Self testing has stopped or found a way out Be optimistic about your current state → you have completed the game, feel satisfied and fulfilled


Overly focused runners are naturally focused, ambitious and targeted


Publish your training log and training content on social media, but don’t list the training items in detail; Hang out with friends who don’t even know how long the marathon is and are not interested in running


It doesn’t appeal to you Take action → you train as hard as ever, but you don’t make progress


Jensen believes that “paying too much attention to a goal is likely to backfire and destroy your enthusiasm


So even if you miss the most ambitious goal, there is another feasible goal within your ability


Overtraining overtraining is indeed a physical factor, but it can also be regarded as a psychological factor


It’s hard for athletes to maintain a positive level for a long time


→ running out is success; Because work and family have kept you busy, it’s good to set aside time and energy for training


Therefore, you can’t stereotype runners based on it.” Of course, no runner likes the plateau phenomenon


Also, although the final result is important, that’s not the only reason you run


Jeffery L


→ you have been repeating a route for months or even years, and the training practice is very old


→ reduce stress, improve mood, or meet friends for running


Take time to think about what you’re going to wear tomorrow, when and where to do what


” Breakthrough method   ⇨ experts especially recommend that over trained track and field athletes adopt the rest and recovery method (R & R)


Don’t set your goal as setting a personal record


Set phased goals, not just ultimate goals


Psychological training coach Chris Janzen said: “like the body, the brain needs a period of time not to think about running


Brown believes that in addition to the two physical factors that hinder training, disease and pain, psychological factors are also one of them


brown, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the winner’s mind, pointed out, “no way, the plateau phenomenon is inevitable in the training of athletes.” It is impossible for track and field athletes to make their level rise in a straight line in running training, because peak and valley values are bound to appear in training, of course, there is a flat line, that is, a stable state


Your goal should be to try not to slow down at the end of a long run, or keep your upper body upright when climbing the mountain


If summer is the most inflexible time of the year for you, don’t sign up for the autumn marathon, because it requires you to invest a lot of energy and time in the busy season


“If you divide your life into several energy units, assuming 100 units per day, how should these energy units be used? Just worrying about the deadline or economic problems of work tasks will consume a large part of these 100 energy units


If your training results or competition results are not ideal, be sure to think about the benefits of running, such as physical health, stress reduction, the opportunity to feel nature, establishing friendship with running partners, etc


If you have entered the training and find yourself feeling overwhelmed rather than full of enthusiasm, it is recommended to break down the training on the task list into smaller task units and focus only on the training the next day


At this time, you will doubt and deny yourself, which will eventually affect the healthy and happy running life


Take a step back, take a few days off, make plans and participate in social activities


→ you just got out of a high-intensity training period, why not take it easy and go running


Brown said: “plateau phenomenon rarely exists permanently


It has to do too much, but it is stunned


However, if you have a narrow understanding of success, such as being qualified to participate in or break through the Boston Marathon, you may not achieve this goal


→ you don’t train hard just to win the game


If your life revolves around running every day, you may be exhausted


You have to drag yourself out of the door and turn back easily


When your mind considers too many tasks, such as balancing a fast-paced career, keeping in touch with children and worrying about sick relatives and friends, you will easily reach the limit


If you’re trying to start a new distance training, set a personal record, or lose weight, it’s frustrating to encounter a plateau when you’re trying to move towards your goal


Such goals are easier to focus and achieve, and can give you a sense of achievement


Focusing on these long-term benefits can give you the motivation you need to move forward


When your brain is old enough to want to run and almost overdrawn, this is a psychological factor


→ you fail to achieve your goal and don’t know what to do next


  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! Haven’t you found the feeling yet? Follow these methods to break through the common psychological obstacles that hinder the training process! Plateau phenomenon refers to stagnation and standing still


→ chronic injury prevents you from training as hard as you expect.


“You’ll be refreshed and put more energy into practical training,” Jensen said Overburdened, everyone has a psychological limit


If you start training again, try to maintain objective judgment and remind yourself that running is not the only thing in life


It is difficult to complete a simple 5K race with the remaining energy, let alone cope with other longer and stronger events


If you are too focused on your goals, you can also stretch, apply ice cream, foam rolling exercises, deploy rehabilitation sand ice, mark your mileage, talk about running conditions and make new routes when you are not running


→ you don’t have the motivation to start and finish running


It is a bottleneck that every runner will encounter in training


If you are facing a stressful period at work or experiencing major changes in your life, such as moving or expanding, why not just happily keep your training flat? If you don’t have extra time and energy for long-distance running or speed training, maintaining the status quo mode can prevent your body from being over consumed


Thinking and making decisions early can make you more planned and make you feel that you are in control rather than overwhelmed


Choose a time that is relatively easy to control for high-intensity training, reduce your goals or choose a half marathon


Here are some psychological factors that may hinder progress and corresponding breakthrough methods


” Breakthrough method   ⇨ Jensen pointed out that we must pay attention to our own limit values

. running rucksack

Breakthrough method   ⇨ don’t put all your eggs in one basket, that is to say, you should have a variety of success goals to varying degrees


Run for recreation at least once a week, without timing, acceleration, or cross training to maintain other interests


Overburdening often leads to dullness: like a deer illuminated by a lamp, it is at a loss


Even if you succeed, for example, if you successfully enter the Boston Marathon, you are likely to experience a sense of loss after the end of a major event, because your goal for months or even years is the Boston Marathon, so when it is over, you have no goal to pursue, and naturally it is easy to lose


It only shows your state in training or at a specific time in your life


The plateau phenomenon is indeed disgusting, but it is not always adverse


By KingWay