Some people run quite belly, that is the performance of insufficient abdominal muscles, may also be too much abdominal fat, so that the body center of gravity unconsciously back (think about pregnant women)


Only in the process of “flying” in the air can we breathe in


So we run, every step of landing support, is actually exhaling or holding breath


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Watching a marathon, you will find that the people running in the front are almost the same in running posture, while the people running in the back are in various shapes and have their own short boards


Recently, with the recovery of running competition, many new runners have begun to step up their training and shock the competition they have just signed up for


Some people’s stride length, but the stride frequency does not come up, is likely to be limited by breathing


First aid inside to do artificial respiration is also required to lift the victim’s jaw, let mouth and trachea unobstructed


Run up, no matter heartbeat breath muscle or skeleton, all changed intensity to be in motion


Limited time and low price of selected sports equipment is only available from April 7 to April 13


People will unconsciously raise their head when their breath is not smooth, so as to ensure smooth breathing


As I said before in breathing training, if you run intermittently and you are out of breath, your breathing rate will also increase


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Some people collapse waist running, the body is like a no straight Allegro, in the waist there is a less than 180 degree angle, that is the performance of insufficient psoas


In addition, now people play with mobile phones, will also cause cervical spine stiffness, stretching forward, running also hard


Many runners only do running training, but never do upper limb strength training


You may have found that no matter how the stride frequency and stride length are, the master runs past you with stable body, smooth movement, silent landing and very light breathing, like a breeze


The larger the step, the larger the arm swing range, the faster the step frequency, and the higher the arm swing frequency


Behind the running posture of onrunning, there are many links


To advance to a higher level of running, you need to consciously make up for the short board


The amount of running is the foundation


Vice versa, when we lack leg strength, increasing arm swing range can also help


You will gradually become those masters you see, because the running posture of the masters is similar


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This will not only make the body harder, but also easily damage the psoas


Rope skipping is a good training, not only to train the whole action chain, but also to train agility


Please bear in mind that only when you exhale or hold your breath can you exert your strength well


In fact, the center of gravity fluctuates through two buffers, the lower leg and ankle are the first buffer, and the thigh and knee are the second buffer


So, if you find a runner running with his head up, it’s actually a dangerous sign that his breathing can’t keep up, and he is likely to have reached the limit of his body


You might as well observe for yourself


To solve the problem of running efficiency, it is often the best way to improve the effect


Targeted training of calf and thigh quadriceps strength can make the foot light


There is also a possibility of stomach stiffness caused by sedentary, think about “ge you lie”, when we get used to this position, the core muscle group will become relaxed


It’s a huge leap from walking to running, but from running fast to running far, it will definitely need more growth and strengthening


When you start running, mileage is the most important thing


Waist collapse and belly straightening are all caused by core instability


Some people have high stride frequency but small stride, which is also due to lack of strength


Some people’s running steps are very heavy, and the center of gravity of each step will rise and fall, which is the performance of insufficient leg muscle strength


Black run slang “running is a physical examination, where weak, where the first reaction.” Running a long distance often is helpful to find the short board and improve it


For rookies on the road, when they run 20 or 30 kilometers, the short board will often appear


When running for a long time, arm swing can not keep up with the burden, it will affect the results


As a result, a strong lower limb matches a weak upper body, which is not only prone to upper limb fatigue, but also not good-looking


This is also what we often say: “long distance running is a kind of physical examination.” See if you or your friends have a short board? Have you ever seen someone running with his arms down? It’s a sign of a lack of upper body strength / endurance


In view of this situation, it is necessary to practice more waist muscles, exercise hard pull, goat push up and “Superman” movements on yoga mat


Thigh quadriceps training is also very important, unarmed squat can be done, the strength is too weak to do the lunge, in short, the quadriceps is a very easy to strengthen muscle, and once strengthened, it is good for all kinds of running, cross-country running is inseparable from the quadriceps


Beginners often have weak legs and thighs and can’t support the landing quickly, so it takes a little time to support their body


My favorite method is slope training


Especially after 30 kilometers, fatigue is coming, runners are more and more difficult, short board highlights

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We are too lax when running


Making up for it pertinently will greatly improve your performance


When our core is tight, our body can keep a stable center of gravity, move in a straight line at a constant speed and save effort


Some people can’t keep up with their breath when they run with their head up


When we run, the arm and thigh move in coordination


The larger the stride, the higher the impact


Therefore, the increase of running stride frequency means that breathing should be adjusted accordingly


Run to a certain stage, you will find that there is always one thing that takes the lead in limiting the improvement of performance, that is the short board


Those who run slowly will be accompanied by the landing sound of duangduang, the undulating center of gravity, the shaking from left to right, and the heavy breathing Whether there is a short board, how to optimize the running movement, is an overall project, you need to make a comprehensive judgment


Under such circumstances, we will find a variety of running postures


Running tired, but also want to maintain a forward posture, it is very easy to collapse waist


It’s not easy to exert your strength when you inhale


To explore the problem of short board, for newcomers, can point out the direction of follow-up special training, and for experts, special make up short board, can have a new breakthrough


About the training of respiratory system, the best way is to run intermittently, with high intensity and good training of cardiopulmonary system


The simplest way to make up for upper limb strength training is to do arm swinging exercises with hands loaded (such as holding a dumbbell or a mineral water bottle)


Some people run with unstable core, shake left and right, slouch waist or have a big stomach, some people run with low breath, some have high stride frequency but too small stride, and some have large stride but too small stride Some people can’t lift their legs after running for a period of time, while others can’t lift their arms It is the so-called happiness and running posture are similar, unfortunately each has its own sorrow


The first step to becoming a runner means a certain amount of running


It’s absolutely efficient to find a slope of several hundred meters


Good habits are too important


By KingWay