We need to think rationally about the relationship between exercise and metabolism.

Running exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and protect the health of cardiovascular system.

Secondly, running, as an aerobic exercise that burns calories, is widely recognized as one of the effective ways to lose weight

Healthy Running Bar accompanies you with scientific running, healthy running, happy running…

1200 original content official account recently, I saw a message on social media, My female colleague at work is 33 years old and runs every day.

More importantly, we cannot ignore the impact of individual differences on health risks.

(2) On the contrary, running is not the culprit that causes diseases, it can help us prevent diseases to a certain extent.

The doctor said that if she is a lazy person, she may develop cancer in 30 years or she may not develop it for a lifetime.

Regular running exercise can effectively reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Everyone’s physical condition and genome are different, and doctors’ views fail to fully consider individual differences, placing all running enthusiasts at the same cancer risk.

First of all, running is important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

So we are talking about “the impact of running on health”, and we do not talk about this group.

Her exercise metabolism is fast, which can trigger diseases that should not have occurred.

Here, we need to be clear that there are some people who cannot participate in running, such as friends with heart disease.

The doctor’s claim of “a disease that should not have been caused by exercise stimulation” overlooks the positive impact of exercise on metabolism.

By accelerating metabolism, exercise can promote the excretion of body waste, reduce the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, and help maintain our physical health.

Dear running enthusiasts, exercise has countless benefits for our physical health, and equating it with cancer risk not only lacks scientific basis, but also is an unfounded blow to our running hobby.

If the doctor’s theory is correct, wouldn’t all athletes be short-lived? It’s really funny.

She swims twice a week, but she has cancer and quickly dies.

(1) As someone who loves running, you may have heard a doctor’s viewpoint that exercise can trigger diseases that should not have happened, including cancer.

After reading this statement, the editor only wants to say: This doctor is really a big scam.

Now, cardiovascular diseases have become the number one “killer” in the world.

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By KingWay