When exercising on the treadmill, you should choose the right speed according to your own ability


Coping: it can be treated by rest, local ice compress or leg extension


It is usually caused by repeated and excessive traction of calf gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon during exercise


Correct arm swing posture can maintain body balance, coordinate stride frequency and improve leg movement


Response: rice therapy


In fact, if they use the wrong running posture, the more they run, the more harmful it will be to their health


The iliotibial band is a ligament extending from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee along the outside of the thigh


Some enthusiasts, especially teenagers, like to shake their bodies from side to side when running

. compression toe socks

Lu Jinliang, senior coach of Beijing xiannongtan youth sports club and world champion coach of skills, summed up five common wrong running postures: error 1: full foot landing


Keep your knees slightly bent when you land, not straight


Only by mastering the correct posture and guarding against sports injury, can you run healthy and healthy


Mistake 4: watching TV with your head up many gyms install TV on the treadmill or on the treadmill in order to make the exercisers not feel boring, so many people either look up or bow down when running


Coping: try to avoid climbing stairs, squatting or bending knees for a long time, otherwise the situation of “running knees” will become serious


Coping: continuous stimulation of bones will lead to more serious injuries, which need to be improved through rest




Rely on the forward swing of the thigh to drive the hip forward and upward


Make a quick transition from heel first landing to full foot landing


Temperature related injuries include sunburn, heatstroke, frostbite and hypothermia


Because there is no buffer and transition when landing, it’s easy to “squat”, and it’s also easy to shock the cervical spine, especially when running on hard ground such as asphalt road


There are many reasons for running knee, if there is a congenital uneven arrangement of bones, such as genu valgus or genu varus, the probability of “running knee” is very high


It can also be caused by a sudden extension of the running time or too tight calf muscles


How to deal with it: change comfortable running shoes, wear elastic sports socks or apply Vaseline in places where blisters are easy to appear


In the long run, it is easy to cause knee joint and other parts of the injury, but also cause X-shaped legs and O-shaped legs


Response: rice therapy


10 kinds of sports injuries that runners should be on guard against and the corresponding treatment


The stride length and stride frequency beyond your own ability range may increase the risk of exercise


A friend is depressed: why do others run flat stomach, run thin legs, run out of a healthy devil figure, but their own running hurt their knees, run out of turnip legs, cervical spondylosis, run more waste? It’s not that you are not suitable for running, it’s that your posture is useless, right! Many people think that they can walk and run


People with tight calf muscles and high arch are more likely to suffer from plantar fasciitis


However, increasing the stride length will result in long flight time, large fluctuation of gravity center and heavy landing force, which will increase the vibration of human body


The most common cause is chronic periosteal inflammation around the tibia


Muscle strain, also known as muscle strain, is usually caused by over stretching the muscle


Iliotibial band syndrome usually occurs when the ligament thickens and abrades the knee bone causing inflammation


They think it’s a good way to run, just like the rocking action of riding a bicycle


Iliotibial band syndrome usually causes pain on the lateral side of the knee


In fact, this will not only increase unnecessary physical consumption, but also destroy the straightness of running, affecting the speed and effect


Relax the leg movement, lift the thigh forward actively, relax the calf naturally, and the stride should not be too large


Too much forward running will increase the burden of back muscles, backward will lead to chest and abdominal muscle tension, a long time will lead to abnormal shoulder, neck and back


In addition, some runners will land on their toes


When a muscle tears, you may feel a sharp pain


Plantar fasciitis is pain and discomfort caused by inflammation of plantar fascia (thick tissue band extending from heel to toe)


Coping: external tibial splint can be treated by rest, stretching exercise or gradual recovery training in a few weeks after rehabilitation


Error 2: people with large strides like to increase the stride to improve the effect of exercise when they start running


It will bring adverse effects to the tibia and foot of runners, usually due to excessive exercise


The running knee is called patellar pain syndrome because of the pain in front of the knee caused by the patella sliding on the femur (usually not related to joint damage)


The swing range should not be too large, and the force should not be too strong


How to deal with it: dress properly, keep enough water and use sunscreen


When running, the head should be naturally straight and the eyes should look straight ahead




Many people are used to full foot landing when running, and this landing method is not correct


[disclaimer] only share knowledge, respect the original, and the copyright belongs to the original book


Coping: it can be treated by rice therapy (techniques used to treat soft tissue injury, including rest, ice compress, compression and elevation)


When swinging arms, the head should face the front, the shoulders should be relaxed and the chest should not be included, the arms should be bent about 90 degrees, the hands should be half clenched, and the arms should swing naturally, slightly inward when swinging forward, and slightly outward when swinging backward


The range of forward leaning is natural and comfortable


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The pain will increase with daily activities


Coping: reduce the amount of exercise, warm up before exercise and local ice after exercise


What’s the right running posture like? The “forward leaning posture” invented by Russian sports scientist Nicholas Romanov can not only reduce the joint burden and exercise intensity, but also prolong the exercise time


4、 Achilles tendinitis generally refers to the aseptic inflammation formed after acute and chronic strain of Achilles tendon, which can obviously cause pain and stiffness in the tendon area in the morning or during exercise


Most of them are flat feet and change the way of exercise (such as running long or fast suddenly)


6、 Ankle sprain refers to the ligament around the ankle is suddenly stretched or torn, usually by walking foot into the concave place to make the ankle joint suddenly varus or twist


Error 3: when walking, many people will take the eight character step


Muscle strain usually affects muscles such as tendons, quadriceps femoris, lower leg and groin


2、 Stress fracture, also known as fatigue fracture or cumulative strain, is a kind of slight fracture that can cause bone pain and discomfort


In the long run, it’s easy to cause tibial periostitis and run into O-shaped legs


The forefoot landing will strongly stimulate the calf muscles, and the calf will become thicker after a long time, forming a “radish leg”


Blisters are caused by friction between shoes or socks and skin




It seems that running is very simple, and there are many things to pay attention to


If it is still “inside eight character” or “outside eight character” when running, the knee and toe can not keep in the same direction, which will increase the burden on the knee joint


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Natural arm swing


It may be related to a sudden increase in activity, or it may not happen suddenly for any reason


By KingWay