I’m very tired when I go home every night, and I just want to play with my mobile phone, but I don’t want to communicate; 3


Then, by exercising “burn” the pressure


An appropriate amount of cortisol can help to face pressure, but excessive secretion can easily lead to tension, stress obesity, etc


We call it “stress hormone”


All participants in this research project are required to submit three questionnaires about work stress on a regular basis


Moderate intensity aerobic exercise and resistance exercise can increase cortisol level


Thirdly, lack of sleep can not make melatonin synthesis smoothly, but also can make serotonin decline and cortisol rise


Maybe you haven’t realized the seriousness of the problem – stress is the most serious toxin in the body, worse than sugar


It is a natural non protein amino acid in mammalian body, which can help relieve nervous system, reduce anxiety, bring calm and relax mood


A high carbohydrate diet increases insulin, stores fat, and stimulates cortisol


You are just stepping into the strange circle of “stress obesity”: what is “stress obesity”? Stress obesity refers to: due to study / work stress, psychological pressure, making the “stress hormone” excessive secretion, resulting in increased hunger, overeating, reduce the total amount of exercise, body fat accumulation phenomenon


Caffeine can promote fat metabolism, but it can also cause a rapid rise in cortisol levels, rejecting caffeine, alcohol, trans fatty acids (basically all processed foods); eating some truly unprocessed foods (protein, healthy fat, fruits, ingredients and non gluten cereals) can help you restore hormonal balance and keep blood sugar stable all day


They are just too stressed


How many of the following statements do you win? 1: I always feel that I haven’t got enough sleep in the morning, and I feel a little confused when I wake up for a period of time; 2


Scientists have published a paper in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, which has proved that high sugar and high fat food can relieve stress


Long term stress can damage your immunity and make you more vulnerable to viruses and diseases


Don’t give up the fat, maybe you are just tired


If it is often difficult to fall asleep, there may be a lack of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the body


Compared with participants who never felt stress, participants who once, twice and three times thought they were more stressed were 17%, 24% and 73% more likely to be obese, respectively


How to stop the vicious circle from stress to obesity? Dong Niu said that the most direct way to work is to resign, go back home to grow vegetables and raise pigs, and live a carefree and competitive life


It is suggested to choose moderate and low intensity aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, which can promote metabolism, balance hormones, strengthen immune system, slow down aging, keep brain in the best state, and help you sleep better


It’s more and more difficult to concentrate; 4


No matter how hard I try to lose weight and run, my waist circumference and weight are always slowly expanding If you are right, don’t worry, and don’t blame yourself for the “swimming circle” on your waist and abdomen


The research on stress and obesity conducted by the University of London School of medicine has lasted for nearly 20 years


7-9 hours of sleep is the best rest time for most people, which helps to reduce fat and muscle growth


She will be more and more healthy and energetic I’m kidding


At the beginning, it only takes half an hour, starting with deep breathing, to bring your mind into a state of peace


At the same time, this study found that stress can cause disorder of metabolic skills and abnormal hormone levels, so as to continuously stimulate the hormones that can increase obesity


Second, take the stress out of your diet


No matter how much self-control you have, the hormonal call is hard to resist


The results showed that the more participants felt stressed, the more likely they were to be obese


It also promotes the release of hunger hormones, which increases appetite


Don’t talk about “middle-aged greasy”


Whether it’s listening to music, running, taking a walk in the park, watching the sunset, or taking a slow bubble bath, you can take a massage


Stress can also make you fat, especially abdominal fat


Before we begin to discuss today’s topic, Dong Niu wants you to do a self-test first


High pressure leads to abnormal hormone secretion and increased appetite


Good afternoon, Dong Niu is here to remind you of sports again


The results also show that people’s stress is directly proportional to their obesity level


High intensity rhythm of life is the source of our stress, we need to learn to occasionally “close” this mode of life


As long as you feel comfortable, it’s the best way to decompress


At the same time, the quality of sleep is greatly reduced, resulting in lower basic metabolism, less leptin secretion and unconsciously obesity Many people fall into a vicious circle


too low cortisol will weaken and fatigue


High calorie food can just temporarily relieve the pressure


First of all, start to manage the pressure from the mind, try to control the mood, don’t let small things bother you too much, then you can feel calm in an instant


Perhaps this is the origin of the legendary “greasy middle age”


I’m kidding


This phenomenon occurs frequently in the young and middle-aged generation: Generally speaking, men after the age of 30 and women around the age of 25 are prone to stress obesity


Who’s going to feel bad about money! Let’s be honest


That’s evidence that your body is under stress


Now I can’t find the reason why I can’t get rid of my tummy? Among many hormones, cortisol has the greatest effect on stress


In addition, you can also try meditation, which can activate the vagus nerve, which will stimulate your body to respond to lower cortisol levels


By KingWay