Significantly enhance your ability to make money.

Clear headed, able to quickly overcome any challenges and adversity, and clear of any negative emotions that hinder your progress.

A focused, efficient, and successful morning will energize you throughout the day, creating a focused, efficient, and successful life.


Let you discover and focus on your life goals.

Persisting in getting up early is bound to lead to early sleep.


Increase your productivity and focus.

It fills you with gratitude and reduces anxiety.

Early risers are full of positive psychological cues to life: Sleep well, and tomorrow will be a beautiful day.

Getting up early is the beginning of a beautiful day.


What has happened to people who insist on getting up early? Getting up 30 minutes to an hour early can make at least 10 changes for us: 1.

This “enemy” is not someone else, but an undisciplined and lazy self.

Working during the day and getting tired from sleeping all night can recover.


They live a regular and hopeful life.

Early risers have time to prepare a nutritious breakfast for themselves, while late risers can only hurry to provide food and clothing on the way.


He maintains the habit of getting up at 4:45 in the army.


Getting up early and running is not just exercise, not just enjoyment, but moving.

Early risers are more likely to maintain the habit of exercising, while late risers are tired all day and just want to collapse on the sofa when they come home.

He served in the United States Navy for 20 years, serving as commander of the Third Special Task Force Squadron of the SEALs; He was awarded the Silver Star Medal and the Bronze Star Medal; After retirement, he founded a consulting company and is the author of six best-selling books.

Wake up every day energized and ready to reach our maximum potential throughout the day.

That comfortable feeling, only runners know! The biggest enemy is your own author of “Self discipline Gives You Freedom”, York Willink, with many beautiful titles.

When running, the cool breeze that comes rushing towards you permeates every cell of the body, washing even your chaotic head thoroughly.

So persevere and you will become the best of yourself..

Improve your overall health and lose weight.

Running and walking is a process of discovery, a process of self discovery.

No longer passively compromise, refuse to live a life you don’t want anymore, and open a new chapter in your ideal life.

Lazy, inefficient, and mediocre mornings can leave you feeling lethargic throughout the day, inevitably leading to a lazy, inefficient, and unsuccessful life.

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He said, “Although there is no need to go to the battlefield now, there will always be another enemy waiting to confront him in this world, and he has to be prepared for this.”.


“The twenty eighth law” tells us that in any set of things, the most important and decisive factors often account for only a small portion, about 20%, while the remaining 80%, although majority, is secondary.

What happens when you insist on getting up early? Top successful people seem to have a habit of getting up early and running, from Zuckerberg to former US President Bush, without exception, they are people who insist on getting up early and running every day.

Runners are eager to have a happy running time at dawn every day.


While others are still struggling in bed, early risers may have completed morning running, finished breakfast, and started working energetically.

There is a famous saying: The happiest thing in life is to wake up and truly become the person you dream of being.

Pressure decreases.


Sleeping from 11:00 to 6:00 is completely different from sleeping from 1:00 to 8:00.

Life itself is a long run.

An efficient morning, which only accounts for 20% of the day’s time, can do the most important things of the day well.

Running not only lets us see the world, but also lets us see our position in it.

Running is not just a workout.

If you don’t believe it, try it.

There are 365 days in a year, and if you wake up one hour early every day, you have 365 hours of efficient time.

By KingWay