The guest of this issue is the sunny, confident, young and self disciplined runner @ Yang Yang, the nickname of the group @ Dacai


90, runner, No


The sports knowledge here only comes from the exchange of professionals


All the kids who are ready to run and keep moving can participate in it


35, experience runner@ Content is always happy “runner’s talk” issue 36 “pacesetter runner @ Shangshan’s” runner’s talk “is continuously released every week


every Saturday


33, runner, No


Express their own opinions, seek common ground while reserving differences, from running to running


“Runner says” is released weekly at 8:00 p.m


The official account is welcomed by all accounts.


Focusing on running is running


Click [running is running] 👆 Run together! The video number with the same name “runner’s talk” and “runner’s talk” are small running forums organized by this platform to invite reliable runners to share their running experiences, experiences and other topics


The copyright of professional books belongs to the original author and this platform


34, experience runner, No


Picture and text: Yang Yang February 2021 runner’s talk No.35: February 6 runner @ contentment No.36: February 13 runner @ Shangshan No.37: February 20 runner @ Yang Yang No.38: February 27 runner @ Yang Junsheng if you want to listen, communicate and talk about xiaoq wechat 👆 Review of the past: a total of 30 issues of 2020 runner’s talk: let the past pass, let’s continue, let’s start runner’s talk, issue 31, treasure runner, No

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32, runner, No


on February 20, 2021, issue 37 of runner’s talk arrived as scheduled


It is original and appreciated in the name of invited guests


At 8:00 p.m


By KingWay