On July 21st, when the first ray of sunshine shone on the land of Chuxiong Cultural Center Square, and more than 12000 contestants gathered at the starting line, we were proud to be one of them.

The athletes rubbed their fists and palms, lifted their legs and started warming up before the competition, their eyes filled with anticipation and determination.

Bike Pedal Wrench

For me, singing the national anthem before the marathon will become an unforgettable part of the race.

When the passionate national anthem is played, everyone in the audience sings it together at the same time and on the same occasion.

This collective resonance makes me feel a strong sense of unity, and I will feel a strong sense of national pride in my heart.

I can feel the heroic deeds of countless revolutionary martyrs who fought for the country.

Their dedication and sacrifice have brought about the peace and prosperity we have today, giving me great encouragement, passion and motivation to challenge this marathon, and inspiring me to persist to the end and surpass myself on the track!.

By KingWay