The post-exercise test of a group of young women showed that the sexual response was 168% of the original-

Running is also very helpful to fill energy and gain sufficient energy to deal with high-pressure environment.

They will not be too pessimistic and disappointed about their own body shape, and will not be affected by the popular model shape like some women who lack exercise.

03 Enhance Intelligence A survey conducted by the University of Illinois conducted a computer test on the same group of young people after rest and after a fast run on a treadmill.

They are also more likely to accept their own body shape and size.

The results of measuring intelligence showed that the latter had a more agile decision-making process and a higher accuracy of answers.

For women, aerobic running for three months can relieve PMS.

06 Exercise to get rid of depression can reduce depression.

Women who can keep running have a high degree of satisfaction with their perseverance and control, which will extend to their career and life.

We all know that running has many benefits for our body, but for women, what are the benefits of running? On this issue, Sam Murphy, a famous British health fitness expert, summarized 12 benefits: 01 reduce breast cancer and other cancers: the number and intensity of exercise has a great relationship with the incidence rate of breast cancer or other cancers.

After the age of 30, the bone density of women decreases by 0.75%~1% every year.

Women who are active have a 54% lower risk of heart disease than women who are inactive.

Experts suggest that aerobic exercise at 70% maximum within 20~30 minutes of exercise will achieve the best effect.

Exercise 3-4 times a week on average, 40% of women have more enthusiasm, 31% have more frequent sex life, and 25% are easier to reach orgasm.

02 Longer life.

People who are more “sexy” and insist on sports and running are more active in sexual life.

05 Alleviating Stress and Anxiety Women who have the habit of running will obviously feel that they have a good ability to release stress, can be more calm, concentrate more, and dare to face problems.

Bone health requires external pressure.

Women who regularly participate in exercise (especially sports such as running more than 4 hours a week) have a 37% lower incidence rate than those who sit for a long time all the year round.

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07 Maintain healthy bones.

Running is the easiest exercise method to achieve this effect.

There are four main reasons why running against heart disease can prevent and treat heart disease: lower blood pressure; Reduce the risk of diabetes; Increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Helps to lose excess fat.

Continuous exercise can effectively improve their body shape.

More importantly, running can inject more vitality into people.

04 Running in good shape can burn more calories than any other exercise, and continuous running can also increase muscle content, reduce fat content and maintain good shape.

Running is an effective way to strengthen bones.

Click to follow the “Running Professor” and update the running dry goods every day.

Running about 32 kilometers per week consumes more than 2000 calories on average, and their average life expectancy will increase by more than 3 years.

Through the sense of success of measurable weight and size, they can enhance their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Compared with those who do not exercise actively for more than 30 years, women who have the habit of continuous exercise after the age of 55 have only 1/4 of their fat increase.

Highly motivated women rarely suffer from PMS and dysmenorrhea.

Women runners usually have a healthier and more positive attitude towards life.

Generally, they do not smoke or drink too much, have healthier eating habits, are willing to accept new healthy life guidance, and have stronger tolerance and tension for the impact and injury of stress and emotion.

09 Women who exercise regularly to improve their mental health usually have healthy living habits in other aspects of their lives.

Women who persist in jogging for a long time have a 63% lower mortality rate than other women.

Bone also has a more important principle of “use in and waste out”.

08 Female athletes who enhance their self-confidence are more satisfied with their own body shape than the average.

By KingWay