Maybe I love surfing in summer and skiing in winter.

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I always update my hobby list, just like a bird without claws, it never stays in one place.

Excessive exercise intensity will cause sports injury; Running consumes time and energy, and the already pitiful rest time is also “deprived”; Buying equipment is an extra expense, which is also a burden for middle-aged runners who are old and young; And if you don’t train for a long time and start over again, you will feel like starting over again.

Just like Coke, when the bottle was opened, it was full of bubbles, exciting and sweet in the mouth, but once it was put for a long time, it turned into tasteless sugar water and was difficult to swallow.

If the feelings are weak, the relationship will be broken.

The elevator never went down to the first floor of the basement.

In fact, self hypnosis is not good for running.

In fact, who has few hobbies in life? It is believed that many runners are so sentimental that they have been “in love” with running for many years.

It has to be said that running really seems to cost nothing, but it actually secretly burns money on sports, equipment, competitions, transportation and accommodation fees for travel, etc.

Some people attribute the reason for breaking up to “not enough love”, but I want to refute it.

The longer you run, the less you are willing to spend on it.

I don’t want to complete the weekly mileage.

Most of the love is like the foam when the waves are overflowing.

Before the epidemic, when I saw the registration of foreign marathon events, I actually opened it? I admit that I have drifted away, and running has made the originally poor life worse and unbearable.

Maybe you have “peacefully broken up” with running because of work, life, pain and other reasons, but the time you ran through is still worth remembering: in the sunrise and sunset, every flower and grass can prove your love; In the city shuttle, every piece of land measured with footsteps has laughter and tears; One page of the past is like a slide in my mind, a sad moment comes to my mind If you really want to experience a breakup, will you wave your hands and say goodbye? Or do you hold back from crying and carry the thoughts of infinite sorrow on your own? If I can, I still want to have a relationship with running that will never break up.

I just made a mistake that men will make all day long.

In order not to let oneself fall into this dead circle, letting go may be the only relief.

After experiencing marathon, cross-country running and various relay races, they begin to focus on other hobbies.

Especially in the past two years when there is no competition.

Maybe they just don’t want to run again on a sunny day, and then they are completely separated from running.

In the 1578th day of falling in love with running, I chose to end the relationship.

Starting from the novice village, it is challenging to upgrade experience points, but once the level is cleared, running will lose its appeal.

Always see new people laughing, not old people crying.

In line with the principle of simplicity, the instinct to buy equipment is to look at the price on the tag.

After all, there are too many reasons for breaking up.

At the beginning of running, I was full of curiosity about the unknown and tried all new things.

Who would like to start over all the time? As soon as I think of these things, I just want to get rid of the bitter sea of running early, and it is good to live in a different way.

Or because of the pressure of reality and feel extremely sad; Or the clouds are light and the wind is light, and they will die after waving their hands; Or feel the “seven-year itch” and start looking for another way As a runner, have you ever thought of breaking up with running? What’s your reason for breaking up? The best love is a two-way journey.

I lost myself in a world where flowers are becoming more and more attractive.

Feelings have a seven-year itch, so does running.

Who invented the word “peaceful breakup”? It seems that sugar and sweet, yellow lotus and bitter are fixed matches.

It’s as expensive as love, and I don’t deserve it.

All the plans are put on hold.

This is the 1205 original article of NucleKitty.

From acquaintance to ambiguity to love, we witness the process of mutual love step by step, but many people’s feelings come and go quickly.

When the passion fades and the beauty is broken, the real poverty in my heart can be revealed.

Although running has become an indispensable part of life, and I have fully adapted to this state of life, as time goes on, there will always be a moment of boredom.

The beginning of love is beautiful.

How can such a tragic and solemn thing like breakup be matched with “peace”? Many people run and run and then disperse, but in fact, there is no contradiction between them and running.

If you just pay unilaterally, but never get anything and return, what’s the difference with “licking the dog”? In those days when I was addicted to running, except for work and life, I spent all my time either running or on the way to running, putting all my energy into it and thinking about how to improve my performance every day.

Yes, we broke up.

I am always looking for running problems.

Most of the usual expenses are also spent on running, such as purchasing equipment, signing up for competitions, running training camps, etc., but the final results are not satisfactory, and even sports injuries are caused by “overexertion”.

For a long time in such an environment where efforts outweigh gains, the whole person became gloomy, as if he had entered a dead end and could not get out.

Have you ever stopped running? as a result of? Did you finally return to running or give up running? Click “Like” and “Looking” in the lower right corner, and the screenshots of the circle of friends will be sent to the background, and your sharing will be left in the comment area..

By KingWay