Many people who have just run will be very confused


After running, I have to lie down for several days

. seamless bandana

At this time, breathing also began to be not smooth, I felt out of breath, and there was a bloody smell in my mouth


I said it was a good thing, but my friend said the running wasn’t going very well


Toe landing: it is more suitable for sprint that needs to break out and speed, and has higher load on calf muscle strength and ankle




What is the key to landing? In fact, it’s where your body’s center of gravity line falls


Learn how to work my hips and legs






The starry sky is the most romantic adventure.


This is the simplest, that is, 2-step-1 inhalation, 2-step-1 exhalation


It takes a certain amount of training to be familiar with and master its rules


Because of the low intensity, less oxygen is needed


Generally speaking, jogging and other training intensity is small, suitable for “nasal suction and nasal breathing” or “nasal suction and oral breathing”


As a result, the buttocks and legs are not trained, the speed and endurance are not improved, and the crus are easy to congest after running


The key to correct the hand related movements in arm swing running is not to be stiff




At the beginning, you need to count the beat deliberately


So today we’re going to talk about scientific running posture


For most people, the usual way of exercise is jogging, so they are more suitable for the “nasal inhalation and nasal exhalation”




Although people who don’t exercise for a long time, at the beginning of exercise, will inevitably encounter pain


There are many kinds of breathing rhythms


At the beginning of practicing this breathing style, slow down the running speed, extend the breathing rate, inhale in 3 steps and exhale in 2 steps


In fact, the most scientific way is to land on the sole of the foot or forefoot


When I started running, my legs were the most tired, because I knew that running should be small


Every time I run, I feel all kinds of discomfort, pain in arms, arms, toes and other places


At this time, your stress points of each link are relatively average, and you are not easy to be injured


Heel landing: This is the natural running method of most people, but it is not easy to improve the running speed, and the knee joint will be subject to certain pressure


When swinging backward, release the force and let the arm return to the front position naturally


In addition to maintaining the center of gravity, pay attention to the following two aspects can help you better practice the full foot landing


After training, if the running ability is improved and you feel more relaxed, you can also extend it to the 444 way of 4 steps and 1 breath


Remember not to blindly use the calf muscle group, by pedaling to produce propulsion


There are always some parts that are in agony




Keeping the stability of the upper body running seems to stimulate the strength of the buttocks and legs, but in fact, it also requires our upper body


And intermittent running, fast running and other training intensity, is suitable for “mouth and nose breathing at the same time”, can provide more sufficient oxygen


Small steps led to my body agreeing to be lazy, because I could finish it just by moving my legs


These include relaxing the shoulders and keeping the hands from clenching


But running, as one of the most popular fitness sports, is very popular


When running, should the heel or the tip of the foot fall to the ground first? In fact, for long-distance running, these two ways are not good


Running posture: what is science? Some time ago, a friend told me that he planned to start running to improve his physical fitness


What we need to learn is how to use the hips and thighs, including the gluteal muscles and the hamstrings behind the thighs


Here we recommend the two most common and the best training methods: a.222


The sole of the foot falls to the ground


At the beginning, we have to choose different breathing schemes for different running modes


One of the things we should pay attention to is to keep straight, not to bend down, not to hunchback; the other is to keep stable, not to swing left and right or back and forth, which has a negative impact on the center of gravity and breathing rhythm


Keep elbows bent 90 degrees, close to the body, and don’t swing sideways


If you relax, you will follow the rhythm of running and naturally carry out corresponding movements to reduce resistance


In fact, if you want to run well, there is a link that can not be ignored, that is, breathing training


On this basis, the upper body slightly forward, so that your body’s center of gravity can fall in front, natural guide your foothold, but also save energy


If we don’t pay attention to exercise methods, we may get half the result with half the effort, or even lead to all kinds of injuries


But its advantage is that because the landing feet are changed during exhalation, it is easier to maintain the balance and stability of the trunk, and it is not easy to fork


In the choice of breathing, but also pay attention to training their own breathing rhythm, otherwise they will start running disorder, or even fork


It’s a little more complicated than the first one


Another is that the pace should not be too big, the pace is too big, it is not easy to maintain the center of gravity


It’s a two step, one inhale, one step, one exhale


After overcoming many obstacles of scientific running, many people will still be tired after running for a little long time and feel unable to persist


After getting familiar with it, speed up to 212


As you can see in the breakdown, after the feet touch the ground, the hips and the back of the thighs actively contract, driving your legs back and up, producing a forward force




When running, you should try to ensure that your center of gravity is in a straight line (head, shoulder, waist, hip, foot): when you fall in the projection point of the body’s center of gravity, you will naturally be the way of the whole foot


One is that the landing point should not be too far away from the body, otherwise it will deviate from your center of gravity projection


By KingWay