Fish and poultry are preferred


Control the intake of added sugar, not more than 50g per day, preferably less than 25g


The primary marathon training program usually runs 40-60 kilometers a week


Eat more vegetables, milk, soybeans ● vegetables and fruits are an important part of a balanced diet


Blindly increasing the amount of running, participating in marathons frequently and neglecting scientific sports will lead to serious damage to the body and even have a serious impact on our cardiovascular system


What is the training duration? The duration of the training program usually ranges from 12 to 30 weeks, sometimes depending on whether you have completed the basic training


A variety of food, mainly grain ● cherish food, prepare meals according to needs, and advocate separate meals without waste


The average daily intake of more than 12 kinds of food, more than 25 kinds of food per week




Inheriting fine culture and promoting new style of food civilization..


Learn to read food labels and choose food reasonably


Adhere to daily physical activity, at least 5 days a week for moderate intensity physical activity, accumulated more than 150 minutes; active physical activity is best 6000 steps a day


Milk is rich in calcium and soybeans are rich in high-quality protein


Eat 280-525g of fish, 280-525g of livestock and poultry meat and 280-350g of eggs every week, with an average daily intake of 120-200g


Please pay attention to this dietary guide, which can teach you how to eat scientifically


Rhythm running? Run for 15-30 minutes at a given speed or play


Daily intake of 250-400 grams of cereal and potato food, including 50-150 grams of whole grains and beans, and 50-100 grams of potato


With the increasing popularity of marathons, some mass runners have participated in this activity without systematic training or running such a long distance


Eat a variety of dairy products, equivalent to 300 grams of liquid milk per day


The raw and cooked food should be separated, and the cooked food should be heated thoroughly


● training programs should help you improve your current running status, not exhaust you


Good running is the highest level of running


Juice can’t replace fresh fruit


Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not drink alcohol


If adults drink alcohol, the amount of alcohol consumed by men does not exceed 25 grams per day, and that of women does not exceed 15 grams per day


There should be vegetables in every meal, and 300-500 grams of vegetables should be taken every day


Don’t discard the yolk when eating eggs




Choose fresh and healthy food and proper cooking methods


The effect of training plan can be affected by modifying the training plan to make it conform to your own competition arrangement


Eat less fat meat, smoked and pickled meat products


The beginner’s 5km training program starts with walking, and starts running after walking for 1 minute


What is the weekly training mileage? The mileage of 5km training program is 24-40km per week, and that of marathon training program is 40-120km per week


But you have to know, more than a certain amount of exercise will have a negative impact on the body, offset the benefits of exercise, even more harm than good


Do you need speed training? Repeat track training? Run at a specific distance and speed on a measured track


In order to run healthily, it’s important to find the best training plan for yourself


We run for health, so we don’t have to “compare”, don’t set unrealistic goals for ourselves, pay attention to daily training and nutrition is the scientific way of running


+Coach Wang VX: wangjiaolian789, remarks: running posture, join the running communication group, that is to get the video course of running posture


Eat fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat in moderation


Eat more at home and enjoy food and family


Eat fruit every day, and ensure that you can take 200-350 grams of fresh fruit every day


Adult daily salt does not exceed 6 grams, cooking oil 25 ~ 30 grams per day


What’s your longest run in the past three weeks? If the mileage in the first week of your training plan exceeds the longest distance you have run recently, you also need a few more weeks of basic training


Food diversity and cereals are important characteristics of balanced diet


The daily diet should include cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, fish, eggs and milk, soybeans and nuts, etc


How to choose training mileage? When the training mileage in the training plan is greater than your own training mileage, the probability of injury will be increased


Running is a kind of healthy lifestyle


Always eat bean products and nuts in moderation


The daily intake of trans fatty acids should not exceed 2G


So how should we choose? Consider the following questions in the assessment to help you choose the best training plan for yourself




● FATEK training method? Add fast running training to your regular run


Do you need comprehensive training? What kind of comprehensive training? Riding, rowing, elliptical training and stair machine


Reduce sedentary time and get up and moving every hour


● do you have access to the training included in the plan? ● 0 to 2 days per week is recommended


If you just take running as a way of fitness, then you can run about 3-5 kilometers three times a week, which is enough to keep healthy


Dark vegetables should account for 1 / 2


Drink plenty of water, 7-8 cups (1500-1700 ml) per day for adults, and advocate drinking boiled water and tea; do not drink or drink less sugary drinks


Don’t eat too much, control total energy intake and keep energy balance


Reduce salt and oil, control sugar and limit alcohol


People of all ages should exercise every day to keep a healthy weight


Most marathons start with 24-40 kilometers a week




We should not only learn how to run scientifically, but also learn how to eat


By KingWay