What is a “cultural gas station”? Marathon cultural gas station is a routine setting on the urban marathon track, which generally integrates local cultural characteristics and is also a site for citizens to interact with marathon runners..

On the 42.195km Fuma racetrack, 45 exciting and diverse cultural gas stations have been set up. The cultural gas station is managed by multiple scenic spots and associations, mainly engaged in various cultural and artistic exhibitions, including traditional dragon and lion dance, softball, waist drum, Tai Chi, and dynamic and fashionable cheerleading, showcasing the vitality of the city;.

The imitation Song cosplay in the West Lake Scenic Area of Yingzhou makes everyone feel like they are in the Song Dynasty over 1000 years ago, and you can fully enjoy this historical and cultural atmosphere of time travel;.

The Huaibei Bangzi opera “Mu Guiying Takes Command” will also be moved to the “Fuma” site to showcase the charm of our city’s national intangible cultural heritage. “Lianma” Traffic Control+Connection Guide | 2024 Liandu Bihu New City Rural Half Marathon Travel Guide Here → Restricted Road Section: Taobi Line, Kowloon Wetland Park Entrance Section (see traffic control diagram below for red line section).

Restrictive measures: Large trucks and vehicles above 2.5 meters in height are prohibited from passing through.

Tips: In the traffic control diagram“ ⛔ The location is the road that will be closed after 6:30 pm on April 21st.

Taobi Line (Zhiqing Square – Provincial Road 222) and other roads within the enclosed area of the track..

Control measures: Except for vehicles with permits, law enforcement vehicles on duty, and special operation vehicles, other vehicles are prohibited from entering, and parking is prohibited on both sides of the road..

Taobi Line (Zhiqing Square – intersection of Wangjiang Road and Taobi Road) and other roads within the enclosed area of the race track..

Control measures: Except for vehicles with permits, law enforcement vehicles on duty, and special operation vehicles, other vehicles are prohibited from entering, and parking is prohibited on both sides of the road..

Due to traffic control and competition reasons, there may be congestion on the road on that day.

Recommended parking spot for entering Kowloon Wetland before 6:30 in the direction of Bihu.

Parking spot a: Navigation near Shanghuang Village [bus stop] (approximately 8 minutes).

Parking spot b: navigate to the vicinity of Zifu Village (approximately 8 minutes).

Parking spot c: navigate to the Kowloon National Wetland Park parking lot (approximately 28 minutes).

Tips: The above time is based on the starting point of the People’s Government of Liandu District, Lishui City. The time is for reference only. Please refer to the specific road conditions and navigation estimates, and reserve sufficient travel and parking time..

Tips: Due to the shortage of parking spaces in the Kowloon Wetland parking lot due to large shuttle buses, work vehicles, and limited space, it is recommended to connect to the competition site in the unified urban area, or park vehicles at other locations or village roads, taking care not to affect the lives of nearby residents..

Connection time: 5:00-6:00 am on April 21st.

Tips: Depart on time, leave as soon as people are full, and please go by yourself if you exceed the deadline..

Connection time: 8:30-11:00 am on April 21st.

Tips: Depart on time, leave immediately when full, and return on your own if you exceed the deadline. It’s too hot! Registration easily surpasses 150000 people! Have you registered for this provincial capital marathon? Choose Beijing Marathon instead of Beijing Marathon. Registration for the 2024 Chengdu Marathon will start on April 15th! Pete the Runner Up to Heaven.

The 2024 Chengdu Marathon will start on October 27th, with 35000 runners from all over the world gathering in the Land of Abundance; The registration period for contestants is from April 15th to May 15th..

Registration for the Chengdu Marathon has started, with tens of thousands of runners attending the Golden Autumn Feast together.

The highly anticipated 2024 Chengdu Marathon will start grandly on October 27th, and the highly anticipated registration process has officially begun on April 15th. As a world-class Grand Slam candidate race, this year’s Chengdu Marathon has a total scale of 35000 people, attracting over 150000 registrations within 48 hours of registration. Its scale and influence will reach new heights. Currently, registration work is underway, and marathon enthusiasts from all over the world can access the official website of Chengdu Marathon http://chengdumarathon.cn/ Complete the registration process, and the draw results will be announced on June 15th..

Chengdu, a city with a long and vibrant history, is renowned for its unique cultural charm and cuisine. This year’s Chengdu Marathon is not only a sports event, but also a cultural feast. The organizers of the event have carefully planned a series of activities aimed at showcasing traditional Chinese culture and various intangible cultural heritage to global runners and audiences..

It is reported that before the competition, the Horse Expo will also set up a traditional art exhibition area to showcase Chinese traditional art works, allowing runners to experience the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture while running. In addition, various specialty snacks and delicacies from Chengdu will also make their debut on the competition field, allowing marathon enthusiasts from all over the world to enjoy sports while also tasting the authentic Chengdu flavor..

The Chengdu Marathon not only promotes the development of the local sports industry, but also further enhances Chengdu’s international reputation and influence. This grand competition showcases the charm of Chengdu to the fullest, allowing more people to understand and fall in love with this city..

With the start of registration, the enthusiasm of global runners has been ignited. Let’s look forward to this golden autumn sports and cultural feast together, and look forward to the Chengdu Marathon bringing us more surprises and emotions..

When it comes to Chengdu, a city where history, culture, and modernity blend together, countless people always come up with a food map that is full of color, aroma, and flavor: spicy and fragrant hot pot, soft and delicious dragon’s hand, and rich and flavorful bowl bowl bowl chicken… In addition to this feast of taste buds, the world-renowned intangible cultural heritage performance of Sichuan opera face changing adds a mysterious and colorful color to this city. These unique cultural elements will be fully showcased in the Chengdu Marathon, bringing a unique feast for marathon enthusiasts worldwide..

As an internationally renowned sports event, the Chengdu Marathon not only attracts numerous domestic and foreign runners to participate, but also becomes an important window to showcase the charm of Chengdu city. Every year, the competition attracts tens of thousands of spectators and tourists to watch. Here, they can not only feel the intense competition atmosphere, but also deeply experience the unique life aesthetics and cultural charm of Chengdu..

In order to further enhance the influence of the Chengdu Marathon and enrich the cultural connotation of the event, the Marathon Registration Network is now soliciting creative suggestions from marathon enthusiasts around the world, and will also compile all their suggestions and submit them to the responsible person of the organizing committee..

What kind of cultural display would you like to see in the Chengdu Marathon? Is it more authentic food tasting activities or live performances of intangible cultural heritage? Is it a cultural exhibition with Chengdu characteristics, or a cultural experience that interacts with runners? We look forward to hearing your voice and adding more exciting elements to the Chengdu Marathon together..

If your proposed idea is adopted by the organizing committee, the marathon registration website will provide free direct quota benefits..

Chengdu, a charming city, is attracting the world’s attention with its unique cultural charm. The Chengdu Marathon will also become a bridge connecting the world and Chengdu, allowing more people to feel the charm and vitality of Chengdu here. Let’s look forward to the surprises and emotions that the 2024 Chengdu Marathon will bring us. Marathon registration website will gather with you on-site. Free marathon registration! The Wonderful Journey awaits you to implement the relevant deployment of No. 1 central document of 2024 on the prosperity and development of rural culture and the promotion of the healthy development of mass sports activities. The 2024 National “Hemei Rural Health Run” and Yibin Rural Half Marathon will be grandly launched in Changjiang Village, Yibin City on May 19, and the registration will be opened today..

As one of the key activities of the “Land Flows with Colors – National Rural Cultural Revitalization in Action”, this health run with the theme of “Running towards Hemei Countryside, Running for a Happy Life” is guided by the Rural Social Affairs Promotion Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, supported by the Mass Sports Department of the General Administration of Sport and the Sichuan Provincial Sports Bureau. It is hosted by the China Farmers Sports Association, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the People’s Government of Yibin City, and undertaken by the Nanxi District People’s Government of Yibin City..

Unlocking different villages from different perspectives. Every step taken in the “Hemei Rural Health Run” is not just a sprint, but also a wonderful journey to deeply appreciate the old and new appearance of the countryside, and feel the infinite potential and hope of the rural economy..

Nanxi is one of the districts under the jurisdiction of Yibin City, Sichuan Province, the capital city of the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River runs from west to east across the district, earning it the reputation of being the “first county of the Yangtze River” since ancient times. In recent years, Nanxi has adhered to the strategy of promoting rural revitalization as an important lever for the high-quality construction of a demonstration zone for the integration of people, industry, and city. Efforts will be made to promote the high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas through the five major revitalization efforts, and to become a national pilot zone for promoting the “Five Good and Two Suitable” and beautiful rural areas..

The 2024 National “Harmony and Beauty Rural Health Run” and Yibin Rural Half Marathon activity route will organically connect the natural scenery and agricultural tourism integration demonstration project, vegetable production demonstration base, and beautiful courtyard demonstration village surrounded by green mountains and green water in Nanxi, the “First Bay of the Yangtze River”. By choosing this pastoral style track of scenery and poetry, one can fully appreciate the new achievements of Nanxi rural revitalization construction, and experience new insights and ideas for rural revitalization from the new achievements..

A collision of poetic Peach Blossom Land and competition, a fusion of spring and running passion, adhering to the concept of national sports, the 2024 National “Hemei Rural Health Run” and Yibin Rural Half Marathon have two projects: Rural Half Marathon (21.0975 kilometers) and “Micro Horse” Health Run (4.2 kilometers), divided into Hemei Rural Group and Sannong Emotion Group, with a total scale of 3000 people..

Among them, the contestants from the Hemei Rural Group are mainly new business entities such as large-scale farmers, family farms, and agricultural professional cooperatives in various regions, as well as employees of agricultural enterprises and members of relevant agricultural industry associations; The Three Rural Emotions Group is open to the public for registration, inviting people who are concerned about agriculture, rural areas, and farmers to participate in the activity. Participants can register according to their own situation..

Banana Seat Bike

China is an ancient agricultural civilization in the world, and agricultural culture is an important cornerstone of China’s 5000 year civilization development. Agricultural cultural heritage, as an important component of agricultural civilization, is the active inheritance and embodiment of ancient agricultural ideas, concepts, and technologies in China..

A total of 11 traditional agricultural systems in Sichuan have been selected as China’s important agricultural cultural heritage, which focus on the traditional cultivation system of Jiangyou Xinyi flower, Cangxi snow pear cultivation system, Meigu tartary buckwheat cultivation system, Mingshan Mengding Mountain tea culture system, Yanting Leizu sericulture production system, Pidu Linpan agricultural culture system, Yibin bamboo culture system, Shiqu Zhaxika nomadic system, Beichuan Taizi tea compound cultivation system, Gaoping sericulture culture system, Junlian mountain tea culture system..

In order to help more people understand China’s important agricultural cultural heritage and further enhance their awareness of protecting and inheriting agricultural cultural heritage, a special column titled “Visiting Agricultural Heritage in Beautiful Countryside” will be set up during the event, which will focus on showcasing the achievements of rural revitalization in Sichuan Province, China’s important agricultural cultural heritage, the rich and colorful Yibin City “Beautiful Countryside, Three Rural Emotions” program, traditional rural production and life skills, agricultural specialty product exhibitions and tasting, etc., allowing everyone to deeply feel and experience the charm and charm of agricultural culture in the new era. 2024 Fuyang Marathon participants, please pay attention! Fuyang Traffic Police kindly remind all marathon participants to take public transportation to the Fuyang City Urban Planning Exhibition Hall (starting point) as much as possible. If you need to drive there, please park your vehicle on the following road sections:.

1. Participants who bring their own buses (running group buses) to the starting point of the competition are required to take the route from Yingzhou Road to Sanqing Road, cross the intersection of Yinghuai Avenue and Sanqing Road, and park in the designated area near the intersection of Sanqing Road and Qingying Road..

2. It is recommended to park the vehicle on Yingzhou South Road (from Sanqing Road to Bali Song Road, and from Bali Song Road to Runhe Road) and follow the on-site instructions to park in a single row. There is a bus transfer point at the intersection of Yingzhou South Road and Bali Song Road, where free shuttle buses can be taken to the starting point..

3. Vertical parking on both sides of Fuqian Road (Yinghuai Avenue to Yingzhou South Road section).

4. Single row parking on the auxiliary road of Bali Song Road (Guangying Road to Yingzhou South Road section), vertical parking on the motor vehicle lane.

5. Runhe Road (section from Yinghuai Avenue to Yingzhou South Road), single row parking on the auxiliary road.

6. Single row parking along both sides of Guangying Road (Liulin Road to Runhe Road section).

7. Single row parking on the auxiliary road of Zhongqing Road (from Sanqing Road to Runhe Road), and single row parking on both sides of the motor vehicle lane in the same direction..

8. Single row parking on the auxiliary road of Sanqing Road (east section of Zhongqing Road), and single row parking in the south direction on the south side of the motor vehicle lane.

Fuyang Traffic Police Reminder: The above roads are temporary parking areas for participants during the competition. Please do not park in double rows, reverse direction, or within 50 meters of the road intersection, which may affect the safe passage of other vehicles. Ten thousand people gathered together! The 2024 Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot Marathon in Zhangjiajie is about to start. On April 21, the 2024 Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot Marathon in Zhangjiajie will open in Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot, a fairyland with beautiful landscapes..

At present, all preparations for the event are being carried out in a tense and orderly manner. The enthusiastic Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot has opened its arms and is waiting for your arrival. Are you ready, who loves sports and marathons? Let’s embark together with dreams, embark on a marathon appointment, challenge ourselves in the mountains and rivers, share happiness in sports, form friendships in the beautiful scenery, and leisurely stroll in fairyland..

It is understood that the 2024 Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot Marathon in Zhangjiajie has registered more than ten thousand runners! This is the largest sports event with the largest number of participants since the establishment of Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot District. This competition features four events: marathon (42.195 kilometers), half marathon (21.0975 kilometers), 10 kilometers, and Happy Run (5 kilometers). At that time, the contestants will start from the symbolic gate of Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot (Wujiayu Ticket Station), pass the vibrant Suoxi River, and shuttle to the beautiful Baizhang Gorge with fantastic peaks. Players can fully experience the spiritual cleansing of the fairyland while running, and each athlete will use their footsteps to create the most unique “canyon memory”..

2024 Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot Marathon in Zhangjiajie is not only a sports event, but also a vivid footnote for Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot District to expand “sports+tourism”. This event will add a touch of warm sports color to this landscape gallery. Let’s indulge in the scenery together and feel the joy brought by running!.

Author: Zhang Gongjun.

First instance: Wang Qing.

Second instance: Tang Xiaohua.

Third review: Teng Fei.

Source: Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot District Financial Media Center 2024 Xiangjiang Marathon · Changsha Station will start on the 21st, and the most complete traffic control is here! The 2024 Xiangjiang Marathon Changsha Station race is about to start. Today, Xiaobu learned from the Traffic Police Detachment of the Changsha Public Security Bureau that traffic restrictions will be implemented on some roads around the Helong Sports Center in our city, including the surrounding passages, Labor Road, Xiangjiang Road, Xiangfu Road, Xinyao Road, Yubang Road, and Shanmuchong Road, starting from April 21st..

Changsha traffic police remind drivers to consciously abide by traffic regulations, strictly follow the provisions of this notice and traffic diversion signs, obey the command and guidance of public security traffic police and on-site traffic management personnel, and violators will be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations..

From 0:00 to 9:30 on April 21st, the South Square, South Passage, and VIP Passage of the Helong Sports Center will be fully closed and restricted from traffic, prohibiting motor vehicles and non motor vehicles from passing and parking..

On April 21st from 7:00 to 8:30, semi closed traffic restrictions will be implemented. Motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are prohibited from passing and parking on the northern half of the road, and pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the road..

On April 21st from 7:00 to 9:00, semi closed traffic restrictions will be implemented, and the western half of the road (including auxiliary roads) will prohibit motor vehicles and non motor vehicles from passing and parking, and pedestrians from crossing the road..

Xiangjiang Road (section from Xiangjiang Road under Xiangfu Road Bridge to Guisheng Road Intersection).

From 7:30 to 10:30 on April 21st, fully enclosed traffic restrictions will be implemented. Motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are prohibited from passing and parking along the entire road, and pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the road..

Xiangfu Road (section from Xiangfu Road Bridge West to Xiangfu Road Xinyao Intersection).

On April 21st from 8:00 to 11:00, semi closed traffic restrictions will be implemented. Motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are prohibited from passing and parking on the southern half of the road, and pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the road..

On April 21st from 8:00 to 11:10, semi closed traffic restrictions will be implemented. Motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are prohibited from passing and parking on the eastern half of the road, and pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the road..

From 7:00 to 11:30 on April 21st, fully enclosed traffic restrictions will be implemented, and motor vehicles and non motor vehicles are prohibited from passing and parking along the entire road. Pedestrians are also prohibited from crossing the road..

From 7:00 to 11:30 on April 21st, fully enclosed traffic restrictions will be implemented, prohibiting vehicles other than those holding activity vehicle passes from entering and parking. Photo Download | 2024 Shaoxing Shangyu Half Marathon Crosses the Beautiful Track on Both Banks of the Yangtze River, Running the Youth and Vitality of Marathon Sports! On April 21st, 15000 runners will run in Shangyu, a charming city of youth. While refreshing PB, everyone must want to leave their own beautiful photos on the track! Download photos of the 2024 Shaoxing Shangyu Half Marathon with QR code, and make your post race moments explosive on your social media!.

Step 1: Long press and scan the QR code below to enter the photo download interface.

Step 2: After entering the homepage of the contestant’s photo live broadcast, you can use the number search or facial recognition function above to enable personal photo search.

Attention: When using facial recognition function, please try to use photos from the competition and avoid using beautiful photos. If wearing sunglasses, headbands, hats, etc. on the same day, please upload the same photo to ensure high recognition. When entering the number plate, please enter the complete number, including letters and numbers..

This facial photo collection is only for personal photo search function..

Reminder: Participants can interact with official photographers along the way, making it convenient for photographers to capture their exciting photos!.

Step 1: Long press and scan the QR code below to enter the photo download interface.

Step 2: Click on the download prompt in the lower right corner to download photos related to the competition..

April 21, 2024 Cixi Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 21, 2024 Shaoxing Shangyu Cao’ejiang Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 21, 2024 Hangzhou Fuyang Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 21, 2024 Xiangshan Marathon awaiting official announcement of Zhejiang Marathon.

April 21, 2024 Hangzhou Qiantang Women’s Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 21, 2024 | Bihu New City Rural Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 27th, 2024 | The 9th Daicun Mountain Marathon.

May 3, 2024 | Liuchun Lake Rhododendron Sea Crossing Zhejiang Horse Race.

May 18-19, 2024 | The 7th Yuyao 24-hour Public Welfare Run and Field Relay Race.

The Tonglu Half Marathon in October 2024 is planned to be held in Zhejiang, China.

November 17, 2024 Yiwu Marathon (to be announced by the government) Zhejiang Marathon.

January 1st, 2024 Ruian Half Marathon Zhejiang Marathon.

March 10th, 2024 Longwan Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

March 16th, 2024 | The 7th Zhejiang Marathon Relay Race Zhejiang Marathon.

March 17th, 2024 Linping Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

March 24th, 2024 Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race Zhejiang Marathon.

March 24th, 2024 Lanxi Rural Marathon Zhejiang Ma Zhejiang Ma.

March 24th, 2024 | Fenghua Cross Strait Peach Blossom Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

March 31, 2024 Wenling Gold Coast Mountain Running Race Zhejiang Horse.

March 31, 2024 Hangzhou Xianghu Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

March 31, 2024 | Dream Town Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse Race.

March 31, 2024 Daishan Cape Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

March 31, 2024 Lishui Marathon Zhejiang Marathon.

March 31, 2024: Deqing Half Marathon (1st edition) Zhejiang Marathon.

March 31, 2024 Jinhua Marathon Zhejiang Marathon.

April 13th, 2024 | Jinyun Xiandu Women’s Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 13-15, 2024 | Zhejiang Ma, a hundred miles south of the Yangtze River.

April 14th, 2024 Ningbo Women’s Half Marathon Zhejiang Horse.

April 14th, 2024 Leqing Half Marathon Zhejiang Ma 2024 Leshan Half Marathon Organizing Committee Letter to All Citizens of Leshan City The 2024 Leshan Half Marathon and “Run Across Sichuan” (Leshan Station), sponsored by the Leshan Municipal People’s Government, will start at 8:00 am on Sunday, April 21st at the Daduhe Square in Leshan. The competition includes two events: half marathon and Happy Run. At that time, more than 15000 contestants from Ethiopia, Ireland, France, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, as well as from all over the country, will set off from Daduhe Square in the central district of the city. The half marathon contestants will arrive at the Shawan Moruo Theatre and Creative Park via the Lesha Intercity Ecological Avenue to end the competition; The participants of the Happy Run project returned to Daduhe Square via Zhoulu Village on the Lesha Intercity Ecological Avenue to end the competition..

The Leshan Half Marathon has been successfully held for 4 sessions and has been certified as a “Silver Medal Event” by the Chinese Association of Athletics Federations. It has also been awarded the title of “Natural Ecological Characteristic Event” and has been recognized as a 2019 National Sports Tourism Boutique Event and a Sichuan Chongqing Sports Tourism Boutique Event. This cannot be achieved without the enthusiastic support of every citizen. Here, the organizing committee of the Leshan Half Marathon expresses gratitude to you and your family..

In 2024, “Le Ma” set sail again, and we sincerely invite every citizen friend to come to the racetrack to cheer for the athletes and experience the spirit and charm of the marathon together with them. Let’s use the warmest cheers to help every athlete, so that runners from all over can feel the passion and vitality of Leshan!.

At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth running of the Leshan Marathon, relevant temporary traffic control time and scope will be established on April 21st at and around the Lishida Bridge. The specific arrangements are as follows:.

1. Half Marathon: Daduhe Square, Ecological Avenue, Shizhong District, Leshan City (starting point), travel along the direction of Ecological Avenue in Shawan to Moruo Cultural and Creative Park, Shawan District (endpoint), with a total distance of 21.0975 kilometers..

2. Happy Run: Starting from Daduhe Square on Ecological Avenue in Shizhong District, Leshan City, turn back to Daduhe Square (endpoint) 2.5 kilometers in the direction of Shawan on Ecological Avenue, covering a total distance of 5 kilometers..

April 21, 2024, from 05:30 to 12:00..

On April 21st from 05:30 to 12:00, traffic control will be implemented on the entire section of the Ecological Avenue race track, prohibiting all vehicles and pedestrians unrelated to the race from passing through..

During the entry period from 05:30 to 7:30 on April 21st and the departure period from 9:00-10:30 for Happy Run, temporary traffic control measures will be implemented at the intersection of Green Heart South Road and Qingyi Road towards Yanlanzhou. Except for residential vehicles, shuttle buses, and special vehicles with permits in the Yanlanzhou area, unrelated social vehicles will be restricted from entering the controlled area..

On April 21st from 05:30 to 12:00, temporary traffic control will be implemented on the section from the west end of the Yanlanzhou Bridge intersection to the Ecological Avenue, for parking special vehicles for emergency rescue and emergency rescue, as well as athlete clothing storage vehicles..

On April 21st from 00:00 to 12:00, the bus parking lot on Yanlanzhou Ecological Avenue and Shawan Moruo Cultural and Creative Park were closed for clearance, only for the parking of event support vehicles, emergency vehicles, and shuttle buses..

On April 21st from 06:00 to 08:00, temporary traffic control measures will be implemented in Gushi Street, Tonghe Street, Zhoujin Village to Ecological Avenue Connection Line, and Emei River Scenic Road in Shuikou Town, Shizhong District, prohibiting social vehicles from entering..

On June 21st from 06:00 to 12:00, temporary traffic control will be implemented on the middle and north sections of Tonghe Road in Shawan District for the parking of shuttle buses, prohibiting social vehicles unrelated to the competition from entering..

On April 21st, from 07:00 to 12:00, the section from Lesha Avenue High tech Zone to Shawan was temporarily restricted, prohibiting the passage of freight vehicles..

4. Yanlanzhou Ecological Avenue Bus Parking Lot and Shawan Moruo Cultural and Creative Park..

Note: Starting from 05:30 on April 21st, participants from the three ferry points 1-3 will be transported by bus to enter the venue. After the competition ends, participants from the two ferry points 4 will be transported by bus to leave the venue. Participants will be able to take the bus for free with their identification numbers. [2024 Zhongshan · Cuiheng Island Marathon] The connecting routes to Cuima in 2024 have been announced. Please check the dedicated line for connecting to the Expo (Shenzhen China Channel Landing Point) from September 19th to 20th.

Connection route of Line 1: Zhongshan Station – Expo (landing point of Shenzhen Zhongshan Passage).

Departure time on April 19th from 9:00 to 18:00.

Return time 10:30-19:30.

Departure time on April 20th from 8:00 to 19:00.

Return time 9:30-20:30.

Haodong Road Boai Road Cuiheng Expressway Xingwan Road Linghang Road.

Zhongshan Vocational and Technical College Bus Station – Zhongshan Sixth Road West Bus Station (Tianyi COCO City Square) – Shangcheng Bus Station, a total of 3 stops..

Connection route of Line 2: Nanlang Station – Expo (landing point of Shenzhen Zhongshan Passage).

Departure time on April 19th from 9:00 to 18:00.

Return time 10:00-19:00.

Departure time on April 20th from 8:00 to 19:00.

Return time 9:00-20:00.

Zhongshan Torch High tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee: Kangle Avenue → Yanjiang East Road → Hengmen Road → Future Avenue;.

● Bus stop: Zhongshan Torch High tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee.

5: The first train departs from 00 and departs from 5:00 to 5:30;.

Expo Center: Boai Road → Cuiheng Expressway → Xingwan Road → Future Avenue;.

5: The first train departs from 00 and departs from 5:00 to 5:30;.

Xingzhong Sports Stadium: Xingzhong Road → Boai Road → Cuiheng Expressway → Xingwan Road → Future Avenue;.

4: The first train departs at 50 and departs from 4:50 to 5:20;.

● Nanlang One Plus One Plaza: Lingnan Road → Cuiheng Expressway → Xingwan Road → Future Avenue;.

5: The first train departs from 00 and departs from 5:00 to 5:30;.

● Boarding time: First departure at 8:30, full departure from 8:30-10:00.

Future Avenue – Beichen Road – Wugui Road – Hengmen Road – Yanjiang East Road – Jiankang Road – Dongzhen East Second Road – Gangyi Road – Century First Road – Kangle Avenue.

Dongli Bus Station – Sun City South Bus Station – Torch Development Zone Management Committee drop off point..

● Boarding time: First departure at 8:00, full departure from 8:00-11:30.

Daqiao Bureau Internal Road – Heyu Road – Future Avenue – Hengmen Road – Yanjiang East Road – Dongyang North Road Exhibition Road – Exhibition East Road – Gangyi Road – Century First Road – Yixian Road – Boai Road.

On site Jinghu City Bus Station – Expo Center Bus Station (westbound, at the entrance of Zimaling Park) drop off point..

● Boarding time: First departure at 8:00, full departure from 8:00-11:30.

Daqiao Bureau Internal Road – Heyu Road – Future Avenue – Hengmen Road – Yanjiang East Road – Dongyang North Road – Exhibition East Road – Gangyi Road – Century First Road – Yixian Road – Jiangling East Road – Zhongshan Road.

Zhongshan Sixth Road West Bus Station – Zhongshan Customs Bus Station drop off point..

● Boarding time: First departure at 8:00, full departure from 8:00-11:30.

Daqiao Bureau Internal Road Heyu Road Future Avenue Hengmen Road Yanjiang East Road Dongyang North Road Exhibition East Road Gangyi Road Century 1st Road Yixian Road Nanqi North Road Lingnan Road.

Note: For self driving and ride hailing drivers entering the island, please arrive at the corresponding parking point before 6:00 pm, and traffic control will be implemented on the island after 6:00 pm..

From Hengmen Bridge direction (Happy Run) to P3 temporary parking lot (Planning Hall): via Hengmen Road Xiangshan Avenue auxiliary road Zhongshan Cuiheng New Area Planning Hall.

● From Hengmen Bridge direction (Banma/Health Run) to P2 temporary parking lot (Jinhui Garden): via Hengmen Road Xiangshan Avenue Auxiliary Road Xiangshan Avenue Zhongshan Cuiheng New Area Jinhui Garden.

Direction of Cuiheng Express (Half Marathon/Health Run) to P1 Temporary Parking Lot (Hengmen Beach): Passing through Xingwan Road – Future Avenue – X575 (Hengmen Beach) in Nanlang Town, Zhongshan City. 2024 Hangzhou Qiantang Women’s Half Marathon Competition Guide.

By KingWay