Novice runners may make rapid progress at the beginning, but later discover that the closer they get to their expected goals, the harder it is to make a small progress.

Undoubtedly, long-distance running can make a person stronger, but it also makes a person slower and slower because always running long distances will prevent you from engaging in other high-intensity training.

Pursuing speed can make some runners forget the importance of rest and recovery, continuously increasing intensity, and greatly damaging their physical condition.

They will train accordingly for these goals, but often they will achieve nothing.

Most runners have many, many goals, perhaps to run faster and farther, or to complete multiple races.

The goal should be clear.

Therefore, I hope you who love running must take the following points seriously# 01.

When muscles lose flexibility, it greatly increases the risk of muscle sprains or tendinitis.

They tried hard to achieve their goals, but lacked patience.

We all know that running a long distance of over 30 kilometers is necessary before preparing for a marathon, but we must first clarify the purpose of running such a long distance.

If you ignore the signs of injury from your body, you may experience physical injury

Its purpose is not just to accumulate more time for both feet to jog.

Compared to accumulated mileage, achieving healthy, injury free, and long-lasting running is the key.

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The best intensity for long-distance training should be around 10% -20% slower than the marathon target pace.

In fact, runners need to know that running is a gradual process, don’t think about “eating big fat in one go”, settle down and take your time# 03 Insufficient preparation, don’t worry about long-distance running.

If you use a heart rate band, the pace for long-distance training should be controlled at 74% -84% of the maximum heart rate.

Running has become synonymous with a sunny and positive lifestyle in the minds of runners, but for both beginners and advanced runners, there are always people who fall into the misconception of “running farther, faster, stronger”.

For ordinary runners, the main way to increase their running volume is to use long-distance running, and long-distance jogging has become the most popular way for runners.

In addition, due to the high energy consumption of long-distance running, Muscles that are always in a state of fatigue can also increase the risk of injury.

We should focus on a specific goal, improve the training content after completing the training for the first goal, and carry out training for the next goal# Don’t be too eager to succeed.

This pace is the most efficient long-distance running# 04 Be alert to the risk of injury.

By KingWay