Its purpose is not to make you become a very muscular person, but to make you run faster, more stable and less vulnerable to injury.

In addition, even if a certain amount of protein is consumed, that is, a certain amount of muscle, it can still be replenished and repaired through a diet after exercise.

Generally, there is no simple fast muscle and slow muscle.

It is said in their circles that if they run more, they will lose muscle.

The movements must be standardized.

They seldom go back to running.

The above is probably the source of evidence for “long-term running can cause muscle loss”.

Running just makes muscles more suitable for running.

Some people say that one of the energy sources for aerobic exercise is protein, which is the main component of muscles, so running can cause muscle loss.

They would give examples of the physiques of top marathon runners such as Beckler, Farah, and Kipchaug, as they seem to lack much muscle and strength.

We believe many runners have heard the saying ‘running can cause muscle loss’, so many people dare not run more, afraid that once they run, their muscles will’ brush ‘and say’ no! ‘! They would say that marathon athletes are so thin, indicating that their muscles are not well-developed.

Therefore, looking thin does not necessarily mean that their muscles are underdeveloped, just because the types of muscles are different, marathoners also have well-developed muscles.

Does running really cause muscle loss? 1.

Fast contracting muscle fibers: Fast contracting muscle fibers are relatively thick, and they mainly rely on ATP produced by anaerobic digestion for energy supply.

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Wrong training movements not only fail to achieve sports effects, but also lead to joint injuries.

Slow contracting muscle fibers: Slow contracting muscle fibers are relatively thin, and they mainly rely on adenosine triphosphate produced by aerobic metabolism for energy supply, so they have strong oxidative capacity.


Long distance running certainly requires strength, but this strength is not generated by large muscles, and their muscles do not grow in strength.

For runners, proper strength training is very important.

Although marathoners may appear slim in size, upon closer examination, their muscles and strength levels are still more developed than those of the general population; But once they start running, they appear to be full of strength.

If muscle strength, especially muscle endurance, is poor, it is easy to experience increased joint pressure and even cramps due to muscle fatigue in the second half of the run.

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For mass runners, the following three points should be paid attention to when carrying out strength training: 1.

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The muscle strength of Murfara is because the human muscle is divided into fast muscle and slow muscle.

It’s better to say ‘running changes muscle type’ than ‘running loses muscle’.

There is only one true case of muscle loss, which is prolonged bed rest or severe lack of exercise, which can lead to muscle atrophy.

Sprinter are muscular, while long-distance runners are thin.

Only in long-term and high-intensity exercise will a small amount of protein be consumed.

If the sprinter is compared with the long-distance runner, the difference in body shape between the two groups is obvious.

When arranging training, it is best to separate strength training from running.

It is well known that the proportion of protein consumed during running is not high.

Don’t underestimate the muscle strength of marathoners.

The fast contracting muscle fibers have a fast reaction speed and high contracting force, but their duration is short and they are prone to fatigue.

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Ten thousand steps back, even if the aerobic oxidation system requires the use of protein, when we jog for less than an hour, the protein consumed during jogging is not enough to cause muscle breakdown due to the low proportion of energy supplied by protein in the aerobic oxidation system.

What kind of strength training do runners need? Runners should strengthen strength training, because lack of strength is one of the main reasons for runners’ injuries.


The main energy sources during exercise are sugar, fat, and protein, but the proportion of protein energy supply is very small.

Runners usually do not need to pursue heavy weight when carrying out strength training, but do some muscle endurance exercises with 12~16 repetitions, which is more in line with the requirements of running endurance sports.

Running is a long-term endurance exercise.

Finally, there are people who do strength training.

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There is only one way to lose muscle.

If it’s running today, don’t do strength training today; If a strength training class is scheduled today, don’t run again today.

Through this process, muscles will become stronger and more developed.

The response speed of slow muscle fiber contraction is slower, the contraction force is smaller, but the duration is longer, and it is not easy to fatigue.


However, in the human skeletal muscle, the fast muscle motor unit and slow muscle motor unit are mixed with each other.

Bolt’s physique, Murphy’s physique.

In short, don’t listen to the saying ‘running loses muscle’ anymore.

Marathoners have a higher proportion of naturally occurring slow muscles, with thinner slow constrictor fibers.

The thin slow muscle itself makes marathon athletes look thinner.

By KingWay