They can take the moment when they wear the equipment as their ritual feeling


Some will punch in the circle of friends after running to show their sports achievements and share today’s running achievements and happiness


The sense of ceremony can make ordinary days and ordinary things different


So, how do runners find their own sense of running rituals? 1


Some runners will take “make-up photos” before running to tell themselves that they are going to start running


Only a few of the runners who can cross the barrier of “persistence” and run all the time are among the hundreds of millions of people


Special time / number some runners will set a specific time point as a running ceremony and start running at that time point


For running reasons, everyone is different: some are for fitness, some are for weight loss, some are for finding small partners, some are purely like the feeling of running




What’s your opinion? Share your story in the comments section: do you have your own sense of running rituals? Tip: during the Chinese New Year holiday (February 4 to February 17), no one answered the new China Sports customer service phone


Warm up exercise many runners take warm-up as a ceremony before running


But there are a lot of people who feel bored running and don’t want to run, and they don’t want to run when they are busy working overtime..


It’s a good way to give running a sense of ceremony, which is different from ordinary things, and make running a “highlight moment” in your life


If you need to contact us, you can scan the QR code at the end of the article to contact the Secretary of China sports..


How to run longer and make running more interesting? There is a saying in the little prince: ceremony is to make a certain day different from other days, and a certain moment different from other moments


Give running a sense of ceremony, and running may become different


In addition, some people will treat a certain day or a certain number specially and give it a sense of ceremony in the form of running, such as “healthy Saturday”, “the 100th day of the founding of the running group”, “the first day of the new year”, “20.21km in 2021”..


For example, some of them run in the morning at 6:00 a.m., some of them commute after work, and some of them run in the evening or other time nodes


Every time I change into running clothes, put on running shoes, tie shoelaces and so on, tell myself: I’m going to start running! From this gradually develop subconsciousness, once put on running equipment, start your own running journey


Through warm-up, not only tell the brain “I’m going to run”, but also awaken the strength of the body system such as joints and internal organs, and make full preparations for “running”






Running is one of the ways that many people use


Wearing equipment many runners will have their own running equipment


By KingWay