Does strength training have other effects besides increasing the proportion of type Ⅱ a muscle fibers? Yes, strength training can also increase the utilization rate of oxygen during long-distance running


During long-distance running, the body not only uses our slow muscle fiber (type I muscle fiber), but also uses type IIA muscle fiber in fast muscle fiber


Related research: scientists found that after strength training, the oxygen intake of athletes decreased at the same intensity and time, while the output power of training did not change


What’s the situation? Two unrelated things( Embarrassed children may make complaints about children’s shoes


Now I will introduce to you why strength training can improve endurance


Binka, I’m a runner


Strength training just solves this problem


 · Strength training will make your running easier  · For long-distance running, strength training can improve your long-distance running ability, that is to say, strength training can make you run further“ I’ll go


With high oxygen utilization rate, it will be easier to run


This is given by God and can not be changed


Although muscle fibers are artificially divided into two types, in fact, in your skeletal muscle, the two kinds of muscle fibers are actually mixed, but the proportion is different


Many of my friends asked me if people who like running (long-distance running, marathon and Magic Horse) can stop training their strength


And the core muscles can keep the stability of running, so that the upper and lower body coordination


Conclusion: after strength training, the proportion of type Ⅱ a muscle fiber in muscle increases


Scientists also found that after high-intensity and heavy strength training, the effect of improving endurance is better


The increase in the proportion of muscle fibers that support endurance exercise means you have more horse drawn carts


The higher the utilization rate of oxygen, the greater the circulation efficiency of the body and the stronger the exercise ability


If the body is compared to a carriage, type IIA fiber is the horse pulling the cart


After strength training, the proportion of type IIA muscle fiber in muscle increases, which means that athletes have more muscle fiber to support long-distance running


❷ strength training can improve the proportion of type Ⅱ a muscle fiber in the body


Generally speaking, the utilization rate of oxygen is the amount of oxygen used by the body after inspiration


Others can run 1 meter with one breath, and you can run 2 meters with one breath


Do children’s shoes like running need strength training? A lot of people worry that strength training will lead to muscle growth, and that getting big will affect running, but….


After strength training, now you can run 5 kilometers per hour

. running sling bag

Gluteal leg muscle group gluteal leg muscle group is the power source of long-distance running


The utilization rate of oxygen will directly affect the energy supply of the body


The number of muscle fibers will not change


During exercise, these two kinds of muscle fibers will contract together, and they will be recruited in a certain proportion


Related research: scientists conducted a 16 week experiment to compare the output power changes of cyclists in endurance training group and endurance + strength training group under the same time and intensity (45min power cycling) before and after long-term exercise and training


Many children’s shoes may have been covered


 · Strength training improves endurance, why· If a car wants to run soon, it needs a good motor


Your muscles determine your athletic ability


If the proportion of muscle fiber in your body is not coordinated, it will be difficult to support during long-distance running


After oxygen enters the body, it reacts with sugar to produce energy (to supply energy for the body) and water


The stability of the core muscle group can coordinate the muscles of the whole body and make running easier


Don’t worry, everything has a premise, if you want to practice magic skill, you have to..


Related research: when studying the influence of strength training on muscle function of endurance athletes, scientists found that after strength + endurance training, the area of type IIA muscle fiber of endurance athletes increased, that is to say, after strength training, the proportion of type IIA muscle fiber in muscle increased


To put it bluntly, strength training makes it easier for you to run


After strength training (type IIA fiber increases), the body becomes stronger, and the horse pulling the cart becomes two, so naturally you can run far


Conclusion: after strength training, the amount of oxygen inhaled by athletes at the same time and intensity does not increase, but decreases, which means that the oxygen utilization rate of athletes increases, otherwise the athletes can not support such a long time


First of all, let’s prove that strength training can really promote the athletic ability of endurance sports (long-distance running and marathon), which has been verified abroad


Whether you can run or not depends on the legs.


With it, we can carry out all kinds of sports


The results showed that: compared with the endurance group, the output power per unit time of the strength + endurance group increased by 8%


Before strength training, you have a horse pulling the cart


Why can strength training increase the performance of endurance training? The reason is very simple


I like running very much


  What kind of muscle fiber is used for long-distance running? We have introduced before that skeletal muscle is composed of muscle fibers, which is the basis of body movement


Strong hip leg muscles can make you run easily, just like a powerful engine installed in the lower body


During long-distance running, type I muscle fiber and type II a muscle fiber will participate in the exercise together


Increasing the proportion of type I and type IIA muscle fibers in the muscle can improve the long-distance running ability, and you will run more easily


Scientists have found that the proportion of type Ⅱ a muscle fiber in endurance athletes after strength training will increase significantly


Strength training can improve long-distance running ability


Tips: Children’s shoes, this is about the proportion of muscle fibers


For example, in the past, you could run 4 kilometers per hour


 ·  So how do we train· What do you practice? The big muscles of the whole body, especially the core & hip leg long-distance running, will use the muscles of the whole body, and need the coordinated operation of each muscle, so when exercising, each muscle should not be abandoned


I don’t understand


❷   Fast muscle fiber: also called fast muscle fiber   Ⅱ   Type Ⅱ A and type Ⅱ B were subdivided into type Ⅱ A and type Ⅱ B, respectively; It is characterized by thick diameter of muscle fiber and less sarcoplasma, but developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, fast response to contraction, high tension during contraction, and relatively higher anaerobic metabolism capacity of fast muscle fiber, but easy to fatigue


The more sufficient oxygen supply is, the more conducive it is to energy production, and the easier it will be to run


If a person wants to run far, it needs a strong muscle


Don’t I have to go to the gym to practice strength? Binka, I think I practice long-distance running is enough, do strength practice is redundant, no effect.


Of course, you can’t run far


Muscle fiber type   Slow muscle fiber: also called oxidized slow muscle fiber, type I muscle fiber, red muscle fiber; It is characterized by small diameter of muscle fiber, rich sarcoplasm, large diameter and large number of mitochondria in sarcoplasm, which is more conducive to aerobic metabolism


The truth is: not only does strength training not affect children’s running, but it also allows you to run further


Muscle fibers are divided into two types


(don’t think it’s wrong)! According to the secret book


Scientists have found that strength training can increase the oxygen utilization rate of athletes


Core & hip leg plays a huge role in long-distance running


Little knowledge: the ratio of oxygen utilization is the amount of oxygen used in breathing medium expressed as a percentage


You can exercise with abdominal roll, supine leg lift, Russian twist and plate support


For the core, I suggest you strengthen the rectus abdominis, ventral muscles and lower back muscles


❸ strength training can make you run more easily


What changes is actually the volume of muscle fibers in the muscle


Long distance running is mainly powered by aerobic energy supply system


The function of long-distance running is to provide energy by aerobic functional system


The output power per unit time is 8% more


What does Mao mean? The power output per unit time has increased, which means that you can run further within the specified time


By KingWay