The reporter learned from the Jinhua Sports Bureau that the registration for the 2024 Jinhua Marathon officially started at 10:00 am on March 1. Runners can follow “Jinhua Sports” or “Zhongsai Sports” WeChat official account to register..

It is reported that the 2024 Jinhua Marathon is the first national marathon event in Jinhua City. The theme of this competition is “Golden Colorful Eight Wus and Golden Horse Together”, and it will start shooting on March 31st. For different groups, different competition events have been set up, including the men’s and women’s marathon (42.195 kilometers), men’s and women’s half marathon (21.0975 kilometers), and Happy Mini Run (6 kilometers). Runners with different abilities can make differentiated choices. The total number of participants in the competition is 15000, including 4000 for the marathon, 6000 for the half marathon, and 5000 for the Happy Mini Run..

The relevant person in charge of the Competition and Training Department of the Municipal Sports Bureau introduced that currently, our city has held half marathon races in Wucheng, Jindong, Lanxi, Yiwu, Wuyi, Yongkang, and Pan’an. Hengdian in Dongyang has held a full marathon, and the first National Press Half Marathon Invitational was also held in Jinhua City in 2017..

As one of the co hosting cities for the Hangzhou Asian Games, Jinhua has significantly upgraded its urban quality, governance, and civilization. For national fitness, hosting a marathon is a manifestation of the “Asian Games dividend” and also a manifestation of the comprehensive effect of the Jinhua Asian Games. In addition, after the Hangzhou Asian Games, the enthusiasm and attention of Jinhua citizens towards sports have unprecedentedly increased. This competition can not only promote the development of national sports, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole nation to participate and create a good atmosphere for national fitness..

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By KingWay