If you want to eat right, first ask yourself two questions: first, do you have enough protein? Carbohydrates have always been considered an important energy source for running, but protein is also important


If you often participate in running group activities or marathon, you will find that there are many energy drinks in the supply station


Eating salad, eggs and milk every day is a constant torture


  You may have to say: I just run casually, I can’t run a few kilometers, and I just want to lose weight by running


I had to endure without eating.


Run to a bottle, energy enough and a rich breakfast comparable; After running on a bottle, more for your body full of energy


  For example, what should you pay attention to when you run half a horse for the first time, and whether you want to bring salt balls and energy glue? There is a question that many people ask, that is: do you want to have breakfast on the morning of the race day? What should we eat? This question seems simple, but it’s really easy to tangle when you think about it carefully


  In fact, the problem of eating has been bothering me for a long time


It can even be combined with “morning running or night running”, “front foot landing or back foot landing” and become “three mysteries of running circle”


Can’t I run for nothing after breakfast?   Indeed, fasting running can speed up fat burning and metabolic rate to a certain extent


Therefore, it is not enough to replenish water during exercise, not only to “relieve thirst”, but also to “disintegrate thirst”


Generally speaking, marathon athletes should take 500-900 calories from breakfast every day to ensure that they have enough nutrition and physical strength to maintain training and exercise


It can quickly replenish the sweat loss during exercise, increase the concentration of sugar in the blood, and meet all kinds of energy needs of your sports and competition


Recently, there are so many competitions


  At the beginning, I was also surprised that drinking water after exercise was OK


Too full, our body’s blood will be concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract to promote food digestion, this time to run will cause indigestion, may also increase the risk of gastroptosis, appendicitis and other diseases


  Second, do you eat enough food before you run? Running on an empty stomach usually leads to a decline in athletic ability and makes you feel hungry again soon


It can stabilize blood sugar and help you feel full for a longer time


So it’s very important to eat enough food but not too much


Rich in minerals 25 essential minerals and vitamins, fully meet the needs of sports competition


But at the same time, the high concentration of free fatty acids in plasma may cause platelet aggregation, thrombosis, arrhythmia, reduce running efficiency, and even put some fasting runners at risk


Maybe the events are concentrated, which also makes many runners have more questions about marathons


  however! It’s not good to run on an empty stomach, but it’s worse to eat too much and too full


  Is there any food recommendation that can not only meet the requirement of adequate protein intake, but also just satisfy my “satiety” without making us overeat? Of course there are – Abbott high protein nutrition energy bomb can meet your needs! More high-quality protein: contains 30g protein, a bottle is equal to five eggs, runners, especially in order to lose weight, all know this sentence, three practice seven eat


  Abbott’s high protein nutrition energy bomb is a high protein milk shake specially developed for people who love sports


Although I knew later that I had to keep my mouth shut and keep my legs open, I didn’t know what to eat and how to eat at that time


  In fact, to achieve diet control, the key is protein intake


Although many busy modern people have given up cooking, in today’s health first, the key problem is still how to balance nutrition and not get fat


In April alone, there are several popular events, such as the Xi Ma Huai Ma Xi Ma Xia horse half marathon


What’s more, when you first start running, those OGS will tell you: don’t just drink water after running, but drink something with minerals


So, if you want to run a marathon, you should also refer to this energy intake standard to make your breakfast plan


The desire to drink water will soon be inhibited, which hinders the continuous replenishment of water


Whether you like a little sweet or sour, it can give you more choices


If you want to take part in a marathon, or even if you don’t have the habit of running in the morning, it’s very important to eat a nutritious breakfast, which can provide the necessary exercise energy for our morning running

. compression sleeve shin splints

Indeed, breakfast has great benefits for us to stabilize blood sugar, control weight, reduce cholesterol content in blood, and ensure gastrointestinal health


In addition, fasting running often leads to the occurrence of hypoglycemia, and hypoglycemia can cause a variety of discomfort symptoms, such as panic, sweating, shaking hands and feet, and even fainting


  See here, you may have fainted: squid, you said so much, how can I listen more confused ah, do you let me eat or not?   Sure, but eat right


  In addition, this high protein nutrition energy pellet has rich flavors, including vanilla, berry and chocolate


Therefore, whether you are a runner or not, it is necessary to keep a good breakfast habit and pay attention to breakfast time


My friends who are familiar with me all know that I used to be a “heavyweight”


If we get sick because of bad eating habits, it’s not worth the loss


On the one hand, enough protein can improve the sense of satiety, which is conducive to reducing impulsive eating; On the other hand, protein intake also helps to improve metabolism and muscle growth


At this time, we need to come to a bottle of Abbott high protein nutrition energy bomb rich in 25 essential minerals and vitamins


  Abbott high protein nutrition energy bomb, each bottle contains 30g protein, which is equivalent to eating 5 eggs (mother no longer need to worry that I don’t like eggs, ha ha ha)


  Before talking about running & breakfast, let’s see how important a nutritious breakfast is! I have seen a research data before, saying that 88% of people who lose weight successfully have the habit of eating breakfast regularly and quantitatively


  Low calorie and low sugar: suitable for the needs of sports or slimming people, no burden to eat


Each bottle contains up to 30g of protein, but only 1g of sugar! Such a perfect ratio can help us, especially those who want to lose weight, achieve our goals and break through ourselves, so that you can eat without burden and psychological pressure


Recently, I often receive all kinds of private letters about marathons


  Whether it’s competition or morning running training, the original purpose of exercise is to make us healthier


Why drink such complicated things? Later, I learned that this is because if you just drink water, water will quickly enter the cells, resulting in the decrease of plasma osmotic pressure and the precipitation of particles in the body


No wonder a lot of people struggle: eat too much? It’s too strong to run; No? After running for a while, I feel dizzy; Milk and porridge? The stomach distension is uncomfortable when running   In this article today, I’ll talk to you about what and how to eat for breakfast


Therefore, in the eyes of professional runners and coaches, fasting running is generally considered to be harmful to health, which is not advocated


But the problem is that due to the influence of genes, it is not so simple for most people to strictly control their diet


If you read the ingredient list of the best-selling protein food carefully, you will find that many products under the banner of health have added sugar and fat for taste


By KingWay