The 2024 Ninghai Marathon will fire on March 17th. To ensure the accuracy of the marathon route, on the afternoon of March 5th, Zhang Jianning, an international track and field referee and surveyor appointed by the China Athletics Association, conducted official measurements of the 2024 Ninghai Marathon track..

Before the official start, Teacher Zhang Jianning and the staff of the Ninghai Marathon Organizing Committee installed Jones counters on the front wheels of road bicycles to better determine the position per kilometer and measure the distance of the race track..

The measurement of the 2024 Ninghai Marathon track adopts the “calibrated bicycle measurement method” in accordance with international standards, which means that the surveyor rides along the marathon track to measure the mileage of the track, and the counter records the number of bicycle wheel rotations to calculate the track mileage and ultimately determine the length of the track..

The bicycle marking method is a “primitive” measurement method, which can only simulate the actual running route of athletes most realistically and achieve accurate measurement by relying on the bicycle and the Jones counter installed on the bicycle, rolling over every inch of the road surface with the bicycle wheels..

Subsequently, Teacher Zhang Jianning and the staff of the organizing committee of the competition used a steel ruler to mark a 300 meter straight section on a flat road. The entire process had corresponding requirements for the ruler’s tension, temperature, humidity, and even atmospheric pressure..

After determining the distance, Teacher Zhang Jianning rode a bicycle with a Jones counter back and forth four times. Based on the data on the Jones counter, the average value was calculated to obtain a conversion coefficient, which was used as a reference to measure the entire track..

During the measurement process, Teacher Zhang Jianning rode at a constant speed, stopped every kilometer, accurately recorded the data, and designated and described the location of the kilometers. The accompanying staff immediately checked the detailed data, marked and described the location of each kilometer, and took photos for archiving..

Adhering to the respect for every runner, even in drizzle and cold weather, the organizing committee of the Ninghai Marathon always maintains a serious and meticulous attitude, accurately calculating every kilometer, and adjusting and optimizing the details of the track, striving to present the first Ninghai Marathon race track perfectly..

In addition to professional track surveyors and staff, the traffic police department has dispatched traffic support vehicles and related personnel to ensure that the surveyors’ riding speed and route are not affected by traffic, and to ensure the safety of surveyors..

Finally, after more than 7 hours of intense work, the measurement work of the 2024 Ninghai Marathon track was successfully completed. The organizing committee will conduct on-site survey and approval based on the measurement report, and scientifically arrange drinking water stations, supply stations, medical stations, and other locations..

The overall smoothness of the Ninghai Marathon track covers the classic landscapes, urban landmarks, celebrity residences, and tourist attractions of Ninghai, allowing athletes to fully experience the Xiake culture and urban charm of Ninghai while running to their heart’s content..

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The organizing committee of Ninghai Marathon will also make preparations for the event, so that every athlete who comes to Ninghai can feel the full sincerity of Ninghai and the organizing committee of Ninghai Marathon..

By KingWay