The top of the front of the medal features a digital timing patch design, allowing contestants to record their completion time on the medal, leaving exclusive memories for the “Southern Half Horse” journey..

Ten plum blossoms are embedded above the medal. The plum blossom embodies the qualities of “resilience and pursuit of excellence”, which is very compatible with the spirit of marathon. “10” symbolizes that 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Youth Olympic Games held in Nanjing..

The event logo in the middle of the medal complements the Youth Olympic landmark. The inscription “10th Anniversary of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games” and the logo of the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games are carved above the back of the medal, interpreting the inheritance of the spirit of the Youth Olympic Games. The logo of the Singapore Sundown Marathon represents the collaboration between this event and well-known marathon events in Singapore..

A special plaque engraving design has been added below the medal, allowing runners to carve their own name badge when receiving the bag and embed it into the medal at the end of the race, thus having a unique and exclusive medal..

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The front of the clothing is printed with the landmark of the Youth Olympics – Nanjing Eye Pedestrian Bridge, which is the starting point of the Jiangsu Bank 2024 Nanjing Half Marathon and an important window for understanding the culture of the Youth Olympics in Nanjing. The sharp and dynamic lines represent the marathon track, and are also an important reflection of the youthful vitality of this competition..

The overall design of the competition uniform is white. The clothing design is simple and elegant, with a “finisher” print on the chest, symbolizing the triumph of each finishing athlete..

The competition is divided into four assembly areas, A, B, C, and D, based on the performance of the contestants. The competition will adopt a 4-shot shooting format, with a 15 minute interval between Zone A and Zone B, a 30 minute interval between Zone B and Zone C, and a 15 minute interval between Zone C and Zone D..

Contestants can start from the descending zone (such as those from Zone A who can start from Zone B), but cannot start from the ascending zone..

In terms of medical security, this competition has set up 16 medical security points at the starting and ending points, as well as along the track. 130 backbone medical professionals and 14 emergency vehicles have been drawn from the Nanjing medical system. 200 medical observers/recorders and 60 emergency responders are scientifically distributed throughout the track, equipped with 60 AEDs..

Nanjing First Hospital (Hexi Campus) and Nanjing Mingji Hospital, as designated hospitals for the competition, will open the South Banma Green Rescue Channel and dedicated beds to fully provide medical emergency support for this competition. At the same time, the organizing committee recruited 46 emergency runners for the competition to provide protection for the participants..

According to the needs of the competition, the organizing committee recruited more than 1600 volunteers from universities and some enthusiastic enterprises in Nanning. Volunteer positions are divided into service, competition, medical observation, and other types. All volunteers will organize pre competition drills to better provide comprehensive services to the athletes..

The competition package includes equipment such as an empty top hat, energy glue, and disposable raincoats..

There are a total of 4 beverage/drinking water stations, 4 drinking water/water stations, and 7 energy supply stations along the track. The supply materials include a variety of beverages, fruits, drinking water, water, energy glue, and other supplies..

The track of Jiangsu Bank’s 2024 Nanjing Half Marathon has basically avoided the impact on urban road traffic, and the route is flat; The greening rate on the island reaches 70%, with a peak negative oxygen ion content of over 5000, making it a rare health and wellness track; Huandao River.

By KingWay