Competition time: March 24, 2024 (Sunday) 7:30 AM.

March 22, 2024 (Friday): 9:00-18:00.

March 23, 2024 (Saturday): 9:00-20:00.

Within the athletics field (accessible from the east gate, west gate, and north gate).

2. On the morning of the competition day, there is no on-site collection of items. Participants are required to arrive at the designated location within the specified time to collect their participating items..

Self driving athletes can directly navigate to the east gate of No. 1 Lanyin Road at the Lanxi Sports Center, and can enter the west gate of Liyu Road and the north gate of Sports Center Road. They can then walk to the track and field to collect the items..

Take bus route 21/23-A/23-B and get off at the Sports Center Station.


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Reply to the Dongyang Talent Subsidy to receive the Dongyang Living/Talent Purchase (Rental) Housing Subsidy Guide.

Reply to the Yongkang Talent Subsidy to receive the Yongkang Life/Talent Housing Subsidy Guide.

Banana Seat Bicycle

Click to read the original text and obtain the complete guide of Jinhua’s “Spring Flower Appreciation”.

By KingWay