Although it can relieve pain temporarily, it will cause endless harm for a long time


caused by blunt objects such as bricks and stones); 2


After the pain is removed, hot compress is recommended


Blunt injuries (contusion, abrasion, swelling, etc


I love running, so I have been concerned about WeChat official account of running


I feel that this completely goes against the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, which must be refuted


After strenuous exercise, Yang Qi floats on the surface of the body, and coincides with Yin fluid, showing sweating


After strenuous exercise, the micro structure of muscle is damaged, and ice water will contract the capillaries of the damaged muscle, so that the damage of micro structure of muscle caused by training will not continue to expand, so it helps to reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and promote muscle rehabilitation,” the article said From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, professional athletes also have skin, texture, tendons, six Fu organs and five zang organs


Common overuse injuries such as Achilles tendinitis, bursitis, tibial pain, compartment syndrome, etc; 4


If it is used before running, the body is likely to ignore some dangerous feedback signals and increase the risk of injury during running


It’s said that it’s swelling


If you enter the ice water immediately, the ice water will immediately tighten the Yang Qi distributed from the body surface and force it into the three yin levels


General joint pain (whether the arthritis can be ice compress has some disputes, please follow the doctor’s advice); 5


I also run


That’s why ice dressing is used as an artifact for post match recovery According to modern medicine, ice compress can make local blood vessels contract by low temperature, so as to reduce local congestion, relieve pain, and relieve joint redness, swelling, heat and pain


Don’t use ice before running


“In many marathons, feet and knees are soaked with ice water to relieve muscle, joint and foot pain, inflammation, fatigue and swelling,” the article continued However, a British study found that marathon and other continuous high-intensity endurance exercise can increase the risk of upper respiratory tract infections (cold, influenza, sinusitis and tonsillitis) by 2-6 times


Can you ice day after running? Is ice dressing reliable? I don’t think it’s reliable


Other local pain


This kind of fatigue recovery method is really not in line with the concept of traditional Chinese medicine


Sweating after exercise is a manifestation of the harmony of yin and Yang


Once Yang Qi is injured, Qi and blood are out of harmony


I know it’s hard to run 30 kilometers at a pace of 3 minutes 45 seconds (because it’s hard for me to run 10 kilometers at a pace of 4 minutes 10 seconds)


But don’t use ice before running


In this paper, the author thinks that ice dressing is recommended for the following situations: 1


Muscle strain; 3


Why are many athletes full of injuries after retirement? It is estimated that besides the strain caused by excessive exercise, the abuse of ice compress or ice bath after exercise is the main reason


After a few days of applying ice to the pain, it usually gets better


The so-called Xuanfu people are sweating and empty


This can actually restore fatigue, my understanding is that Yang plus Yin is called sweat


Even if there is local sports injury, it is not recommended to apply ice, and it is not recommended to soak feet in cold water or bath in ice water


Ice can hurt Yang


Recently, he came to Kenya and successfully joined NN running group to start training


When your kidney sweat comes from the wind, you can’t enter the viscera inside, and you can’t go beyond the skin outside


Looking from the photo, Fukuda in the ice bucket is struggling, while his teammates are making trouble Seeing this, I’m not calm anymore


If ordinary people jump into ice water for 10 minutes after running for 10 kilometers, they will get sick for the first half of the year and even lose their health for a lifetime


The reason why the marathon athletes mentioned above can soak in ice water is that they have good physique, strong Yang Qi and can withstand the cold of ice water


So, do you want ice? Or, when can I use ice? The author of this paper thinks: “after the competition or after the end of training, it has a very good effect on alleviating mild inflammation


From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, because marathon is an excessive exercise, sweating, both yin and Yang will be consumed, leading to Qi deficiency


Just like running in cold weather, you need to do more warm-up activities, that’s why


The ideal time for an ice pack is 15 to 20 minutes


What should I do? From my clinical experience, acupuncture is the most effective method for all kinds of muscle injury, joint sprain and soft tissue pain caused by excessive exercise, especially in the early stage of pain


However, the cold evil enters the interior and becomes three yin diseases


In this case, the most important thing is to control inflammation, reduce swelling, prevent the infiltration of internal tissue fluid and blood caused by injury, and form adhesion and secondary injury


My point is: ice is not recommended in any of the above situations


“Ice bucket recovery is a common recovery method for professional athletes


Yang Qi can’t be injured, and any treatment can’t be at the cost of Yang injury


Yang Qi is the foundation of life


After finishing this training, the pores of the whole body will be completely opened and sweat will be released


Ice compress has analgesic effect


You can visit Xuanfu and walk in the skin


Second, acupuncture and moxibustion can balance yin and Yang, harmonize viscera, dredge meridians, smooth Qi and blood, and has high curative effect on sports injury

. athletic compression socks

Full warm-up is helpful to improve sports performance and effectively prevent sports injuries


Because ice compress can block the flow of Qi and blood in meridians and easily cause sports injury


It’s originally from the kidney, and it’s called Fengshui


If you don’t need ice, how can you help yourself in the above five situations? My advice is: first, rest, rest is Yang


” That’s right


If the time of ice compress is less than 10 minutes, it only cools the skin, and has no effect on the muscle tissue under the skin


It’s said in Neijing: “if you are brave and hardworking, your kidney will sweat


As for the time of ice application, my opinion is that it’s better to have less ice than to have no ice


On the surface, it seems to be effective, but in fact, it’s only a good thing for a hundred disadvantages


At this time, the most afraid of cold, because once cold, cold evil is most likely to go deep into the body along the open pores


Fukuda let in the first speed 3 minutes 45 seconds 30 km training, immediately into the ice bucket, for 10 minutes of fatigue ice bucket recovery


Although there is no sweating on the surface, it seems that the Yang Qi does not leak out, so I don’t feel tired


At the beginning of the article, he said: “in October 2020, Fukuda, a famous Japanese marathon player, signed a contract with nnrunning team to become the first Asian player in the team


Because ice is cold, cold blood coagulation qi stagnation, may have temporary pain relief, but not conducive to the operation of Qi and blood, easy to lead to chronic pain, and long-term does not heal


” Wind is the pathogenic factor of Yang, and its nature can open and discharge, and it can also open the surface of Yang


Therefore, ice compress is the most appropriate method


A official account was read on one day, “why does the great God make ice after running? How amazing is it I was surprised


At this time, if you immediately drill into the ice bucket for 10 minutes, the pores will be instantly closed, and the cold pathogen will immediately invade the body surface


I use acupuncture and moxibustion to treat all kinds of injury pain caused by excessive exercise, and the acupuncture is effective.


As a matter of fact, ice application is a pleasure for a while and causes many years of damage


Hot compress is warm, warm belongs to the category of Yang Qi, the role of Yang and cold is just the opposite, hot compress can warm Qi and blood, make Qi and blood unobstructed, smooth without pain


It’s not to recover fatigue, it’s to be afraid of not getting sick


It is easy to turn acute pain into chronic strain


This is the way to make up for the West


Ice water is cold evil, and its nature is closed and stagnant, which can damage the outside of the guard


This paper holds that: “after strenuous exercise, especially when muscle strain, joint sprain and soft tissue contusion occur, the body’s own repair mechanism will lead to the acceleration of blood circulation, metabolism, temperature rise, capillary rupture under overload, swelling and inflammatory reaction


May as well first acupuncture analgesia, and then hot compress, both effective, and will not damage Yang, but also to avoid chronic strain


So here’s the text


By KingWay