slow down or stop running immediately


However, while the running experience was improved, the risk of some sports injuries was also increasing


Preventive measures: before and after running, runners should do a good job in prevention to avoid muscle strain


In case of severe pain induction, stop running immediately and see a doctor


Pay attention to the exercise of waist strength in daily training


When running, don’t start running violently and quickly immediately, step by step, so that the muscles can fully adapt; 4


By KingWay