As a provincial-level event, the Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race is the first team based mass marathon event in China, and also the only marathon event in the Zhejiang Marathon IP Race that focuses on team racing..

And this year is the eighth edition of the Jindong Greenway Marathon and the fourth edition of the Zhejiang Marathon Team Race. What are the characteristics and differences?.

Unlike previous years, this year we have added an Innovation Competition Record Award to encourage athletes to achieve good results and make new breakthroughs in this marathon..

According to the net score, the team or individual (limited to first place) who creates a new record in the half marathon open group, county (city, district) group, women’s group, and men’s and women’s individual races will be rewarded with RMB 3000..

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Record of each category of the Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race:.

Runners, come and set a new record for the 2024 Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race!.

The 2024 Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon team race has also made a change by increasing the scope of county (city, district) group awards, from the original top 8 group awards to the top 30 group awards..

According to the net score, each team will admit one female contestant with the best score, plus the best scores of the other three contestants. The top 30 contestants will be admitted based on the total score of the four contestants, from high to low. If no female contestant completes the competition, team ranking will not be accepted, only individual scores will be recorded..

This change also aims to make it easy for runners who have always supported the Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon team race to win awards at their doorstep. Runners from all counties and cities should sign up now!.

The Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon team race track is located on the “Eight Immortals Road” co prosperity belt in Jindong. After a year of “Beautiful Butterfly Transformation” last year, the “Eight Immortals Road” co prosperity belt quickly became popular and became a popular tourist check-in point. Forming a beautiful pattern of one ring (local Chinese cycling line), three villages (Shihou Mountain Village, Lingwu Village, Fuzhang Village), two belts (Baxian Creek Leisure Belt, Jidao Mountain Health Belt), and nine scenic spots (Poyang Ancient Street, Provincial Games Equestrian Venue, Jidao Village, Wangxi Wetland, White Forest Birthday Town, etc.)..

Seeing this, I wonder if runners who have participated in previous marathons are looking forward to this year’s track? Click on “Read Original Text” at the end of the article to register..

Registration Channel for the 2024 Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race.

March 24th, 2024 Jindong Greenway Zhejiang Marathon Team Race (with competition regulations attached).

The 2023 Zhejiang Marathon and Road Running Association Annual Meeting and the Second Member Representative Conference were held in Hengdian!.

By KingWay