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If you’re a perennial runner, don’t worry


The efficiency of mitochondria in muscle will also decrease significantly in the process of using oxygen to convert energy


Finally, they simply gave themselves a long holiday


After three weeks of inactivity, the muscle mass in the heart pump chamber will decrease by about 20%


Your muscles are changing


  Three days after stopping running   After three days of inactivity, my health has begun to decline


Not running for a period of time will reduce deep sleep, resulting in irritability and further affect the quality of sleep


The running bar is the spiritual garden of runners, sharing running knowledge, running information, running equipment, sports weight loss, running training, fitness shaping, etc..


Your body loses calcium and your inactive body weakens your bones


As long as you stick to this, I believe your brain, body and body will remain in a good state


If you don’t rest enough, your physical function has not been fully repaired, but you are more prone to fatigue or injury


However, I believe that most children are addicted to running


However, you can’t give up the habit of running


However, there will still be unexpected changes


Lactic acid begins to accumulate in the blood, and the concentration of lactic acid rises rapidly, making your body unable to persist


  Two weeks after stopping running   At this point, the runner’s maximum oxygen uptake (which is the main indicator of aerobic skills) will decrease by 4% to 20%


If we don’t run for a long time, we will have a negative mental state


Another reason is the physiological and chemical changes in muscles


Lactic acid is easier to accumulate and start running again


It will be more difficult to burn fat during running, which will weaken your aerobic endurance


You will increase your weight by at least 5-10kg, and there may be health risks


At the same time, various indicators of your body will change greatly..


Therefore, your endurance loses endurance


At least they didn’t run for three or four days, or they didn’t move their legs for two weeks


You may be temporarily or for a long time unable to run


After running stops for one week, the exercise ability decreases, and the pace, cardiopulmonary and muscle strength will decrease by 15 ~ 30%


However, for those who have recently joined running or have a lower physical level, the proportion of physical loss is greater


  One week after stopping running   After not running for a week, changes begin to take place in your body, which eventually leads to the loss of physical fitness


Nowadays, with the increasingly hot weather, it is easy to be lazy about running and even tired of running


However, at this stage, the loss is very small


If you work very hard in your previous training, a three-day rest will enhance your fitness


This is the most terrible thing


After stopping running for two months, this efficiency will decrease by 25% to 45%


  One month after stopping running   All the above changes caused by not running will continue to develop, but the changes in basic muscles begin to be significant at this time


If you don’t practice for a day, you know; If you don’t practice for two days, your running friends know; If you don’t practice for three days, the whole world will know..


Proper rest is very important


  Six months after stopping running   After six months, the runner’s physical decline has stabilized


The weight gain will gradually become obvious, that is, you will get fat


The biochemical way that runners’ muscles burn fat for energy begins to become inefficient


  Three months after stopping running   After three months, your body’s ability to decompose lactic acid will also decrease, that is, your body’s lactic acid threshold will decrease


As a result, your speed, endurance and flexibility will decrease, and your muscle oxygen uptake will decrease by up to 8%


Even if you just take calcium without exercise, it won’t strengthen your bones


When we run again with high intensity, the muscles that were not sore are more likely to be sore, which is why we exercise every other week, and the muscles are more likely to be sore


When running, the body will secrete something called endorphins, which makes us feel happy this time


The lactic acid threshold has decreased before


The good capillary network established by endurance training began to decline


However, it may be higher than people who never train


If you don’t resume exercise but maintain the same eating habits, you will certainly get fat


This is partly due to a decrease in cardiac output


the running bar has become a circle platform for runners to make friends, exchange experience, run events, meet runners, and exchange popularity of running fitness


  The longer you stop running, the harder it is to start over   It’s not terrible to stop running


There is no doubt that this will bring some regression to our physical function


If you don’t run for a long time and give up other fitness activities at the same time, not only your body will become fat, but also the self-discipline health habit that can’t be formed will be abolished


Therefore, it is suggested that the partners should not stop training for too long


When you exercise with the original exercise intensity, the speed of removing lactic acid in your body can not catch up with the speed of production


The number of mitochondria per unit of your muscle decreases further, which leads to your lower ability to use oxygen during training


This is because in these three days, your muscles can fully recover; The level of muscle carbohydrate (glycogen) has burst, the muscle fibers damaged by previous hard training have been completely repaired, and the muscle has enough time to complete favorable metabolic changes


You can have a little rest because of your busy work and physical fatigue, and give yourself enough rest time


The terrible thing is to give up running forever


Especially for beginners, eight weeks after stopping training is equivalent to starting again


So far, your muscles will return to your baseline before training


Because we feel the comfort and pleasure of not running, we will let ourselves go


Generally speaking, it takes as long as you stop running to recover your physical fitness


Not running for two weeks won’t cost you a lot of energy


For running, it is not good to stick to it every day


Few give up their friends halfway, live and run


Even a little quick walk is excellent


  Two months after stopping running   After two months without running, your myocardial activity will be significantly reduced and your heart wall thickness will be reduced by 25%


By KingWay