Fourthly, the color of urine is getting darker and darker.

However, if you notice a gradual increase in your meditation rate, it may be a warning sign of overtraining.

Firstly, your meditation rate is getting higher and higher.

Under normal circumstances, the recovery time of the body should gradually shorten, indicating that your body’s ability to gradually adapt to exercise has increased.

Thirdly, after exercise, the recovery time of the body becomes longer and longer.

When your running speed gradually slows down and even if you try to increase your effort, you cannot reach the previous level, this may be a signal of physical fatigue and overtraining.

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Possible causes include muscle damage, nervous system fatigue, and accumulation of metabolites.

However, if you find that your urine is getting darker and darker, it may indicate excessive exercise.

But running friends will always inexplicably start to pursue speed in the process of running.

During running, the body releases water through sweating, and if you don’t replenish it properly, it can lead to dehydration

Meditation rate refers to the heart rate of the body during a resting state.

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The color of urine can reflect the body’s water status.

Overtraining may lead to insufficient recovery of the body, leading to increased cardiovascular burden and decreased immune function.

If your body’s recovery time is significantly prolonged, consider reducing running volume and increasing rest and recovery time to help the body recover and repair damaged tissues.

If your meditation rate exceeds the normal range, it is recommended to reduce your running volume and give your body more rest time.

Under normal circumstances, after appropriate rest, your running speed should gradually return to normal levels.

Secondly, the running speed is getting slower and slower.

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Under normal circumstances, as the body adapts to running, your meditation rate will decrease, indicating a healthier cardiovascular system.

Pursuit of PB will lead to careless excessive exercise.

If the body can speak, “it” may cry! Many runners cannot hear these situations at all, so you need to be careful! Don’t joke about your body…

Under normal circumstances, sufficient water intake can cause urine to appear light yellow or colorless.

However, when you notice that the recovery time of your body gradually prolongs after running, it means that your body cannot effectively cope with fatigue and injuries caused by exercise.

If the speed cannot recover for a long time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of running to give the body enough recovery time.

A decrease in running speed may indicate issues such as muscle fatigue, insufficient energy, and excessive activation of the nervous system.

By KingWay