With a bang and the sound of the starting gun, the first Xu Xiake Marathon in Ninghai, 2024, officially started at 8:00 am on March 17th at the West Gate Tower of Ninghai. Nearly 10000 runners gathered together, enjoying the green waters and mountains, the passion of the race, and the joy of sports. In addition, the anti drug propaganda in Ninghai has also started a marathon, calling on the public to participate in anti drug work through group photos and slogans, and jointly helping to create a national anti drug demonstration city..

The anti drug running team, composed of anti drug social workers and volunteers, also made an appearance in the marathon and participated in the 7.5 kilometer long Happy Run race. The contestants wore sports T-shirts with the words “Participate in Drug Control and Build Harmony” and held up promotional boards with the words “Everyone shares happiness in drug control”, becoming a beautiful scenery, conveying the concept of “healthy life, green and non-toxic” to the whole society..

Outside the track, there are also busy figures of anti drug social workers, who not only need to maintain order on site, emergency response to emergencies, but also take every opportunity to carry out anti drug propaganda. They answer public inquiries one-on-one, explain laws and regulations, distribute promotional materials, give souvenirs, invite contestants to hold anti drug slogans and take photos, and share them on their social media..

Infant Bike Seat

The Anti Drug Office of Ninghai County has set up anti drug display boards and banners at the starting, ending, and middle water replenishment points of the marathon race, and placed promotional slogans along the track..

By KingWay