15 minutes of running and 40 minutes of cycling, which exercise leg muscles more? Judging from the length of time alone, it seems that it should be 40 minutes by bike


In addition, it should be noted that when we say “exercise endurance”, it is also ambiguous, because endurance includes two kinds, one is muscle endurance, and the other is aerobic endurance (i.e


Exercisers who pursue muscle circumference usually adopt a group training scheme of 8 to 12 times, and also consider the improvement of strength, because the size of muscle circumference is closely related to the size of training load


Each group uses high times, usually more than 12 times


Movement mode refers to the change of rhythm in movement


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It’s not that simple


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For example, riding at a constant speed for 40 minutes and running in a high-intensity intermittent mode (HIIT) for 15 minutes


However, the quality of sports effect is not only determined by the length of sports, but also needs to consider sports intensity, sports frequency, physical adaptability, sports mode and other issues: from the perspective of sports intensity, if you ride for 40 minutes, it has no significance at the level of exercise, just like the daily speed of cycling to and from work


Running for 15 minutes a day is certainly better than riding for 40 minutes a week“ Physical adaptability “means that after the body adapts to the current training rhythm, the exercise effect will stand still


Long time running and cycling are typical aerobic exercise, so they first exercise aerobic endurance, that is, they can significantly improve the level of cardiopulmonary function


cardiopulmonary endurance or cardiovascular endurance)


Because aerobic exercises such as running and cycling tend to make muscles work for a long time under rhythmic light weight (their own weight), while barbell squats tend to make muscles work for a long time under greater weight


Exercisers must combine their own actual situation, match the current fitness goals, and adopt their own training programs in order to achieve good exercise results


Therefore, whether running or cycling, if you have entered the platform period and the exerciser does not adjust in time, the exercise effect will stand still


Due to the differences between different types of sports, even a long-distance runner will feel difficult at first if he is asked to practice barbell squats to exercise the endurance of leg muscles


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Therefore, it is difficult to conclude which exercise effect (cardiopulmonary function and leg muscles) is better when evaluating “15 minute running” and “40 minute cycling” only from the exercise duration


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It is not helpful to improve the strength of leg muscles and increase muscle circumference


Therefore, people who run for a long time still need a process of adaptation and improvement to do barbell squats and other exercises


Reading Guide:   15 minutes of running and 40 minutes of cycling, which exercise leg muscles more? Judging from the length of time alone, it seems that it should be 40 minutes by bike


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What is “muscle building”? Three indexes are commonly used to evaluate muscle: muscle strength, muscle endurance and muscle circumference


Therefore, in terms of time length alone, riding for 40 minutes is more conducive to improving cardiopulmonary capacity and exercising leg muscle endurance


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Exercisers need to upgrade or adjust the training scheme to further improve the exercise effect


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Which can better improve the endurance of “leg muscles” between long-distance running for 15 minutes and riding for 40 minutes? As mentioned earlier, in aerobic exercise, the level of muscle endurance depends not only on the muscle itself, but also on the exerciser’s aerobic endurance ability (cardiopulmonary ability)


Due to the different fitness goals of each exerciser, there will be obvious differences in how to “exercise muscle”: people who pursue muscle strength like to use large weight, and each group uses a lower number of times, generally less than 6 times; People who pursue muscle endurance need to use more groups


Although the latter time is short, the cardiopulmonary stimulation is much greater and the exercise effect is better


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In short, using aerobic exercise such as running or riding (long-term exercise, excluding sprint and sprint riding) to exercise leg muscles is actually to exercise the muscle endurance level of leg muscles under aerobic exercise conditions

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At the same time, the rest between groups should be shorter and lighter, otherwise the training method of “multiple groups and high times” cannot be implemented


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No matter the length of time, the exercise intensity must form enough stimulation to the body


Let’s study the phrase “exercise muscle” first


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Of course, they can also improve the endurance level of leg muscles to a certain extent, that is, leg muscles can work longer and improve their anti fatigue ability


In terms of exercise frequency, enough exercise times per week (at least 3 times) is the basic guarantee of exercise effect


By KingWay